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Character Sheet Format
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Write a brief history of your PC here.
Character Details
- Name: Iskilli
- Race: Human
- Cults:-
- Rune Level: none
- Initiate: Humakt, subcult Erain Ardeth
- Lay Member: Orlanth
- Social Condition: Townsman (Alda Chur)
- Sex: Male
- Previous Experience: Medium Infantry mercenary company
- Abilities:-
- Sex appeal (+4 CHA to sexual interests)
- Poor relationship with all saurians (-4 reaction, will attack you in preference to others)
- Gift & Geas (Humakt) - Sense assassin ability and Never use a large shield
- Gift & Geas (Erain Ardeth) - +5% all offhand sword use, never use any shield
Str: 17, Con: 15(temp 7), Siz: 16, Int: 15, Pow: 13, Dex: 14:, Cha: 12.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d6
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +1 HP
- Experience bonus: +9%
- Encumberance limit: 16 currently 12
Skill Groups
Asterisk indicates cult skill
- Agility: +5%
- Dance (30%/5%): n%
- Style:-
- Dodge (15%): 35%
- Climb (25%): 35%
- Jump (25%): 35%
- Tumbling (25%): n%
- Dance (30%/5%): n%
- Aim: +10%
- Catch (25%): 35%
- Throw (25%): 45%
- Knowledge: +5%
- Evaluate (10%):-
- Treasure: 15%
- Trade Goods: 15%
- Art: 15%
- Read/Write Language (10/0%):-
- Swordspeech: Read 15% / Write 5%
- Animal Lore (5%):-
- Find cattle food: 25%
- Hunting: 25%
- Tending/Herding: 25%
- Training: 25%
- Folk Lore (30%)
- Sartarite/Tarshite: 35%
- Human: 35%
- Mineral Lore (5%):-
- Mining: 10%
- Caving: 10%
- Assess Mineral: 10%
- Plant Lore (5%):-
- Find healing plants: 25%
- Identify plants: 25%
- Farming: 25%
- World lore (5%):-
- Find Water: 25%
- Survival: 25%
- Weatherlore: 25%
- Healing lore: (10%):-
- Identify disease: n%
- Indentify poison: n%
- Doctoring: n%
- Martial arts (0%): n%
- River Lore (20%): n%
- Spirit Lore (5%): n%
- Star lore (Navigation)(10%):-
- Trailblazing: n%
- Seaborne: n%
- Evaluate (10%):-
- Manipulation[Body]: +20%
- Boating (10%): 30%
- Sailing (5%): n%
- Craft, Physical (30%/10%) Sp:-
- Armour/weapon/shield making: 65%*
- Masonry/architect: 30%
- Peaceful Cut/butchery: 30%
- Shiphandling: 30%
- Teamster/packhandler: 30%
- Swimming (15%): 35%
- Riding (5%): 50%*
- Running (25%): n%
- Drive Cart/wagon (15%): n%
- Manipulation[Fine]: +10%
- First aid (10%): 85%*
- Treat disease/poison (5): 50%*
- Sleight of hand (15%):-
- Hide item: 25%
- Pick pockets: 25%
- Palm object: 25%
- Craft, Fine (30%/10)% Sp:-
- Map making: 40%
- Netmaking: 20%
- Gemsmith/Jewelcraft: 20%
- Brewing: 20%
- Trapsmith: 20%
- Locksmith: 20%
- Devices (5):-
- Lock pick: 15%
- Trap set/disarm: 15%
- Feign Death (10): n%
- Foil Restraints (0): n%
- Play Instrument (Var): n%
- Perception: +5%
- Listen (25%): 60%
- Scan (25%): 75%*
- Sense (5%):-
- Ambush: n%
- Chaos: n%
- Assassin (25%): 35%*
- Spot (5%):-
- Hidden items: 45%
- Trap: 45%
- Taste analysis (5%): n%
- Tracking (10%): 45%
- Stealth: +5%
- Camouflage (10%): 55%*
- Hide (15%): 50%
- Move quietly (15%): 20%
- Ambush (5)%: 10%
- Shadowing (10%): n%
- Swim Quietly (Sp.): n%
- Communication: +5%
- Bargain (10%): 15%
- Orate (10%): 70%*
- Sing (5%): 10%
- Speak Tarshite: 80%
- Speak Tradetalk: (0%): 20%
- Speak Swordspeech (0%): 20%
- Understand beast speech (10%): n%
- Voice Mimicry (5%): n%
- Social: +5%
- Acting (10%): n%
- Bribery (20%): n%
- Fast talk (20%): 25%
- Disguise (10%): n%
- Wise (30%/10%/5%):-
- Streetwise: 15%
- Courtliness: 40%
- Nomad ways: 10%
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Full Helm and Padded Hood | 6 | 7 | 2 | 19-20 |
Left Arm | Plate Vambrace & Padding | 5 | 7 | 1 | 16-18 |
Right Arm | Plate Vambrace & Padding | 5 | 7 | 1 | 13-15 |
Chest | Light Chain Hauberk & Heavy Padding | 7 | 6 | 1.5 | 12 |
Abdomen | Light Chain Hauberk & Heavy Padding | 6 | 6 | 1.5 | 09-11 |
Left Leg | Plate Greaves & Padding | 6 | 7 | 1 | 05-08 |
Right Leg | Plate Greaves & Padding | 6 | 7 | 1 | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: 16
- Total armour ENC: 9
- Move silently reduction: -45%
Weapons and Shields
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +20% (+25% for offhand sword)
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +5% (+10% for offhand sword)
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +10%
- Strike Ranks: Siz: 1 + Dex:2 = 3
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
RH Bastard Sword | 1d10+1+1d6 | 5 | 20 | 90%* | 15%* | 1.2 | 1 |
RH Dagger | 1d4+2+1d6 | 7 | 12 | 85% | 30% | melee | 0 |
LH Short Sword | 1d?+1d6 | ? | 20? | 30% | 50%* | melee | ? |
Heavy Crossbow (2H) | 2d6+2 | 1/3MR | 10 | 60% | pry% | 120 | 2 |
Throwing Knife (x2) | 1d4+1d3 | S/MR | 12 | 25% | 20% | 20 | 0 |
Fist | 1d3+1d6 | 7 | arm | 65% | 55% | melee | 0 |
Kick | 1d6+1d6 | 7 | leg | 65% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Head Butt | 1d4+1d6 | 7 | head | 50% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Grapple | Special | 7 | special | 65% | pry% | melee | 0 |
- Total weapon ENC: 5 (swap shield for s.sword...?)
- Power:-
- Current Characteristic POW: 13
- Current Available POW: 13
- Current Stored POW: 25 (Crystal 12 & Crystal 13). Spent: 9 [spell / spell]
- Currently: Countermagic 1; Bladesharp 4 (RH), Parry 2 (LH), then Multimissile 2
- Spirit One
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Spirit Two
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Spirit Three
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Battle Magic:
- Bladesharp 4, Parry 2, Detect Enemies (1), Demoralize (1), Multimissile 2, Heal 1, Countermagic 1.
- Matrices: Fanaticism (a red quartz)
- Rune Magic:
- List your Rune Magic Spells here.
Str: Number, Con: Number, Siz: Number, Pow: Number, Dex: Number.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +/-HPs
- Move Rate:
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 17-20 |
Left Foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 14-16 |
Right foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 11-13 |
Forequarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 08-10 |
Hindquarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-07 |
Left Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 03-04 |
Right Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-02 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack | Damage | S.R. | Attack % |
Bite | damage | sr | atk% |
Kick | damage | sr | atk% |
Rear and plunge | damage | sr | atk% |
- Weapons:
- Bastard sword and scabbard, Shortsword and scabbard, Dagger and 2 throwing knives in scabbards on belt, Hvy crossbow.
- Armour:
- Full helm, plate greaves & vambraces, light chain (ahem) hauberk. Padded hood and under-armour (hvy. at chest and abd.)
- Unused: Cuirb. greaves and vams / Open helm
- Non-metal AP: Head 1, Limbs 4, Chest and Abdomen 2
- Other:
- Pow 13 storage crystal
- Pow 12 storage crystal
- Heal 6 Potion
- RL Requirements: 2 of the starred weapon skills & 3 of the starred skill skills.
- Humakt cult battle magic (1/2 price): Coordination / Detect Undead 1pt / Fireblade / Glamour var / Repair / Glue (subcult)
- Checks: Armoury, Xbow atk, jump, human lore
- From Riddler - +6 POW (?), 1H sword attack, 6% illumination
Start game with 162L
Herocult of Erain Ardeth
Joining the Herocult requires only that you take a gift and geas. The geas is never to use a shield. The gift is +5% in any off hand sword training. The Herocult teaches the spirit magic spell Parry [weapon only] and the 1 pt Rune spell Reveal Chaos. It also teaches the knowledge skill Chaos Lore. Due to associations with dwarves, the glue spell is available, as is training in masonry and find/remove traps. Youare bound more than normal Humakti to seek out the truth. Silver swords are sacred to this cult for their lycanthrope wounding abilities. There is an associate priest of the cult in the Temple, but you dont need to go through her to become a cult member. Herocults can be followed as long as you are an initiate in good standing.