Necessary Evil The Rejects/Lodestone

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Dr. Kurt Loder is a master manipulator of the mind and metal. At age 21, Loder graduated from Harvard with PhDs in Psychology and Chemistry. Soon after, Dr. Loder established a highly successful psychology practice and a mining company. When his mining company happened upon a small vein of a new type of ore, Loder dubbed his discovery “lodestone” for its remarkable properties to attract and warp other metals. Loder soon fashioned a pendulum from his small supply of lodestone and was amazed at his newfound ability to control and warp the minds of his patients as well…

After prolonged exposure to lodestone, Dr. Loder somehow absorbed the properties of his discovery. In addition, he found that he possessed the ability to transform his body into the metal. With a heart growing as cold as steel and his reason growing even colder, Lodestone (as he now called himself) embarked on a campaign of crime. His last recorded efforts involve mass abductions in an attempt to engineer a small society based on distances between electron orbitals in various atoms. Lodestone continues to believe that the mind is no more than glorified matter and that matter is no more than an illusion of the mind.


Lodestone is a tall, thin man with dark skin and silvery hair. He wears a black, double-breasted jumpsuit. When Lodestone transforms, his skin appears to be a shiny, charcoal colored metal.

Attributes & Derived Stats:

Agility 6 Pace 6

Smarts 10 Parry 5

Spirit 4 Toughness10 (when transformed and in armor)

Strength 4 Charisma -1

Vigor 6


Matter Control (Metal – 10,000 lbs) 1 (4 points)

Ranged Attack, Extra Damage, Rapid Fire (2 missiles at 3d6), Requires Metal (7 points)

Toughness +4, Requires Activation (5 points)

Mind Control 1 (72 ft) (3 points)

Illusion, Targeted 1 (12 ft cubed) (1 point)


Super Powers

Power Points




Code of Honor (Major)

Vengeful (Major)

Heartless (Minor)

Habit – Constantly swinging pendulum (Minor)


Fighting 6

Shooting 10

Knowledge (Natural Science) 8+2

Knowledge (Social Science) 8+2

Guts 4

Notice 4


Duraweave Suit

500 bullets

Current Status

Wounds 0

Bennies 3

XP 0