Land of Xel:Weapons

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Weapon	        Difficulty	Damage	Concealment	STR	Enc	Weapon Type	        Cost
Axe, Double	6	        D6/D6	E	        9	2.50	Axes, One Handed 	55
Axe, Hand	4	        D6	C	        5	0.50	Axes, One Handed 	25
Axe, Great	6	        D12	E	        12	3.50	Axes, Two Handed 	65
Battleaxe	5	        D8	D	        8	1.50	Axes, One Handed 	30
Battleaxe	5	        D10	E	        10	2.00	Axes, Two Handed 	45
Dagger	        3	        D4	B	        1	0.25	Daggers	                20
Club	        4	        D6	C	        5	1.00	Blunt, One Handed 	0
Farm Tools	4	        D4	C	        1	1.00	Improvised	        1
Farm Tools	5	        D6	E	        3	1.00	Improvised	        3
Flail, Light	5	        D8	C	        9	1.50	Blunt, One Handed 	30
Flail, Heavy	6	        D10	C	        11	2.50	Blunt, Two Handed 	45
Flail, War	6	        3D3	E	        8	2.50	Blunt, One Handed 	40
Glaive 	        6	        D10	E               9	2.00	Pole Arms 	        45
Great Club 	6	        2D8	E               15	4.00	Blunt, Two Handed        5
Halberd	        5	        D10	E	        9	2.00	Pole Arms 	        50
Hammer, Double	6	        D6/D6	E	        8	2.00	Blunt, One Handed 	55
Hammer, Throw  	4	        D6	C	        5	0.50	Blunt, One Handed 	25
Hand Staff	3	        D6	C	        1	0.25	Blunt, One Handed 	15
Lance, Light	5	        D10	E	        8	1.00	Pole Arms 	        30
Lance, Heavy	6	        D12	E	        10	1.50	Pole Arms 	        50
Mace, Light	3	        D6	C               6	1.00	Blunt, One Handed 	15
Mace, Heavy	4	        D8	D	        9	2.00	Blunt, Two Handed 	35
Mace, Great 	5	        2D8	E	        13	4.00	Blunt, Two Handed 	45
Main Gauche	4	        D4	B	        1	0.25	Parry Weapons	        40
Mancatcher	6	        D8	E	        8	1.50	Pole Arms 	        45
Maul	        5	        3D4	E	        12	2.00	Blunt,  Two Handed 	45
Metalstaff	5	        2D3	D	        7	1.00	Staffs	                20
Morning Star	5	        D8	C	        8	1.50	Blunt, One Handed 	25
Pickaxe	        4	        D4/D4	D	        7	1.50	Axes, One Handed        35
Pick, Footman   3	        D4	C	        7	0.50	Axes, One Handed 	15
Pick Hammer	4	        D4/D6	D	        7	1.50	Axes, One Handed 	45
Pick, War 	4	        D6	C	        7	1.00	Axes, One Handed 	25
Pike 	        6	        D10	E	        8	1.00	Pole Arms 	        45
Pocket Blade	4	        D3	A	        1	0.25	Daggers	                10
Quaterstaff	3	        D6	D	        4	0.25	Staffs	                15
Rapier	        4	        D6	C	        4	0.25	Parry Weapons	        35
Shield, Buckler	2	        D3	B	        4	0.50	Parry Weapons	        30
Shield, Heavy	3	        D6	C	        8	1.50	Shields	                30
Shield, Small	3	        D4	C	        6	1.00	Shields	                30
Spear, Short	4	        D6	E	        5	0.50	Pole Arms 	        15
Spear	        5	        D8	E	        7	1.00	Pole Arms 	        15
Spear, Long 	5	        D8	E	        7	1.50	Pole Arms 	        15
Sword, Double	6	        D6/D6	E	        8	3.00	Blades, Two Handed 	55
Sword, 2Handed  4	        2D6	E	        10	3.00	Blades, Two Handed 	50
Sword, Great	6	        2D8	E	        13	3.50	Blades, Two Handed 	65
Sword, Short	4	        D6	C	        5	1.50	Blades, One Handed 	25
Sword, Long	5	        D8	D	        7	2.50	Blades, One Handed 	35
Trident	        6	        D8	E	        8	1.00	Pole Arms         	45
Warhammer	5	        D10	D	        9	1.50	Blunt, One Handed 	30
Whip	        7	        D4	B	        2	0.25	Whip	                25


Weapon	                Range	        Damage	Concealment	STR	Encumbrance	Weapon Type	Cost
Axe, Hand	        2/4-6/10	D6	       C	5	0.50	       Thrown, Small	25
Bow, Short	        15/20-50/85	D6	       E	7	1.00	       Archery	        30
Bow, Long	        20/35-70/110	D8	       E	9	1.50	       Archery	        100
Composite Bow, Short	18/30-60/100	D6	       E	6	1.25	       Archery	        30
Composite Bow, Long	22/45-90/150	D8	       E	8	1.75	       Archery	        100
Crossbow, Light	        20/40-70/110	D8	       C	7	1.75	       Projectile	45
Crossbow, Heavy	        22/40-90/150	D10	       C	9	2.50	       Projectile	80
Dart	                3/5-7/10	D2	       A	1	0.25/10	       Thrown, Small	3
Hammer, Throw	        2/4-6/10	D6	       C	5	0.50	       Thrown, Small	25
Knife (thrown)	        2/4-6/10	D4	       A	1	0.25	       Thrown, Small	10
Javelin	                6/9-15/25	D6	       D	7	0.50	       Thrown, Large	15
Sling	                5/8-10/22	D4	       B	2	0.25	       Thrown, Small	5
Spear (thrown)	        5/8-10/22	D8	       E	7	0.50	       Thrown, Large	15
Trident (thrown)	5/7-10/22	D8	       E	8	1.00	       Thrown, Large	15

Ranged Firearms

Weapon	        Range	        Damage	Concealment	STR	Encumbrance	Type	Cost	Misfire
Pocket Pistol	2/5-10/20	2D4	       A	2	0.25	        Firearm	250	10%
Pistol	        3/6-12/24	2D6	       B	5	0.5	        Firearm	300	10%
Gnomish Pistol	3/7-14/26	2D6	       B	5	0.5	        Firearm	500	5%
Musketoon	15/20-35/80	2D8	       D	8	1.25	        Firearm	800	10%
Rifle	        26/80-180/300	2D8	       E	8	1.5	        Firearm	875	12%
Long Rifle	45/100-200/500	2D8	       E	8	2	        Firearm	950	12%
Gnomish Rifle	50/110-225/600	2D8	       E	8	1.75	        Firearm	1200	8%
Goblin Carbine	20/50-150/200	3D8	       E	9	2	        Firearm	900	18%
Hand Cannon	3/5-12/24	2D10	       D	9	2	        Firearm	800	22%
Blunderbuss	3/5-12/24	3D8	       E	9	1.5	        Firearm	850	18%
Shotgun	        4/8-15/30	2D10	       D	9	1.5	        Firearm	1200	12%

Crew Weapons

Weapon Abilities


Requisite: Melee, Projectile, or Thrown Weapon

Effect: -2 Difficulty, +5 Range (Projectiles and Thrown Weapons Only)

Cost: x 2


Requisite: Bladed weapon Effect: Does an additional 1/4 damage done by critical hit next round

Cost: x 2


Requisite: Blunt weapon

Effect: Does an additional 1/4 damage done by critical hit next round

Cost: x 2


Requisite: Melee Weapon

Effect: +2 Damage +1 Difficulty

Cost: x 1 ½


Requisite: Melee Weapon

Effect: -1 Damage, -2 Difficulty

Cost: x 1½


Requisite: Class 5

Effect: Allows weapon to become enchanted, prerequisite of becoming class 6. Once weapon becomes magical the magical ability descriptor replaces the runed ability descriptor.

Cost: ¼ of total cost

Very Heavy

Requisite: Melee Weapon

Effect: +4 Damage +2 Difficulty

Cost: x 2

Very Light

Requisite: Melee Weapon

Effect: -2 Damage -4 Difficulty

Cost: x 2


Requisite: Blunt or Thrown Weapon

Effect: +2 Damage +1 Difficulty, -5 Range

Cost: x 1 ¼