Original Fan Created Characters 2e/Bleed

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Revision as of 05:13, 3 November 2005 by Arcady (talk | contribs)
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A 'battle scene', featuring Bleed in the foreground


by arcady full sized image
PL: 10 (150 pp)

Abilities 26 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 61 + Combat 24 + Saves 10 – Drawbacks -1 = 150 / 150


STR: 8 (-1) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 16 (+3)


Acrobatics 4 (+8), Bluff 5 (+8), Climb (-1), Computers 1 (+3), Concentration (+2), Artistic 2 (+4), Diplomacy 5 (+8), Disguise (+3), Drive 1 (+5), Escape Artist 4 (+8), Gather Info 7 (+10), Handle Animal (+3), Intimidate 3 (+6), Investigate 5 (+7), Behavioral Sciences 1 (+3), Current Event 3 (+5), Streetwise 4 (+6), Theology and Philosophy 3 (+5), Notice 5 (+7), Dance 3 (+6), String Instruments 4 (+7), Search 1 (+3), Sense Motive 3 (+5), Sleight of Hand 1 (+5), Stealth 3 (+7), Survival (+2), Swim (-1), Perform: Sing 3 (+6)


All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Attack Specialization (2), Dodge Focus (2), Power Attack, Attractive (2), Connected, Contacts, Well-Informed


  • Drain - All Traits [7] - DC:17:fort
    • EXTRA: Aura on 5 ranks [5]
    • POWER FEAT: Slow Fade 1 point / 5 hours
    • FLAW: Only 'inbody' effects - mutants, aliens, endowed, etc. Not v devices, constructs, spells, artificial, etc. [7] - DC:17:fort
    • FLAW: Linked to Mimic
    • ALT-POW: Healing - persistant, regrowth, resurrection [6]
  • Mimic - all traits (100pp) [20]
    • EXTRA: Two subjects at a time [20]
    • EXTRA: Continuous [20]
    • FLAW: Tainted - mimic drawbacks as well [20]
    • FLAW: Only to copy 'inbody' effects drained. [20]
    • FLAW: Victim personality (but not knowledge) blends into [20], hers. Resulting in a fused emotional state.
    • FLAW: 'Max rank' limited to max rank drained so far [20]
    • FLAW: Linked to Drain
    • FLAW: Overload [20]
  • Protection [2]


Attack 6 [Unarmed -1 (Bruise), Drain +5 ()] Defense 18 (13 flat-footed) Init 4


Toughness 5 (5 flat-footed) Fortitude 7 Reflex 6 Will 6


Full Power -On Drain [Freq DC 15] [Sev DC 5]

  • Secret - Depression
  • Reputation - Killer


Real Name: Belladonna Dominguez
Origin: Mutant
Allegiance: Ethical Philosophy
Occupation: Spanish guitarist
Nationality: USA
Ethnicity: Mestizo
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 107 lbs
Hair: Reddish black
Eyes: Red
Motivation: Anger / 'Righting Wrongs'


Bleed is an attractive mestizo woman who is nearly always covered from head to toe. Where it not for her eyes she would appear normal when fully covered. As Belladonna she always wears shades and a head scarf - her mask is when out of costume.


Bleed suffers from chronic depression and a self injury disorder. She is always in a calm sad mood with seemingly low energy, but has an amazing ability to maniuplate people which she primarly uses to hide her problems. Merged in personas work as 'two buzzword traits' per merge added to her existing 'depressed and manipulative'.


Bleed is driven by her sense of anger at the world, her depression, and her desire to right the wrongs she sees. She is particularly sensitive to the needs of abused children and people in abusive situations. She cares nothing for fame, glory, or legal 'justice'. Her problem of gaining the personality of those she drains can alter her motives, and she may thus often be working in mixed ethics.

What kind of distinctive features do you have?
Her red eyes give her away despite how she covers herself, and when she 'bleeds out' a victim it will seem as if throbing glowing veins sprout on them both and flow into her. If you saw beneath the costume, you would see a body racked with hundreds of tiny scars all arranged in neat little rows - some of them quite fresh.

Have you had any traumatic experiences?
Bleed has had several attempted suicides, and her network of contacts is primarily composed of other cutters who build safety networks and the people who have tried to find the root causes and cures for her depression.


11 year old Belladonna shut her eyes. Maybe, if she pretended to be asleep, her new ‘papa’ would leave her alone tonight. He beat her that night, and then he started to play his special game, until her eyes went red with blood, and she sucked away his soul. A passionate, hungry, maddness consumed her. She went into her mother’s room and beat her the way papa did, beat her until she was dead too. Then she took her soul, and she cried all night, cried from helplessness, cried until the police found her. No foster family would take the little mexican girl with the glowing red demon eyes and cuts on her arms. Cuts she put there herself every night. Claremont Academy was a new chance, or so they claimed. They offered to give her the treatment it would take to heal her wounds. When your power is to steal what makes others special, what makes them who they are, no one wants you around. The other kids taunted her, and when the boys found out little Belladonna was no virgin it only got worse. It only ended when one of them was lying dead in a dormatory stairwell.

Little Belladonna fled into the night. 15 now, she made it to Denver before the Freedom League caught up with her. Just her luck to get off the back of a truck right in front of a fan convention. This time they locked away in juvenille corrections. Somebody assumed that if they kept her away from other supers, she wasn’t much more dangerous that any other girl. Belldonna didn’t correct the error, she just waited her time. At 21 they let her go, she’d been too young to try as an adult. Her claim of self defense against attempted rape hadn’t flown, not with the kid coming from a well off family and her a poor mexican with a ‘known sexual past’. Finally free at 21, Belladonna moved back to Freedom City. She’d learn to tone down her eyes, to wear contacts or shades, and to hide the scars on her arms - the cuts she’d put there remembering her moma and the things she’d been through.