Tjalbjørn Askelson
Character Information
- Name: Tjalbjørn Askelson
- Race: Human
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Character Level: 3
- Age: 26
- Height: 6'1"
- Weight: 170lb
- Skin: pale
- Eyes: blue
- Hair: blonde, tousled
Tjalbjörn is of normal height and brawny-built. He is more of a lone wanderer than a social type, although he likes listening to stories, singing songs or just having company from time to time. Whith his tousled hair, his three-day beard and his often draggled outdoor-clothes, Tjalbjörn is a turn-off for subtle folks but gets along well with hunters and simple people.
- Strength 16 (+3)
- Dexterity 15 (+2)
- Constitution 12 (+1)
- Intelligence 10 (+0)
- Wisdom 16 (+3)
- Charisma 10 (0)
Class Features
- Sneak Attack (+1d6)
- Trapfinding
- Favoured Enemy (1st)
- Track
- Wild Empathy
- All simple and martial weapons
- Light armour, but no shields
Total skill points 50. Class skills are italized.
- Appraise -
- Balance +4
- Bluff -
- Climb +5
- Concentration -
- Craft (furrier) +1
- Decipher Script -
- Diplomacy -
- Disable Device +1
- Disguise -
- Escape Artist -
- Forgery -
- Gather Information -
- Handle Animal +2
- Heal -
- Hide +4
- Intimidate +3
- Jump +5
- Knowledge
- Dungeoneering -
- Geography +2
- Local +1
- Nature +3
- Listen +7
- Move Silently +4
- Open Lock +4
- Perform -
- Profession -
- Ride +4
- Search +2
- Sense Motive +5
- Sleight Of Hand -
- Speak Language -
- Spellcraft -
- Spot +8
- Survival +7
- Swim +5
- Tumble +5
- Use Magic Device -
- Use Rope -
- Norse
- Blind-Fight
- Dodge
- Mobility
- Two-Wepaon Fighting (per 2nd Level Ranger Combat Style)
- Initiative: +2
- Speed: 30 ft.
- Saving Throws
- Fortitude: +4
- Reflex: +7
- Will: +3
- AC: 16
- Touch AC: 12
- Flatfooted: 14
- BAB: +2
- Melee: +5
- Ranged: +4
- Damage bonus
- Melee: +3
- Ranged: +2
- Hit Points: 16
- Current: 16
Favoured Enemy
- Goblinoid
- +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls
- +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks.
Animal Companion
-not yet-
- Morningstar, masterwork (+1 to hit, 1d8 bludgeoning/piercing, crit x2, 6 lb.)
- Short sword, masterwork (+1 to hit, 1d6 piercing, crit 19-20/×2, 2 lb.)
- Dagger, masterwork (+1 to hit, 1d4 piercing, crit x2, 1 lb.)
- Shortbow (range 60 ft., 1d6 piercing, crit x3, 2 lb.)
- Arrows (2x 20)
- Chain shirt, masterwork (+4 AC, -1 check penalty, 25 lb.)
Other Gear
- Explorer's outfit (8 lb.)
- Pouch, belt
- Antitoxin (1x)
- Chalk
- Fishhook
- Signal whistle
- Thunderstone (1x) (1 lb.)
- Backpack 2lb
- Rope (50ft) 5lb (2)
- Bedroll 5lb (1)
- Rations 1lb (2)
- Waterskin 4lb
- Everburning torch 1lb (1)
- Flint/steel (1)
- Candle (10) (1)
- Waterskin (4 lb.)
- Thunderstone (1x) (1 lb.)
- Tindertwig (10)
- Magnifying glass (1)
- Thieves' tools, masterwork 2lb (1)
- Mule
- Pack saddle (15 lb.)
- Tent (20 lb.)
- Rations (4x) (4 lb.)
- Waterskin 4lb (
- Rope (50ft) (5 lb.)
- Grappling hook 4lb
- Pole (10ft) 8lb (1)
- Climber's kit (5 lb.)
- Healer's kit (1 lb.)
- Lantern, hooded (2 lb.)
- Oil (4x) (4 lb.
- Flint/steel
- Crowbar (5 lb.)
- Mirror (1)
- Flask (3) (1)
- Soap 1lb (1)
- Sack (2)
- Whetstone 1lb (1)
Total Weight
- Arms and armour: 30lb
- Other gear: 40.5lb
- Everything: 70.5lb
Carrying Capacity
- Tjalbjørn_Askelson
- Light: 76 lb. or less.
- Medium: 77-153 lb.
- Heavy: 154-230 lb.
- Mule
- Light: 230 pounds or less.
- Medium: 231-460 pounds.
- Heavy: 461-690 pounds.