Uemori Ryoshin

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A character in the PbP game Bleach - Eye of the Beholder.


Apparently 17 or 18, late teens anyway, more or less the same as when he died some twenty years ago.

Life History

A damn dirty hippie! Kinda late to the party, sure, but his dad was a soldier and he wanted to rile the old man up some. (Didn't work. Old man got all supportive and understanding. Damn grown-ups.) American father, Japanese mother, two sisters. Dad's been MIA for the last eight years, so ironically enough he's probably around somewhere; his mom and sisters live together in Tokyo.

Don't really know much about his death: it was a slow night at the gas stop he worked at, he went out back for a smoke, there might have been someone else and then he died, which hurt like hell. Likely got jumped by muggers or something.

Afterlife History

After arriving in Soul Society, he just drifted around aimlessly for a while, kinda hard to say how long as he didn't really bother to keep track of time - why bother? He was dead! What a trip, man.

With nothing specific to do nor any particular reason to do it, Ryoshin didn't get up to much of anything. He made friends with a bunch of Rukongai streetkids who adopted him as a sort of part-time big brother, just hanging around, idling, running from trouble now and then. On a whim, he took to helping out an aging village healer he'd met and found he actually had some talent for medicine. Learning and using healing kido, basic as it was, made him hungry for the first time since death. So now he suddenly had need for food and livelihood, and before he knew it he was actually working as the healer's apprentice. It was nice - the neighbourhood was pleasant, it felt good to be helping people, and for once he could actually do something for his friends, who took to sleeping over whenever the infirmary wasn't full (no sense in letting perfectly good beds go to waste).

But he still wasn't really going anywhere - it was all just something to do to kill time. Just another holding pattern. He was still just hanging around, doing things because there was nothing better to do. And, more importantly, he was finally getting bored of it, beginning to feel there had to be something more he could be doing if only he could put a finger on what.

Then one night the hollows came to the village. Four of them, slithering out of the wilderness like hulking shadows to kill and eat. There was screaming, people woke up and panicked, somehow a fire started and everything was a chaotic mess...

The Soul Society Noticed Me Because

...and, standing in the doorway with the old woman and scared kids crowding behind him, out of nowhere he found a sword in his hand. It felt so natural he didn't really even notice it until the bone-faced monster lurched out of the smoke and he cut it.

He had practiced Jujutsu and a little Kendo in life. He had some vague idea what he was doing - and it would've gotten him killed if three Soul Reapers hadn't showed up in time to get the hollow off him while there was still something to rescue. They told him what a lucky idiot he was and left him with the healer to deal with the other hollows.

It took the villagers a month to repair the immediate damages. By that time Ryoshin was on his feet again and training daily. He had found his purpose.

He applied and was admitted (on his second try) to the Shinigami Academy. That was six years ago...

Game Stats

  • Power Level: 8
    • Attack/Save: 10/6
    • Defense/Toughness: 10/6
  • Total Power Points: 120
  • Hero Points: 3

Damage Conditions


  • Bruised: 0
  • Staggered: no
  • Unconscious: no


  • Injured: 0
  • Disabled: no
  • Dying: no


  • none

Drawbacks, -1pp

  • Nearsighted 1 (hence his abysmal ranged attack bonus)

Abilities, 22pp

  • Strength 12 (+1, 2pp/rank)
  • Dexterity 16 (+3)
  • Constitution 12 (+1)
  • Intelligence 12 (+1)
  • Wisdom 16 (+3)
  • Charisma 12 (+1)

Combat, 0pp

  • Initiative 4 (+3)
  • Attack 10/8/0 (zanpakuto/melee/base)
  • Defense 10/0 (dodge/base)

Saves, 14pp

  • Toughness 5/3 (+1) (roll/base)
  • Fortitude 3 (+1)
  • Reflex 4 (+3)
  • Will 4 (+3)

Skills, 18pp

Italics indicate Skill Mastery.

  • Acrobatics 4 (+3)
  • Concentration 8 (+3)
  • Diplomacy 12 (+1)
  • Knowledge (kido) 4 (+1)
  • Knowledge (Soul Society) 4 (+1)
  • Knowledge (tactics) 8 (+1)
  • Medicine 8 (+3)
  • Notice 4 (+3)
  • Perform (stringed instruments) 4 (+1)
  • Sense Motive 12 (+3)
  • Stealth 4 (+3)

Feats, 34pp

  • Accurate Attack
  • All-Out Attack
  • Attack Focus (Melee) 8
  • Attack Specialization (zanpakuto)
  • Defensive Attack
  • Defensive Roll 2
  • Dodge Focus 10
  • Fearless
  • Grappling Finesse
  • Improved Critical (zanpakuto)
  • Improved Grapple
  • Improved Pin
  • Interpose
  • Power Attack
  • Takedown Attack
  • Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Medicine, Sense Motive, Stealth)
  • Uncanny Dodge (spirit sense)

Powers, 33pp

  • Concealment 10 (all senses, Limited 2: only mortals without Spiritual Awareness), 5pp

  • Device 3, zanpakuto (easy to lose, Restricted 2), 11pp
    • Superspeed (Rapid Attack, Limited 2: no Speed or Quickness)
    • Strike 5 (Autofire, Mighty, Alternate Power)
      • AP: Stun 6 (Daze), Banish 3 (ghosts, Range: touch)

  • Flash Step, 3pp

  • Leaping 2 (Alternate Power), 3pp
    • AP: Super-Movement 2 (Air-Walking 2, Limited: only in the mortal morld)

  • Magic 4, kido (Alternate Power 2), 10pp
    • Healing 8 (Action: 1 minute)
    • AP: Snare 4 (Action: full, Range: perception)
    • AP: Concealment 6 (all visual and spirit senses, Close Range, Passive)

  • Super-Senses 1 (Spiritual Awareness), 1pp