HC Places

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At the centre of the world are Hugaar, Pashnaar and the Star Mountains, over or around which the Sun passes every day.


The Empire has two capitals, Pasin and the City of Mages in Alaya. The Sturian Church, however, is based in Hugaar, the first twin to Pasin.

Beyond the Empire

The Empire has expanded to cover most of the known world. Beyond its boundaries are lands which are of little interest. Beyond these lie the four edges of the world are impassable and are guarded by Rend.

North - Sirdehaar and the Frozen Forest

Some Sird tribes have never joined the Empire and remain savage and barbarous. Beyond these lies the vast Petrified Forest which is the realm of the Rendking and within which is the Castle of Ice.

East - Potamanchu and Behind the Mountains

Beyond the eastern sea, there is a narrow coastal strip of land, a blasted and inhospitable place where degenerates live. Rivers come off the mountains and the people scrape a living, telling tales of the time when they were the heart of a great empire.

The mountains are very close to the sea and lead up to the impassable range known as the Rendwall, said to be guarded by a tribe of giants led by an ancient Rend. Nevertheless, the land of Potamanchu was found nestling within these mountains, and silver and gold have flooded the Empire every since. Some say the Rendwall wall was breached with the discovery and invasion of Potamanchu.

The mountains around Potamanchu are infested with goblins. the people of Potomanchu consider them to be mountain devils.

Beyond Potomanchu (according to local legend) is a vast swamp peopled by lizardmen and witches.

South - The Thousand Cities

To the south and east, beyond Alaya, and over the Strait of ???? is the land of Saurians. Past this lies a great ocean where Rend sail cloud ships.

West - Axarte Plains and Plains of Fire

At the far western edge of the Empire, these plains are where the Vister and some barbarians reside. Beyond these lie the Plains of Fire where a Rend rules over the greatest of the Vister tribes.


  • Aching River (Tegayet) cuts a deep gorge through the Tegayet plateau and runs over the Swift Falls down into Sunium.
  • Alaya (Land) Long after the Saurian domination collapsed, an army of escaped slaves emerged from the Thousand Cities. They settled in the near eastand reasily rebuffed the initial attempts to dislodge them by unleashing demons upon their aggressors. Most recently, in the bloodless Inglorious War, the Pashnaar Empire united with Alaya, to form the Twin Star Empire, much to the chagrin of Sirdehaar. The Alayans have a strange version of Sturianism, involving many elements of Saurian mysticism and magic.
  • Alaya, City of Mages is the eastern seat of the Empire.
  • Cascavel (Town, Sunium) The closest town to Tegayet.
  • Giant Isle (Sunium) A Rend who died of sorrow (no-one knows why) rested for the last time in the Pigeon River. He now forms the Giant isle upon which the Convent of Santa Tereza is built. The nuns offer solace to any who seek it, asking no questions. The High Priestess, Aska, is not a woman or even hathari, but is a true spirit, with nobody.
  • Heartstone (Mountain, Tegayet). When Sird slew Hatha and his blood-water drowned the lands, only his heart remained in its original rocky form. It rolled down off the Sirdehaar mountains, coming to rest in what we now call tegayet. Its interior is a maze of goblin tunnels, a warren of considerable size. Emperor Tullis was born close to the Heartstone (one legend has him born inside it). The Knights of Stone have a small fortress, Fort Oakran, close to the heartstone, while St. Alcuin's is a day's ride. The most devout pilgrims enter a regime of starvation and ingestion of vision-inducing beans, wandering inside the Heartstone and talking with Mineera,Tullis, or Hatha himself.
  • Halys (City State of the Sapthetian Alliance)
  • Hugaar (City) is the Empire's birthplace and the centre of the Sturian Church. It nestles within the Sta....
  • Hugaar (Land) is the Empire.
  • Oakran (Fort). A modest fort close to the Heartstone. Ostensibly built and manned to prevent desecration of the holy site, the fortress prevents its reoccupation by goblins. The fortress is the last stop of Sturian pilgrims on their way to the Heartstone (the previous stop is St. Alcuin).
  • Pashnaar (Land) is the land around
  • Pasin (City) is the principal administrative city of the Empire, twinned with Hugaar and now with Alaya, the City of Mages.
  • Pigeon River (Tegayet) runs parallel to the Aching River, descending into the ground before it comes off Tegayet and into Sunium. It joins the Aching River after the Swift Falls and leads on to the Giant Isle.
  • Saint Alcuin (Abbey, Tegayet) is close to the Convent of Sta. Tereza and the Heartstone, near to Sunium.
  • Santa Tereza (Convent, Tegayet) in Sunium, close to the Abbey of St. Alcuin and the Heartstone
  • Saphet (Principal city state of the Saphetian Alliance).
  • Saphetian Alliance (Lands) A grouping of predominantly coastal city states on the eastern seaboard, including Sunium where the game starts, as well as Saphet, Filiers and Halys. Typically, these states switch allegiance between Hugaar and Sirdehaar, as convenience dictates, but they are normally considered to be a part of southern Sirdehaar.
  • Sirdehaar (Land) The northern brother to Hugaar.
  • Sunium (City State of the Sapthetian Alliance)
  • Tegayet (Plateau in Sirdehaar) The tortured landscape of the Tegayet plateau is dotted with towering granite outcrops. Some are blasted and barren. Some of these are riddled with tunnels, carved out by goblins into huge warrens. Some have nothing remarkable about them beyond their size and beauty. One of these outcrops is the Heartstone. Goblins and wildmen eke out a living up on Tegayet.


  • The Abbot, Father Armand
  • The Humble Man
  • The Illuminator, Tyrrha
  • The Lord
  • The Mourner
  • The Priest
  • The Prophet, Emert
  • The Repentant


  • Order of St. Alcuin
  • military order attached to St. Alcuin
  • northern witches / sorceresses
  • sea priestesses, followers of Newelaar
  • rival sea priestesses, followers of Hatha
  • mountain builders (giants)
  • Seers, Sun priestesses, the Empire's eyes
  • Lions of the Sun - elite warrior-priests, wielders of fire
  • Sonnac High Riders - Elite guard, breed horses up on mt. Sonnac.