Baku the Explosionist
Baku the Explosionist
"You just don't get it, do you? I can blow up anything!"
Baku the Explosionist was born as one of two magical twins. Her sister came to be known as Star Magician Mindy, and the two used to romp around town as a magical twin evil-fighting sensation (when Baku was then known as Flare Magician Baku). Mindy, however, disagreed with Baku's flagrant disregard for collateral damage and her penchant for excessive displays of massive power. Mindy officially decided to cut Baku out of her operations and go solo after Baku accidentally destroys the home of a boy Mindy liked while fighting a yellow cyclopic space turtle. Angry, bitter, and always under the impression that she was the more "badass" of the sisters anyway, Baku decides to go to villain school in preparation to make a sudden comeback; as Star Magician Mindy's most nefarious nemesis, Baku the Explosionist!
Stats (160 Spent)
Body 6
Mind 3
Soul 7
ACV: 7 unarmed (5 + 2 Melee Attack)/ 9 for spells (5 + 4 Ranged Attack)
DCV: 7 (5 + 2 Ranged/Melee Defense)
Damage Multiplier: 7 (5 +2 Massive Damage)
HP: 60
EN: 50 / 70 when transformed (+20 from Energy Bonus)
Shock: 12
Attributes (159 Spent)
Dynamic Powers - Explosions (Rank 2, 40 CP)
-- Allows Baku to make small, all-purpose explosions. Able to affect non-living matter, like chairs, tiling, or air. Baku makes liberal use of these explosions for trivial things, like opening doors.
Jumping (Rank 3, 6 CP) - Can jump 30x the distance of a normal human.
Special Movement (Rank 2, 4 CP)
-- Fast
-- Wall-Bouncing
Ranged Attack - Spells (Rank 4, 12 CP)
Ranged Defense - Personal (Rank 2, 6 CP)
Melee Attack - Unarmed (Rank 2, 6 CP)
Melee Defense - Personal (Rank 2, 6 CP)
Massive Damage - All (Rank 2, 20 CP)
Alternate Form - Baku the Explosionist (Rank 3, 15 CP)
-- DRAWBACK: Activation -2 (Takes a whole action to transform. All magical girls -even evil- need a transformation sequence)
-- DRAWBACK: Detectable -2 (Baku makes a loud explosion when she transforms)
Unknown Power (26 CP. Have fun! =D)
Features - Pretty (Rank 3, 3 CP) - All Magical Girls ought to be pretty and cute, even if she is a destructive force of nature.
Skill - Acrobatics: Heroic Stunts (Rank 3, 9 CP) Skill - Intimidate: Heroic Taunts (Rank 3, 6 CP)
Defects (Gained 19 CP)
Nemesis (Rank 3, 3 CP) - Star Magician Mindy, Baku's goody two-shoes twin sister. Wields cosmic star magic and fights in the name of love and justice. A good-natured, polite girl, but also incredibly airheaded.
Nemesis (Rank 3, 3 CP) - A mysterious masked casanova by the name of the "Moonlight Butler", a handsome young man in a fine suit and a classy white mask who seems to swoop in mysteriously to save Star Magician Mindy when she's in a pinch. Much to Baku's chagrin, Mindy is completely oblivious to the fact that the Moonlight Butler is actually a boy who goes to Mindy's school that Mindy has a crush on.
Less Capable - Reason (Major Defect, 3 CP) - Baku is convinced that there's absolutely nothing you can't solve with a big enough explosion. Attempting to argue this is a personal safety risk, AND an environmental hazard risk.
Phobia - Ghosts (Rank 2, 2 CP) - Despite her tough, mean and nasty demeanor, Baku is still just a fifteen year old girl who is absolutely terrified of ghost stories and the ghosts mentioned therein. Sufficiently frightening Baku will send her screaming uncharacteristically like a girl, while fleeing in terror and blasting everything in her path to get away; an endeavor that is equal parts amusing and hazardous.
Phobia - Tentacle Monsters (Rank 2, 2 CP) - All Magical Girls dread tentacle monsters. By principle, a Magical Girl simply cannot defeat tentacle monsters, and inevitably the vile creature will "handle" them inappropriately. Even more dreadful than the monsters itself is the string of doujinshi that will be drawn as a result of the embarrassing encounter.
Skeleton in the Closet (Rank 2, 4 CP) - Baku DID once enjoy some spotlight as a Magical Girl, which means somewhere in the world, there's embarrassing promotional merchandise of her during her Magical Girl glory days. Even though she officially quit, there's still the rare chance a search on eBay will bring up some out-of-print "Flare Magician Baku" products, the most embarrassing of which is a dakimakura that Baku doesn't even remember signing to. Baku has yet to explode the house of the man who made it, and the home of every man who owns one.
Wanted (Rank 1, 2 CP) - A former Magical Girl walking into a school of villains means there's a few there that she may or may not have fought before, or would-be villains who know/are related to a villain that was bested by the Starfire Magic Twins in the past. Baku tries her best to subvert this by not wearing her costume all the time and wearing a regular school uniform, but it doesn't help that she blasts everything in sight and constantly announces her name.
Alternate Form: Combustomancer, Baku the Explosionist (30 CP)
-- DRAWBACK: Activation (Rank 2, 2 CP) Her transformation sequences involves her throwing down a bomb while the licks of flame wrap around her and form her clothes. You can only see a silhouette of her body because of all the darned smoke. This sequence takes one whole turn. -- DRAWBACK: Detectable (Rank 2, 2 CP) Flashy and explosive as ever, even her transformation sequence involves a loud explosion!
Energy Bonus (Rank 2, 4 CP) - +20 EN while transformed Flight (Rank 2, 12 CP) - Travels 30 kph, roughly 18 mph) -- DRAWBACK: Blast Takeoff (Unique) That's right, Baku even leaves an explosion when she takes off to fly. Anyone or anything standing within 1m of Baku when she takes off receives 10 damage Armor (Rank 2, 4 CP) - Armor Rating 4 Baku never really liked her white silk Flare Magician Baku costume. She always thought kevlar would be much more practical.
Weapon Attacks
Blast Flare (Rank 2, 2 CP) - Deals 23 damage
+ Area 2 (3m radius)
+ Range 1 (10m Range)
+ Flare 2 (Struck enemies roll Body 14 to resist Blindness, which lasts a number of turns equal to the fail margin)
- Depleting (-1, Costs 10 EN)
- Detectable (-2)
- Charges (-3, usable only 4-6 times per day)
Blast Nova (Rank 2, 2 CP) - Deals 23 damage
+ Area 3 (10m radius)
+ Flare 3 (Struck enemies roll Body 15 to resist Blindness, etc.)
- Depleting (-1, Costs 10 EN)
- Detectable (-2)
- Charges (-3, usable only 4-6 times per day)
Particle Cluster Bomb (Rank 1, 1 CP) - Deals 16 damage per hit
+ Autofire (Extra hits for each 3 above the hit margin)
+ Spreading 2 (-2 to defense rolls, hits 2 adjacent targets)
+ Range 1 (10m Range)
- Depleting (-1, costs 10 EN)
- Detectable (-2)\
- Charges (-3, usable only 4-6 times per day)\
Gigaton Calamity Blast (Rank 5, 5 CP) **Signature Move**, Deals 44 damage per hit
+ Area 7 (1 km long beam, 9m wide)
+ Spread 3 (-3 to defense rolls, hits 3 adjacent targets)
+ Penetrate 2 (Ignores 8 armor)
+ Piercing 2 (Ignores 16 Force Field armor)
+ Flare 2 (Struck enemies roll Body 14 to avoid Blindness, etc.)
+ Autofire (Extra hits for each 3 above the hit margin)
- Charges (-9, usable only once per day)
- Detectable (-3, it's a huge friggin' explosion-beam!)
- Backblast (Allies behind Baku take 2 damage when this move goes off)
- Depleting (-3, costs 30 EN to use)
- Condition (Cannot use unless HP is 1/2 or less) *Unique
- Activation (-1, cannot move or defend in the same round this power is used).