Lovewitch Adventures Character Creation
Since this is a Mahou Shojo game, all PCs must use some form of magic ("Mahou"), and they should all look like teenage girls ("Shojo"). Each PC is an animal spirit who has two forms: an Animal Form (which is her natural form) and a Human Form. Both forms of the PC will be build at PL8, with 120 Power Points.
In both form a PC gets the following Powers for free:
-Comprehend 2 (Speak to and understand animals; Feats: Innate; Flaws: Narrow Type (Limited to the PC's own type of animal))
-Morph 5 (Feats: Metamorph 1)[6pp]
-Dimensional Movement 2 (Dreamtime; Flaws: Uncontrolable) [2pp]
In both forms, a PC also gets an additional 30 Power Ponits to spend on the following kind of traits:
-Racial traits: Traits that represent the PC's natural ability as an animal (i.e: Scent for dog, Flight for hawk...)
-Magic traits: traits that represent the PC's ability in magic. It can be any trait so long as one can put a "Magic" descriptor onto it.