Shadows of Shen Zhou:Yijia
Yijia the Courier
Origin: Machinist
Passion: Obsession - Defend the Weak until the World is Redeemed in Blue Flame!
Immediate Goal: Raise a ton of cash quickly to pay for a packaged from his mentor being held by a villainous clan elder.
Future Goals: Establish himself, promote the Blue Flame, defend the weak, live in accordance with the Dao of this age. In Yijia's mind, these are not separate or distinct goals.
Yijia the Courier is the son of a traveling mechanic who was invited to join the Blue Flame Clan after he helped defend the town of Insignificant Rice from the Corrupted Avalanche Bandits when Yijia was a young teenager. Yijia was trained in the martial arts by the clan, becoming skilled in spears in the Blue Flame tradition. Additionally, he became a skilled machinist under their tutelage, building his personal vehicle, the motorcycle Eternal Movement.
He eventually came to serve Mechanized Shang, a Daoist engineer, as bodyguard but mostly as a messenger, hence his informal title. Mechanized Shang is well known among the Blue Flame's industrialists, for he is attempting to design the Four Undiscovered Elemental Engines to compliment and balance the Fire Elemental Engines that fuel Shen Zhou's industrial society. Shang is slightly unusual in the clan, as it tends to favor biotechnology and electronics over heavy industry. To help him in these endeavors, Shang gave Yijia a kwan dao made from new materials developed by the Blue Flame. Yijia, however, saw Shang as a visionary and became an ardent support of his projects. As a reward for his loyalty, Mechanized Shang gave Yijia a kwan dao made from advanced materials including obsidisteel, a black crystaline material capable of keeping a frighteningly sharp edge.
Shang suddenly announced he would be traveling across Shen Zhou, often incognito. He released his subordinates from his service, telling them to spread the good name of the Blue Flame Clan across the land, and await further orders. There are rumors that his project is entering a new phase, but Shang was more tight-lipped than usual what was happening. After consulting with a fortune teller, Yijia rode on the Capacious Imperial Freeway until it brought him to the city, where it became the horrible road system known as the Chaos Turnpike. He has settled in Inauspicious Calligraphy due to its still functional set of on-ramps onto the Turnpike. Yijia ekes out a living as a handyman and mechanic, similar to his father. He could possibly make more money than he does, but he often does not charge the poor for repairs, and a not insignificant amount of his time patrolling the Chaos Turnpike around Inauspicious Calligraphy.
Recently, Yijia was contacted by Wheeling Wing, a powerful elder of the Blue Clan who runs a shipping company and is a known opponent to Mechanized Shang's industrial goals. Wing is in possession of a package from Shang addressed to Yijia, but is demanding a ridiculously high delivery fee to give Yijia the package. Yijia attempted to protest, but Wing's position in the clan made this impossible: if Yijia wants the package, he must find a large sum of money. He's recently heard about an armored car that goes down the Chaos Turnpike...
Technology can be used to bring us into greater harmony with the Dao. Even in a city such as this, people can be good and follow the Dao, though it will take virtuous individuals willing to promote. In the meantime, people must be defended.
Doctor Juan runs a clinic. He often has a need for an ambulance driver, and is a well respected physician. There are rumors that he has ties to the Yellow River Society, but few believe them as the rumors seem to come from a Nan courtier who has a long standing feud with Juan.
C.B. Sun is the dispatcher for a taxi cab service. She is a good source of information, and I've helped out when a taxi driver called in sick. We regularly trade favors back and forth.[/list]
Lee's Redemption is a junk yard where one can find lots of things if one has the patience to look. Patient metalworkers and machinists who are willing to remove some rust can find wonderful things here for a price.
The Chaos Turnpike, aka The Great Turnpike of Chaotic Travel, aka Splendid Highway of Safe Movement. The city is surrounded by an unfinished beltway and highway system that links to the Capacious Imperial Freeway that connects all the major metropoli. Its construction has been started and stopped several times, each time slightly changing the design. The result is tangled web highway with many wrong turns and many poorly maintained stretches. Additionally, the city government does not have the resources to effectively police the Chaos Turnpike. The result is that it is only used by those who can afford knowledgeable drivers and security staff to stave off hijackers, the hijackers who rove the highway looking for cargo to steal, and the desperate who hope they can get where they need to go before the hijackers find them.
- Rank/Archetype: Fourth Rank Warrior
- Origin: Craftpersons
- Passion: Obsession - Be one of the Top Ten Benevolent Martial Artists
- Region: Yang (Dong Territory)
Attributes & Skills
Might (Jade/Wood Chi) 4
- Athletics 1
- Fight 3
- Hardiness 1
Speed (Crimson/Fire Chi) 3
- Initiative 3
- Dodge 3
- Finesse 1
- Melee 4 [Spears 1]
- Ride 3 [Faster than thou 1]
Presence (Gold/Earth Chi) 2
- Confidence 1
- Persuade 1
Genius (White/Metal Chi) 4
- Medicine 1
- Crafting 3 [Machinist 1]
- Politics 1
- Tactics 2 [All Road are Mine 1]
Wu Wei (Silver/Water Chi) 4
- Awareness 2
- Senses 1
- Chi Aura - 2
- River - [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX]
- Health Points per Level - 17

Kung Fu Styles
- Lightfoot 1 (Common Any Chi)
- Surefoot 1: cling to walls, fall any distance, instantly recover from being downed.
- Cloud Mastery 2 (Common Jade Chi)
- Phantom of the Clouds 1: chi bonus (+10) to stealth & speed
- Moon Covered by Cloud 2: -10 strike negation for entire round.
- Waves Like Water (Common Silver Chi)
- Sliding Strike 1: -10 to single defense roll
- Fierce Flexible Fence 2: chi bonus (+10) to all blocks
- Rolling Wave Attack 3: chi bonus (+10) to all blocks, all attacks, & ignore 5 pts of armor
- Serpent Weapon 4: Crimson Chi Channel. -1 opponent defense pool / per crimson chi point
- Blue Flame Spear 1 (Uncommon White Chi)
- Swift Spear 1: chi bonus (+10) to weapon speed & strike, may attack short range, can use free action to grab something like a book.
- Affiliation 4 (Blue Flame Clan)
- Mentor 1 (Mechanized Shang)
- Status 1 (“The Benevolent Road Defender”)
- Wealth 1 (Adequate)
- Possession: Quality Motorcycle
- Poessession: Quality Kwan Dao
- Onerous obligation (Blue Flame Clan)
- Painfully Honest
- Light Armor (Armor -5, Impairment 0)
- KD-900 Obsidisteel (Quality Kwan Dao: Speed +5, Strike +10, Def +10, Damage +15)
- Dagger (Speed +15, Strike +0, Damage +0)
- Punch Or Kick (Speed +15, Strike +0, Damage -5)
- Eternal Movement (Quality Motorcycle)
Treasures – None