Land of Xel:Wylder Magic

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Land of Xel Home


Wilder Magic

Animate Plant

Difficulty- 18

Cost- 1 Actions

Range- 30’ + 5’ per caster level

Duration- 1 minute per caster level

Damage- None

Effect-The caster can cause 1 plant to come alive and obey the caster. The plant cannot move from where it is growing but all limbs, branches, trunk and roots can move around. The plant can entangle opponent assist the caster or any number of possibilities.

Bear Claws

Difficulty- 18

Cost- 1 Action

Range- Self or Touch

Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster

Damage- See Effect

Effect- Caster creates large bear like claws on the targets hands. These claws add 2d8 damage when used in combat and add +8 to the climb skill. The claws also grant the ability to rend.

Beast Speech

Difficulty- 13

Cost- 1 Actions

Range- Self or Touch

Duration- 1 min per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- The subject of the spell can speak to and understand all animals for the duration of the spell. This spell dose not change to attitude of any animal although a handle animal check can be made to alter to animal’s attitude with an additional bonus equal to the casters SOC


Difficulty- 10

Cost- 1 Action

Range- 30’

Duration- See Effect

Damage- None

Effect- Caster can show any animal that he desire's friendship. The animal can sense any alternative motive and will react accordingly. The animal will remain friendly as long as the caster and his allies take no action the animal may view as aggressive or threatening. The animal will not follow the caster outside of there natural habitat and not intentionally endanger themselves. They will not act out of nature.

Call Creature

Difficulty- 13 Cost- 1 Action (to cast)

Range- 1000’

Duration- 1 hour per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- The caster can call for a specific kind of animal. That caster has to be in an area that is inhabited by the animal they are attempting to call. The number of animals of that type that are within the area varies by animal type and is ultimately to the game master. If animals of that type are in the area they will proceed to the caster with moderate hast but will not endanger itself in the process. The animals will not act completely out of nature, but will not harm the caster or her allies. If provoked however the animals will attack or flee depending on the nature of the animal. The animal will not follow the caster outside of there natural habitat and not intentionally endanger themselves. At the end of the duration the animal carries on like normal and may attack caster if it is in its nature. This spell makes the animals indifferent to the caster and his allies for the duration of the spell. For example; the caster is in a wooded area trying to call wolves to him. The wolf is a pack animal with 2-8 members in a pack. GM decides that there are 5 wolves in the pack and are in the area. They use all there move actions each round until they arrive at the caster. The wolves will carry on as they would normally however they would remain in the area of the caster.

Cat Claws

Difficulty- 13

Cost- 1 Action

Range- Self or Touch

Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster

Damage- See Effect

Effect- Caster creates cat like claws on the targets hands. These claws add 1d6 damage when used in combat and add +6 to the climb skill.

Charm Beast

Difficulty- 15

Cost- 1 Action

Range- 30’ +5’ per level of caster

Duration- 1 minute +1 round per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- Caster can alter any animal’s demeanor to what he desires. The animal will view the caster as an ally and the casters allies as indifferent. The animal will not harm the casters allies as long as they take no action the animal may view as aggressive or threatening. The animal will not act out of nature or intentionally endanger itself to aid the caster.


Difficulty- 13

Cost- 1 Action

Range- Self or 10’

Duration- 1 minute +1 minute per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- The target gains the ability to blend into surroundings. While standing still target adds +20 to their Hide skill. While moving at one quarter speed add +15, and +10 at any greater speed.

Conjure Creature

Difficulty- 15

Cost- 2 Action

Range- 30’

Duration- 2 rounds +1 round per level of caster

Damage- None

Effect- Caster can conjure any kind of none magic animal or animals from the realm of the wild. The total number of animal levels is equal to the caster level. All animals must be of the same type. The animal will view the caster as an ally and the casters allies as indifferent. The animal will not harm the casters allies as long as they take no action the animal may view as aggressive or threatening. The animals will act slightly out of nature depending on casters will but if provoked or attacked by caster they will immediately return to the realm of the wild.

Crawl of Arachnid

Difficulty- 18

Cost- 1 Action

Range- Self or touch

Duration- 1 minute +1 minute per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- This allows the target to climb walls and crawl along ceilings like a spider. The movement is same as that of walking or running. No climb rolls are necessary unless being attacked or attacking on wall.

Create Animal

Difficulty- 30

Cost- 30 Actions

Range- Personal

Duration- See below

Damage- None

Effect- By using parts of an animal caster can ether resurrect the animal or create a whole new one. The animal functions just like a normal animal but will remain loyal to the caster as long as they take no action the animal may view as aggressive or threatening. The caster can have any number of animals as long as the total animal level doesn’t exceed his own. He can free an animal from loyalty at any time in which the animal immediately goes to the realm of the wild.

Dragon Claws

Difficulty- 23

Cost- 1 Action

Range- Self or Touch

Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster

Damage- See Effect

Effect- Caster creates large dragon like claws on the targets hands. These claws deal 3d10 damage when used in combat and add +10 to the climb skill. The claws also grant the ability to rend and/or impale.

Form of Beast

Difficulty- 24 to take form 12 to maintain form

Cost- 2 Actions

Range- Self

Duration- 1 hour +1 minute per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- User can transform himself into a non-magical animal of choice of equal or lesser level. Caster may maintain the form for another duration for half the difficulty. The caster gains the animals AGI, END, PER, and STR and any natural abilities that the new form would allow. The caster retains his INF, INT, MAG, MEC, and WIS. The caster looses any abilities that rely on body shape, i.e. claws, wings for flying, thick hide and such. All spell difficulties are tripled in beast form except for the spell to maintain the form or the spell to change into a new form at the normal difficulty of 24.

Enlarge Plant

Difficulty- 18

Cost- 1 Action

Range- 30’ +5’ per level of caster

Duration- 1 min per caster level

Damage- None

Effect- The target plant increases up to double its height.

Hide of the Rhino

Difficulty- 13

Cost- 1 Action

Range- Self or Touch

Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster

Damage- None

Effect- Target skin turns into a thick hide. Adds a +4 AR and 16 to damage soak of target.

Locate Plant or Animal

Difficulty- 10

Cost- 1 Action

Range- 1000’ radius

Duration- See below

Damage- None

Effect- You can detect a particular kind of animal or plant in the area emanating out from you. You must concentrate on a specific kind of animal or plant. First action revels if any are in the area. The second action reveals the amount and largest concentration of that particular kind. Third action caster must focus on a 100’ area with in the 1000’ radius, the spell then reveals average health of specimens in that 100’ area. The next action the caster can choose another 100’ area or locate individuals and there health and age. After the caster has located individuals he can focus on them for his next action and discover there general activity, sleeping, eating, playing ect.

Permanent Enlarge Plant

Difficulty- 30

Cost- 3 Action

Range- 30’ +5’ per level of caster

Duration- Permanent

Damage- None

Effect- The target plant increases up to double its height.

Shape Wood

Difficulty- 18

Cost- 2 Action

Range- Touch

Duration- Permenant

Damage- None

Effect- You can form an existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose. While it’s possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth with shape wood, fine detail isn’t possible. There is a 30% chance that any shape including moving parts simply doesn’t work.

Wall of Brambles

Difficulty- 23

Cost- 2 Actions

Range- 100’ +10’ per level of caster

Duration- 1 min per caster level

Damage- 1D4 per move on wall

Effect- Creates 10, 10’ x 10’ x 5’ blocks of brambles that can be used to constructed in a wall. The wall can stack no more than 3 blocks on top of each other which takes 6 blocks with a 1 on 2 on 3 block style. The caster creates the wall in his mind during the casting and the wall appears as the caster intends. This spell can be cast multiple times to create a larger wall. This spell must be cast on the ground where vegitation can grow.

Wood to Iron

Difficulty- 23

Cost- 4 Action

Range- Touch, 1' area per two caster levels, max of 10'

Duration- Permenant

Damage- None

Effect- The caster can change the area of wood into solid iron. This spell can also transform iron to wood although the area effected is halved and the cost is doubled.