Ninjas and Demons:Jaken-Ittou

The Demon Jaken-Ittou is one of the most powerful beings enslaved by Master Koji. Little is known of the demon, who usually chooses to communicate only with a cutting smile, or with a few words, delivered in an obviously insincere honeyed tone, but carefully selected for their calculated cruelty. Jaken-Ittou drinks, and spars, and flirts, and does Master Koji's bidding, but he truly loves only two things: drawing tears with his words, and drawing blood with his blades.
Jaken-Ittou is nearly human in appearance; he is tall, and handsome, with flowing brown hair and red eyes. A demonic sigil, which glows faintly red, mars the smooth flesh of his forehead. He favors a suit of red-black armor, with blades projecting from the shoulders, but purely as a matter of style; there is nothing special about the armor, and his own skin is far more resistant to harm.
While Master Koji's work is often interesting, Jakken-Ittou does not bear his servitude lightly. Master Koji unleahses him upon the clan only when a particularly brutal example is needed, and it pains the demon that he is forbidden to slake his cruelty on the Black Tiger clan members who surround him most of the time. Not that he would harm them all, or even many of them, for a blade loses its edge when swung too freely, but he hates that the choice is not his. Someday, Jakken-Ittou promises himself, he will slip Koji's bindings, and his former master will learn pain truly means.
Jakken-Ittou wields Spite and Malice, twin daggers that are formed of his own demonic essence. They are mere extensions of his will, and if they are broken or taken away, he can reform them in his hands at will (that's why they are Weapons rather than Items).
- Body 8
- Mind 6
- Soul 4
- ACV: 6 (9 with Melee Attack: Spite and Malice)
- DCV: 6 (9 with Melee Defense: Spite and Malice)
- DM: 7 (+2 from Super Strength 2)
- HP: 85 (+25 from Toughness)
- EN: 50
- Shock: 17
Basic Attack
Unarmed Strike Lvl 0 Weapon, Stun, Non-Penetrating Deals 6 damage per swing
Items: Spite and Malice
Lvl 5 Swords (melee, penetrating 2) Deal 44 damage per swing, ignoring 8 armor
- Armor (Rank 10, 20 CP) Jaken-Ittou is supernaturally resilient.
- Combat Technique (Rank 3, 6 CP)
- Blind Fighting (No penalties for attacking or defending with melee weapons or unarmed in poor light, absolute darkness, or against invisible opponents.)
- Deflection (Deflect ranged attacks harmlessly on a successful defense roll.)
- Two Weapons (Either reduce the penalties for attacking with two melee/ranged weapons by one grade, or gain Extra Defense Rank 1 and suffer a -1 penalty to attacks; choice lasts until action next round.)
- Extra Defenses (Rank 2, 10 CP, 2 additional defensive actions per round)
- Item: Leather Armor (3 CP) Jaken-Ittou wears it for style, but that doesn't mean it isn't real.
- Melee Attack: Spite and Malice (Rank 3, 9 CP)
- Melee Defense: Spite and Malice (Rank 3, 9 CP)
- Special Movement (Rank 1, 2 CP)
- Fast (Double Body to determine movement rate) Jaken-Ittou is very quick.
- Super Strength (Rank 2, 16CP) He's also really strong.
- Telepathy (Rank 2, 10 CP. Restriction: humans only, range 100 meters, 5 targets, deplete 1 EP/10 minutes) And he reads minds. You can't really hurt people until you know them.
- Telepathy (Rank 2, 1 CP. Restriction: demons only, deplete 1 EP/minute)
- Toughness (Rank 5, 10 CP, +25 additional HP) Was it mentioned that Jaken-Ittou is supernaturally resilient?
- Weapon: Spite (Level 5, Penetrating 2, 6 CP)
- Secondary Weapon: Reckless Spite (18 CP, see above)
- Weapon: Malice (Level 5, Penetrating 2, 6 CP)
- Secondary Weapon: Shards of Malice (12 CP, see above)
- Wealth
- Organization Ties
- Acrobatics Rank 4 (Balance) - 12 CP
- Interrogation Rank 4(Psychological) - 8 CP
- Occult Rank 4 (Demons) - 8 CP
- Seduction Rank 2 (Physical) - 4 CP
- Stealth Rank 4 (Silent Movement) - 8 CP