The Legion of Nightmares
("Phantasms") practices the Feast of Terrors, in which they hunt the Rift for a creature that lives there, drag it to the Shore, and ritually remove and ingest its innards - the "core truth" of the "dream." Internalizing the derangements allows one to inflict madness via the Wake.
The Filial Legion
("Prodigals") seeks the Progenitors and practices the Branding of Atrachasis, which permanently marks the form of believers with one of the seven-hundred-thousand names of the Progenitors, each year a new name. The increased connection to the Progenitors allows a more refined application of certain Vestiges.
The Drowned Legion
("Sinkers") believes that, should the world be reclaimed by the Sea, Tiamat's body will mend itself. They practice the Monsoon Dance, gathering in a city and causing - mystically or otherwise - widespread flooding and water damage. This participation gives them a gift for travelling into the Rift.
The Legion of Tammuz
("Ploughmen") believe that, unless satiated, the mouth of the underworld will rise up and continue to consume the Primordial Waters, until only a pale reflection of the lost world remains. They practice the Harvest of Nergal, in which living beings are buried alive in rich and fertile soil. This ritual infuses them with a unique ability to see and interact with departed spirits.
The Legion of the Coming Dawn
("Huntsmen") hope for a revelatory apocalypse in which the false, fallen world is overcome and judgment passed on the enemies of the Tribe. They practice Ereshkigal's Hunt, in which members, under cover of a dark night and new moon, stalk creatures of the night - nocturnal animals or, more metaphorically, criminals (in rare cases, vampires) - and sacrifice them upon the coming of dawn. The ritual grant them the ability to see in complete darkness and to create light within their Wake.
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