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A stoic stormsoul genasi with a troubled childhood. Born to human parents, his power comes from a primordial sealed within his body since birth. Unlike other genasi, Jett has shifting szuldar only on his abdomen, which he hides.

Name: Jett
Manifestation: Stormsoul (eventually becoming a stormwind tempest as the elemental forces within grow more powerful and insuppressible)
Physical Description: Humanoid, with skin like the surface of a blueish plasma globe. Short platinum hair that charges with static electricity when angered.
Szuldar: Jett has no szuldar on most of his body. He has a series of concentric circles with runic embellishments on his abdomen, that he does not show to others. Unlike a normal genasi's szuldar, they shift over time, but not when anyone is looking.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (with a Lawful Good exception for Favonia)
Personality: Quiet; a bit of a loner; protective of Favonia
Reason for being in Akanul: Running from the past.
Hobbies: Chaotic atonal drum music.
Explanation of Class (in-character): I don't know, I guess I've always had these powers, you know? To make things happen. When I get really angry... Sometimes my chain seems more like a dance partner than a weapon. Like it knows where to go before I do. Like it's wielding me.
General History: Jett was a lonely child growing up. He was born to two human parents (a primordial of storm was sealed within him somehow) in Aglarond. All the adults in his village always treated him differently (because he's a genasi with human parents; not sure they would know about the sealed primordial). He thrust his attention into weapon training and found that the spiked chain danced in his hands (metaphorically). When he came of age, he moved on and wandered toward Akanul. Now free of his village's stares and whispers, he roams the land. Restless as a storm, he wandered purposelessly. Like a feudal japanese samurai with no lord. He rescued Favonia from xenophobic elves in the Chondalwood. Now he acts as her bodyguard, protecting her from harm.
Motivation: Jett wants to be free of the scornful ghosts of the past and to see his present lifestyle maintained. He wants to stay in Akanul. He wants to protect Favonia. He doesn't behead peasants like a traditional samurai, but he does have an unbreakable bond of loyalty. If he thinks his carefree lifestyle will be interrupted, he will take action to correct it. This could include threats/enticements to Favonia. It could also include threats to Akanul that he thinks himself singularly capable of handling. If the army is fighting a war against the aboleths or dragonborn, he is unlikely to enlist. Why did Han Solo get involved with the Rebel Alliance? Money ("I'll pay you to take us to Alderaan"), Love (Princess), Loyalty (When he shows up to save the day in the Death Star attack). Jett's not interested in money, but that was just a teaser to get to Love anyway. Love and Loyalty are Jett's motivations.
The Power: He doesn't have formal training. He has innate ability that he doesn't quite comprehend. Maybe some of it is even a bit of the primordial expressing itself with minor control of his body channeled through the weapon. For example, if he sees a drunk human in a bar making cracks about genasi, he might write the guy off (cut him some slack because it's the drink talking). But, he might find that inadvertently the chain has come unhitched and tangled up the drunk's feet. Or in a sparring match to subdue a foe, he might find that the chain struck to kill. These things are always extremely minor, the sort of thing one might chalk up to good or bad luck. But it has become more pronounced with time. Maybe the primordial has an agenda that starts out small. Since it's fused with Jett, its first goal is probably "protect the vessel's interests". As it awakens, its true motivation becomes more clear.

Akanul: "Ah... To finally be in a place where electric skinned humanoids are a dime a dozen. Oh, the freedom..."
Airspur: "I leave the government alone. Not interested in the Queen or the Stewards. In fact I actively am not interested in gossiping about the government with the people I've met."
Firestorm Cabal: "I feel the same way about the Firestorm Cabal as I do about the government. Big organization's are all a bit too controlling for me. I like my freedom. I'm not interested in your war's or your petty squabbling as long as you leave me and my charge alone."
Aglarond: "I only have negative ties with my birthplace. I've adopted many of the customs of Akanul."

Shadows of the Past
Two Years Ago:
Jett was a lone wanderer fleeing the shadows of the past, hoping to take refuge in Akanul where his race would not be questioned. He wandered from Aglarond, across the Sharksbane Wall into Chessenta. There on the eastern border of Akanul, in the Drunken Horse Inn, he met Zelzal and his friend Sardis.

A leering flamesoul genasi sidled up to Jett at the bar. Seeing his lack of visible szuldar, the flamesoul commented, "Hey Sparky, that's a mighty fine szuldar you've got there. I wonder if your mother's was quite as big. Was it, Sparky?"
"Lay off, Sardis," Zelzal said.
Jett's face remained impassive, despite the fury he felt.
"I'll bet she was one of those weak-minded windsouls. They always have the tiniest szuldar; so petite, with such fine lines. Like yours, eh?" He turned to leave, tripping over Jett's spiked chain that had become entangled around his feet. Flaring with anger, he stood and turned on Jett, "You think that was funny, do you? I'll show you what the Ground Defense Leage thinks of no-szuldar half-wits!" He drew his battleaxe, charging Jett head on.
As he passed, Zelzal struck Sardis on the back of the skull with his maul, knocking him onto a table, which collapsed under him. He struggled to get up, then lay still. "Sorry about my associate. He can be kind of... Well he's a jerk, really. I'm Zelzal."
"Think nothing of it," Jett replied, "If you'll excuse me."

Jett continued his travels, skirting Akanul heading south to the Chondalwood. His encounter with the flamesoul had made him leery of other Genasi. He planned to head west through the woods to reach the Sword Coast road, and then on to Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep. Somewhere more cosmopolitan.

The Ground Defense League drake-hunting party continued south as well, headed into the Chondalwood to capture drakes to use as dinosaur ponies.

Favonia had stowed away in a wagon belonging to the drake-hunting party. She was a young girl, headstrong and flighty. Seeing her best opportunity when the party made camp outside the Chondalwood, she fled into the eaves of the wood. Little did she know that Zelzal had known about the stowaway for some time, and had seen her make her escape.

Chondalwood, Take One:
Favonia flew from branch to branch through the Chondalwood. Finally, growing weary, she set down on a clear branch to eat some of the provisions she had lifted from the wagon. <Crack> The branch beneath her gave way and she fell to the forest floor. "Ooph!"
"He he he he he!" came the clear laughter of the elves. "The Wood", came a silvery voice, "it doesn't like her, it doesn't."
"Hello! Who's there?" Favonia called.
"Too much wind, not good for the trees. Little windling all alone. Your kind do not belong here." A barrage of arrows came from out of the shadows, pinning Favonia's robe to the nearby tree trunk. "Now friends, let us play. He he he he he!" Five elves unfolded from the foliage, approaching the young windsoul with menace.
<Jingle> The sound of a chain's links rattling on each other rang out above the laughter. The elves turned and saw a stormsoul genasi in leather bearing down on them, his deadly chain swinging. <Whirr> <Boom!> The chain was a blur of motion as it struck one of the elves, knocking him to the ground with a blast of concussive force.
The other elves rallied, surrounding the stranger, longswords drawn, trying to stay out of reach of the whirling chain.
"You look like you could use some help... again," came a familiar voice. Zelzal appeared from behind a nearby tree, charging into the group and breaking their formation. Jett and Zelzal swiftly sent the remaining elves fleeing into the undergrowth.
"Thank you so much for saving me." Favonia was shaking with excitement.
"Don't mention it, little lady," Zelzal replied. "You're just lucky that I saw you sneaking away from the wagon. Just don't wander off without your bodyguard in future."
"But he's not my... Yeah, I'll try to keep that in mind," she said, finally catching up. She reached out and wrapped her arms around Jett, "Don't worry. I'll stick close by from now on."
"If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my regiment. Be careful, you two."
Favonia looked up into Jett's eyes, "So, where to now?"

That night, they made camp on a hill north of the drake-hunter's camp. Jett still wasn't sure that he shouldn't have left her there. She would have made it back to Airspur just as surely under their watchful eye. It just didn't feel right somehow, abandoning her to "military justice". It would only be a few weeks out of his way, to make sure that she got home safely. It's not as if he had anywhere to be, right?

Five days and a hundred miles later, Favonia awoke suddenly. She had seen it so clearly, as if she were someone else. She had seen herself sitting on the branch, rummaging for the stale rations. She had seen the branch crack. And she had seen the tourmaline pendant snag and break free as she fell to the forest floor below. She needed to go back for it. Should she tell Jett? He would be furious. Better to leave it be and think about coming back for it later. Papa wouldn't notice it was missing. He was so busy in the workshop lately, anyway.

As they rounded the dour outliers of the Akanapeaks, day by day they could see more and more of the a of Fallen Stars. Jett's mood, which had improved these past weeks of traveling together began to sour. On the other side of that sea lay Aglarond. That evening, a heavy fog descended. They continued in silence to the north. The morning of the next day dawned warm and clear. "There it is!" Favonia cried, "Airspur! Isn't it beautiful?"
Almost on top of them now loomed the earthmotes of the city, and the separation that Jett no longer desired.

Favonia's parents were so overjoyed to see her again, they asked Jett to stay on with them out of gratitude for his part in her safe return. He accepted their hospitality, swearing a silent oath that he would always protect this "windling", come what may.

Favonia realizes that time is running out. Her coming of age ceremony is almost here. She must either retrieve the pendant from the Chondalwood or tell her parents. She and Jett set out to the Chondalwood by boat.
