AFA Song of Bronze
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Song of Bronze
Song of Bronze was born in a brothel in Nexus. Her likely trade, however, was denied her after an incident left her with a terrible scar across her face. Instead, she took up playing the flute as a career, which she excelled at-- enough to catch the notice of the Unconquered Sun.
Song is tall and muscular, with brown skin, green eyes, and red hair. She has an old scar across her face, and dresses in loose, baggy clothes.
Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 30 (+10)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 24 (+7)
Combat Stats
Attack: +4/+8 Melee
Defense: 16, 12 Flat-Footed
Initiative: +10
Toughness: +14
Fortitude: +10
Reflex: +3
Will: +4
Acrobatics 8 (+10)
Bluff 11 (+18)
Climb 0 (+3/+5)
Concentration 8 (+12)
Diplomacy 10 (+17)
Disguise 2 (+9)
Escape Artist 0 (+2)
Gather Information 4 (+11)
Handle Animal 2 (+9)
Intimidate 8 (+15)
Language 2: High Realm, Forest-Tongue (Low Realm native)
Knowledge (Tactics) 12 (+12)
Medicine 2 (+2)
Notice 6 (+10)
Perform (Flute) 15 (+22)
Sense Motive 8 (+12)
Stealth 4 (+6)
Survival 2 (+6)
Swim 0 (+3/+5)
Luck 2
Fascinate (Perform)
Deep Ties (Honor/Obsessive Bravery)
Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)
Dodge Focus 3
Improved Initiative 2
Takedown Attack 2
Weapon Break
Improved Block
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
All-Out Attack
Accurate Attack
Instant Up
Withstand Damage
Improved Critical (Flute)
Attack Focus (Melee) 4
Rhythm of Combat
Mindshield 6
Enhanced Skill 3: Knowledge (Past Life) 12
Immunity 2: Age, Toxins (Half Effect), Disease (Half Effect)
Regeneration 4 (Disabled 1, Ability Damage 1, Persistant, Regrowth)
Environmental Control (Light) 1
Speed 1
Leaping 1
Protection 4
Emotion Control 10, Area (Cloud) (+1), Melee (-2), Sense-Based (Hearing) (-1), Selective (+1), Progression 2 (Area)
--Alternate Power: Glorious Solar Flute: Strike 6, Mighty
Battle Form 7, Slow Fade 2, Full Power
--Attack Flurry (Flutes) 4 (Interval 2, Max +5)
--Follow-Up Attack 6
--Impervious Toughness 10
--Enhanced Strength 4
--Superstrength 3
Orichalcum Flute: Device 5, Easy to Lose, Restricted 1: Solar Exalted
--Strike 7, Mighty, Penetrating (up to Str 20), Affects Insubstantial 1, Extended Reach 1
--Alternate Power: Fearful Blows of Retribution: Strike 11, Aura (+1), Selective (+1), Doesn't work with Grapples (-1), Hits users of melee weapons (+1), Requires a To-Hit Roll (-1) The Flute spins and dances, striking back at all who dare strike at its wielder.
--Alternate Power: The Golden Song: Stun 11, Area (Cloud) (+1), Selective (+1), Action (Full) (-1), Sense-Based (Hearing) (-1) The flute plays a song that can entrance any who hear it-- even seasoned warriors in the middle of a battle!
--Alternate Power: Music Touches the Distant Heart: Strike 11, Area (Line) (+1) The Flute grows to a fantastic size, hundreds of feet in length! It strikes and crushes anything in that line that can't get clear.
--Obsessive Bravery. Song has a very, very hard time acknowledging that there are times when one should retreat.
--Haunting Memories. Song's memories of her life as a Solar impose on her at awkward times, causing various problems--- including the fact that she's a different gender than her previous incarnation.
--Enemy. There's a Flame Dragonblooded that she's fought with before, and he's determined to get revenge, with the help of all of his family's resources.