Nobilis Strike while the Iron is Hot:Other

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A group, consisting of the school president and his subordinates. The President hated the Nobles for having so many of his soldiers killed, all of whom he considered friends. When they came back, he more or less likes the Nobles, as shown when he managed to bypass some small hindrances for Meganekko. He also approves, although not officially, of the treatment of one of his more arrogant and foolhardy subordinates by Leviathan, who didn't exactly act politely towards her.


Mysterious Woman & Gentleman

Unknown identity, sold Ambrosia to Leviathan only moments after the PCs promised to provid Ambrosia for the party. For this, he promised to perform an action of their choice at a future point, as a medium favor. He also promised to avoid taking a specific action at some point in the future, that the woman will tell him when the time comes. Surely there is nothing bad about this at all!