Solas heroes Battleforce

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Models falling in tabletop games will not automatically reduce Esailia's crew rating, instead the crew rating will drop based on the Rogue Trader's margin of defeat. If the player's are victorious, they are assumed to "recruit" prisoners from the opponents force to cover their losses.
Independent Characters : These characters are too hardy to kill in the chaos of a large scale conflict, and as such will not die if they are removed from play. If their opponent is victorious, fallen characters will likely be captured and held for ransom or other appropriate plot device.


Crew Foreman

Cost: 8 points
WS/ 4
BS/ 4
S/ 3
T/ 3
W/ 2
I/ 4
A/ 2
Ld/ 9
Save/ 5+
Gear: Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
Special Rules: Command Squad.
Command Squad : A Crew Foreman may be accompanied by a squad of crewmen.
Crack The Whip : A Crew Foreman may remove a model from his retinue to automatically pass a leadership test. This may be done after the test has been rolled.

Jarrian York

0-1 per army
Cost: 100 points
WS/ 4
BS/ 3
S/ 4
T/ 3
W/ 2
I/ 4
A/ 2
Ld/ 10
Save/ 4+
Gear: Plasma Pistol and Power Sword. Carapace Armor. Val the Servo Skull
Special Rules: Independent Character, Retinue, Exceptional Leader.
Retinue :Jarrian York may be accompanied by a retinue of Veteran Crewmen or Armageddon 346th Expeditionary Guardsmen. If the latter option is taken this reduces the number that can be taken as Elite choices by 1.
Exceptional Leader : Once during each player turn Jarrian York may allow a single unit within 12" or a unit he has joined to re-roll their to hit roll, armor save, difficult or dangerous terrain, or leadership test. Jarrian York may never benefit from this rule.
Val the Servo Skull : Val has the same stats as a crewman and is counted as being armed only with a close combat weapon. He always accompanies Jarrian York and does not take up a space in a transport.He also allows Jarrian York to re-roll one shooting to hit roll per turn and grants him the acute senses special rule while he is on the table.

Macharius Johnstonne

0-1 per army
Cost: 100 points.
WS/ 3
BS/ 3
S/ 4
T/ 5
W/ 3
I/ 4
A/ 1
Ld/ 9
Save/ 5+
Gear: Hellpistol, Close Combat Weapon. Xeno Mesh Armor.
Special Rules: Independent Character, Retinue, Experimentation, America Runs on Dunkin.
Retinue :Macharius Johnstonne may be accompanied by a retinue of Veteran Crewmen. These are normal crewmen in every respect.
Experimentation : If Macharius Johnstonne selects a retinue he may tamper with their DNA before the battle. He may select only one of the following modification at the specified cost.
Chem Heads : At a cost of +4 points per model the retinue gains +1 Initiative and +1 Weapon Skill.
Meat Shields : At a cost of +5 points per model the retinue gains the Feel no Pain special rule.
America Runs on Dunkin : Macharius Johnstonne may not run. This penalty is inflicted on any unit he joins.
The Lidless Stare : Enemy units attempting to assault Macharius or a unit he has joined must pass a leadership test. If the test is failed the assault is successful but no bonuses are gained for initiating the assault.

Malechi Darrius


Armageddon 346th Expeditionary Guardsmen

Cost/ Squad Size: 10 points per model. Each squad consists of 10 Steel Legion Guardsmen and one Sergeant.
WS/ 4
BS/ 4
S/ 3
T/ 3
W/ 1
I/ 4
A/ 1
Ld/ 9
Save/ 5+
Gear: Lasguns, Frag and Krak Grenades
Special Rules: Infiltrate, Preferred Enemy Orks, Survivors of the Menetoth.
Survivors of the Menetoth : The 346th is treated as Independent Characters for the purposes of being removed in a battle. As such, they will not die, rather be laid low by wounds or captured by the enemy if removed from play.



Cost/ Squad Size: 5 points per model. Each squad consists of between 10 and 20 models.
WS/ 4
BS/ 4
S/ 3
T/ 3
W/ 1
I/ 3
A/ 1
Ld/ 9
Save/ 6+
Gear: Laspistols.
Options: One Crewman per squad may exchange their laspistol for a heavy stubber for +10 points.
Special: Squads of Crewmen do not count towards the maximum troop choices for a force.

Fast Attack

Thunderhawk Transport

Cost: 350 Points.
Fire Points: 0
Structure Points: 3
Transport Capacity: 50 Size points worth of models.
Access: 1 hatch on each side and 1 forward hatch.
Weapons: 1 hull mounted twin linked heavy bolter. 2 Hull mounted lascannons.
Ceramite Plating: Melta weapons never roll an extra die for armor penetration against this vehicle.
Options: The two lascannons may be replace with a single twin linked lascannon for no additional cost.

Heavy Support

Orbital Strike

Cost: 60 Points
Strength: 8
Armor Penetration: 1
Notes: Ordinance Blast, Pinning
Plotting : Orbital Strikes must be keyed to a specific terrain peice at the start of the battle. Make a note of the plotted point befroe forces are deployed but after deployment zones have been determined.
Timing : An Orbital Strike always uses the Reserve special rule even in missions where it is not normally allowed. Once the Orbital Strike is available, it lands in each shooting phase of the Rogue Trader players turn thereafter. The Rogue Trader player can opt to not roll for the onset of the strike if he wishes, but once the test has been passed, the strikes will continue each turn until the end of the game.
Placement : The blast marker for the srike can be placed anywhere within the specified terrain piece. If the terrain piece is too small, make sure the center hole of the template is over the terrain piece in question.
Inaccuracy : All Orbital Srikes use the deviation rules for Ordinance but if a miss is rolled the distance it scatters is doubled. If a hit is rolled the template deviates by the amount shown on the dice.
Officer's Authorization Required : An Orbital Strike may only be chosen if Jarrian York, Macharius Johnstonne, or Malechi Darrius is also part of the force.