HC Template Sheet
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Hunfrith Longthinker, Giant Bard and Sage, 42 years old
- STR 10 (+0)
- DEX 11 (+0)
- CON 14 (+2)
- INT 14 (+2)
- WIS 14 (+2)
- CHA 15 (+2)
- Class: Sage 2, XP: 1,000
- Action dice: 3d4
- Init: +1 (1 Sage)
- BAB: +1 / Melee +0 / Ranged +0
- Defence: 15 (10 +1 Sage +3 shield +1 spear)
- DR: X
- Vitality Points: 22 / Wound Points: 14
- Fort: +4 (2 +2 Con)
- Ref: +2 (2 +0 Dex)
- Will: +4 (2 +2 Wis)
- Lifestyle: 2 (Panache 2 [+1 Appearance; Income 10silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
- Legend: 2
- Reputation: 20
- Renown: 0
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies:
- Gia: Large folk: 2x2; Reach 2; Speed 50’
- Gia: Improved Stability: If standing on firm ground, +1 size cat for CC, Trample attacks & resisting Bull rush/Trip
- Gia: Natural Attack: Trample I
- Gia: Sterner Stuff: Defending against Keen atks, they reduce by 4
- Ba: Well-rounded:
- Ba: Beguiling: When taunt standard character, can change standard result for fixation for rounds =15 (Cha). Dmg interrupts
- Ba: Encouragement: 1/scene Talk to teammate 1 min +1 morale saves
- Ba: Free Hint: 1/session Free hint from GM or bonus action die
- Ba: Practised Impress: If use action die to boost Impress but fails, get it back
- SaC: Breadth of Experience: 4 bonus class skills with 2 free ranks
- Sa1: Wise counsel: 1 action die to boost ally’s skill/save or damage (p.47)
- Sa2: Assistance I: Half an ally’s skill check time (round up, min. 5 min.), but +1 error range (p.47)
- Lvl 1: Shield basics: +4 to Bull rush + Phalanx stance
- Stance: Phalanx stance: Allies have +1 Def+Ref; or +2 if I have guard +2 (i.e. shield)
- Proficiencies: Hurled weapons / Edged weapons (forte) / Blunt weapons (forte)
[U]Skills (ranks/stat/misc) [/U]
[I](6+Int 2 = 8/lvl) Max 5 Total (4x8)+8+8 bonus=48[/I]
Acrobatics** 5 (5/0Dex/0)
Athletics** 5 (5/0Str/0)
Bluff* 5 (3/2Cha/0)
Crafting (Masonry) 6 (4/2Int/0)
Disguise 2 (0/2Cha/0)
Haggle 5 (3/2Wis/0)
Impress** 7 (5/2Cha/0)
Intimidate** 7 (5/2Cha/0)
Investigate 7 (5/2Wis/0)
Medicine 5 (3/2Int/0)
Notice 3 (1/2Wis/0)
Resolve* 5 (3/2Con/0)
Ride 0 (0/0Dex/0)
Search 3 (1/2Int/0)
Sense Motive 7 (5/2Wis/0)
Tactics 2 (0/2Int/0)
[I]* Origin skills. ** Bonus Sage class skills (gain 2 ranks)[/I]
Language: Donlar (the native tongue of Old Lil, though he speaks the archaic form)
Study: Stone
Study: History of the First Empire
Study: Unborn
Alignment: For Kel Donlar! (Paths from Beauty, Earth, Knowledge & Strength)
Loads (as Huge so Str 20): Light < 200 lb / Hvy 201-600 lb / Over > 601 lb
Stake 200s
[I]Padded moderate armour, giant, crude [/I] DR1 Cold 5 +2 resistances12lb 25s [I]Shield, tower[/I] 1d6 subdual (-) Giant, Guard +3 12lb 60s (p.177) [I]Throwing spear, Giant, Guard[/I] 1d10 lethal (19-20/16-20 vs. M) hurl, reach +1 20lb 35s = 120s Iron Hawk Standard +2 Intimidate or Impress 12 lb 40s =40s
Blanket Cold res 4 5lb 4s Canteen 1 lb 5s Pouch (50 coins) 2s 100ft hemp rope 20 lb 12s Stonecutter’s kit 10 lb 15s Doctor’s bag 2lb 20s Oil, 2 pints 2 lb 2s Torches 5 3 lb 2s Bandages 10 uses ½ lb 3s Rations 7 uses 5lb 5s = 70s!
Coin: 10s [ /sblock]