Shevinu’s Notes

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While Shevinu was one of the Scrollbearers, he kept notes on his allies. Shevinu’s Notes were written as a dossier, or report, to his higher-ups. According to the notes, he reported to fellow agents of Izrador.

For an unknown reason, these notes ended up in the hands of the Scrollbearers following a battle with Bashili and a dru-gal's minions. The reason, if there is one, that the Scrollbearers now hold these notes is unclear.

Language Elements

The notes are written primarily in the Sarcosan's Colonial language and alphabet. The primary languages used in written communication between legates are Colonial and Erenlander, so perhaps the notes were intended for a legate, or legates. The notes are also written in High Elvish, so perhaps the notes were meant for a mixed audience.

The front page of the notes, and many entries, are written in an unidentified language, using a strange alphabet unfamiliar to the Scrollbearers. Currently the only way for the Scrollbearers to read these entries is by using Cyrus's comprehend languages spell, but it may be possible in the future for someone to study and learn this language.

Danning can read High Elvish, but not Colonial or the encoded text. Danning may read Shevinu's Notes in Elven without any special preparation.

Cyrus can read Colonial, which compromises the bulk of the notes. Cyrus may read Shevinu's Notes in Colonial without any special preparation.

When Cyrus has the comprehend languages spell active, he is capable of reading the encoded text as well. This is extremely useful, as it likely contains the most important information, due to it being guarded more strongly than the rest of the text. Cyrus may read Shevinu's Translated Notes when this spell is active.

Bihlbo 19:54, 16 October 2005 (PDT)

Midnight: the SCROLL BARERS