Daldarr:Character:Tartin Hamarch

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Tartin Hamarch

  • Kredoc's character for the Daldarr PbP game
  • Street rat turned rogue
  • System: Fudge (Five Point)

Tartin grew up on the streets of Daldarr. His mother Gana is a prostitute working in the House of Blue Curtains with a taste for Alache, a narcotic mushroom that growns on the slopes of the Crimson Mountains. His father is unknown, one of his mother's many clients.

With his mother working or lost in a narcotic haze, Tartin fell in with the street urchins that roamed the Water Market, quickly learning the ways of the streets. He was lucky enough to catch the eye of Vajrad, a con artist and thief running with a local gang. The gang, nicknamed Hidden Justice, runs a protection racket on the businesses around the Water Market and preys on the sailors that venture there after dark. They also keep the area clear of press gangs, a service that earns them their nickname and the friendly support of the local fishermen. Tartin worked as a decoy and lookout for the older man, picking up some of the tricks of the trade along the way.

Years passed and Tartin grew from scrawny kid to slightly less scrawny young man. Short and slender, with dark, unruly hair, narrow brown eyes, pockmarked complexion and a twice broken nose, Tartin's appearance reflects the life he's lead thus far, poor posture, poor clothing and a distinct tendency to avoid attention. His only real possessions worth mentioning are a pair of superb throwing knives he obtained from a foreign sailor a few years back.

Tartin lives in a one room shack near the Water Market. He survives on a mix of minor thievery, quick cons and odd jobs for the local brothels and bars. He dreams of the big score and getting off the street. He supports his mother as best he can (she still works, but more often than not she is lost in an Alache dream), paying rent to the House of Blue Curtains to allow her to continue living there.


  • Reasoning: Fair
  • Perception: Good
  • Willpower: Mediocre
  • Strength: Mediocre
  • Agility: Great
  • Health: Good


Athletic (1) (3 Fair, 1 Mediocre)

  • Climbing: Fair
  • Sleight of Hand: Fair
  • Move Quietly: Fair

Combat (1) (1 Good, 1 Mediocre)

  • Thrown Knives: Good
  • Knives: Mediocre

Covert (2) (2 Good, 4 Fair)

  • Pick Pockets: Good
  • Urban Survival: Good
  • Find Hidden: Fair
  • Streetwise: Fair
  • Detect Lies: Fair
  • Pick Locks: Fair

General (1) (3 Fair)

  • Con: Fair
  • Lie/Pretense: Fair
  • Barroom Savvy: Fair


  • Contacts - Tartin knows many of the shady folks in and around Daldarr, especially near the Water Market.
  • Rapid Healing - After eating found food and living rough, Tartin has a great immune system.
  • Lucky - Survival on the streets of Daldarr have given Tartin an uncanny knack for avoiding disaster.
  • Quick Reflexes - A lifetime of dodging abuse in the streets is good for something.


  • Greedy - Tartin is always looking for the big score.
  • Dependent - Tartin's mother, now lost in the haze of Alache, is a constant worry.
  • Poor - Tartin never had much, so he never learned how to keep it. Any wealth obtained is quickly spent on food, drink and entertainment.
  • Social Stigma - Though he can play at respectability, there's something about Tartin that screams street-trash.