HC Template Sheet
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Siyavash "Sukhbataar", Vister warrior, 20 years old, played by Asen_G
- Class: Lancer 1, XP: yet to be acquired
- Action dice: 3d4
- Recent changes to sheet:
NB Pease don't alter the format too much; if we alter one, I want to alter all.
- STR 12 (+1) / DEX 14 (+2) / CON 12 (+1)
- INT 16 (+3) / WIS 16 (+3) / CHA 10 (+0)
- Init: +2 (0 Priest + 2 Dex)
- BAB: +1 / Melee +2 / Ranged +3
- Defence: 13 (10 + 2 Priest + 2 DEX - 1 Leather Armor DP)
- DR: 1 (Leather Armor)
- Fort: +2 (1 +1 Con) / Ref: +2 (0 +2 Dex) / Will: +4 (1 +3 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 10 / Wound Points: 18
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- Large Scale Glaive +3 To Hit; 1d10 + 1 Damage (+ 1 Str); 19-20; Keen 4, Reach +1; Hard 2
- Two
Social, Interests & Religion
- Lifestyle: x (Panache x [+x Appearance; Income 0 silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
- Legend: x
- Reputation: 10
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Language: Donlar (the native tongue of Old Lil, though he speaks the archaic form)
- Study: Stone
- Study: History of the First Empire
- Study: Unborn
- Alignment: For Kel Donlar! (Paths from Beauty, Earth, Knowledge & Strength)
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- Gia: Large folk: 2x2; Reach 2; Speed 50’
- Gia: Improved Stability: If standing on firm ground, +1 size cat for CC, Trample attacks & resisting Bull rush/Trip
- Gia: Natural Attack: Trample I
- Gia: Sterner Stuff: Defending against Keen atks, they reduce by 4
- Ba: Well-rounded:
- Ba: Beguiling: When taunt standard character, can change standard result for fixation for rounds =15 (Cha). Dmg interrupts
- Ba: Encouragement: 1/scene Talk to teammate 1 min +1 morale saves
- Ba: Free Hint: 1/session Free hint from GM or bonus action die
- Ba: Practised Impress: If use action die to boost Impress but fails, get it back
- SaC: Breadth of Experience: 4 bonus class skills with 2 free ranks
- Sa1: Wise counsel: 1 action die to boost ally’s skill/save or damage (p.47)
- Sa2: Assistance I: Half an ally’s skill check time (round up, min. 5 min.), but +1 error range (p.47)
- Lvl 1: Shield basics: +4 to Bull rush + Phalanx stance
- Stance: Phalanx stance: Allies have +1 Def+Ref; or +2 if I have guard +2 (i.e. shield)
- Proficiencies: Hurled weapons / Edged weapons (forte) / Blunt weapons (forte)
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
(6+Int 2 = 8/lvl) Max 5 Total (4x8)+8+8 bonus=48
- Acrobatics** 5 (5/0Dex/0)
- Athletics** 5 (5/0Str/0)
- Bluff* 5 (3/2Cha/0)
- Crafting (Masonry) 6 (4/2Int/0)
- Disguise 2 (0/2Cha/0)
- Haggle 5 (3/2Wis/0)
- Impress** 7 (5/2Cha/0)
- Intimidate** 7 (5/2Cha/0)
- Investigate 7 (5/2Wis/0)
- Medicine 5 (3/2Int/0)
- Notice 3 (1/2Wis/0)
- Resolve* 5 (3/2Con/0)
- Ride 0 (0/0Dex/0)
- Search 3 (1/2Int/0)
- Sense Motive 7 (5/2Wis/0)
- Tactics 2 (0/2Int/0)
One asterisk = Origin skills / Two = Bonus Sage class skills (gain 2 ranks)
Loads (Str 20): Light < 200 lb / Hvy 201-600 lb / Over > 601 lb
- Panache: 1, Prudence: 0, Total: 110 s
- Shield, metal 1d4 subdual 20 Guard +2 S/1h Hard 3 7W 8 lbs. Ancient 20s
- Cavalry axe 1d8 lethal 20 AP 2, cavalry S/1h Hard 2 12D 8 lbs. Ancient 15s
- Short bow Arrow 19–20 20 ft. × 6 Cavalry S/2h Hard 1 10D 4 lbs. Primitive 40s
- Arrows: Standard (30) 1d6 lethal — — AP 2, poisonous — Hard 1 7D 1/10 lb. Primitive 10s
- Garrote Silences a held or pinned target as a free action D/2h Soft 1 5D 1/10 lb. Primitive 1s
- Canteen/waterskin Holds 2 quarts of liquid T/1h Soft 1 5D 1 lb. ** Primitive 5s
- Firesteel/tinderbox Starts fire in 1 round D/2h Hard 1 7D 1/2 lb. Ancient 8s
- Whistle Signal 1 mile (outdoors) or 500 ft. (indoors) D/1h Hard 1 7D 1/2 lb. Primitive 2s
- Blanket/bedroll Cold Resistance 4 Special */— Soft 1 5D 5 lbs. Primitive 5s
- 4 s left
Born: Xth day of the month of **** and ****, Yth month of 475
Some historian from the Empire, Diordorus-or-something, commented that "Vister women fight like the men and are nowise inferior to them in bravery'. I think he underestimated our women-folk! Sure, I don't say the Vister men are worse fighters, this wouldn't be true. It's just that women don't participate in all fights but major ones, but when they do, beware! Their ferocity is virtually unmatched. I suppose that they know that if they fall, their children might very easily die. Much as he tries, a man is not that good in taking care of infants. It really makes them nasty fighters... well, that, or they just chose to fight in the days when the feel like fighting, if you get what I mean! Given that on those days, an average woman might make you hurt using nothing but words, imagine what she'll do when she uses an weapon on top of that! All in all, in the mountain, women take care of the children and house, men hunt, take care of the herds, and fend off the first attacks, should an enemy appear. When the tribe is threatened, though, we all fight as one, for both the daughters and the sons of the Lion share the same ancestor spirits! That's why we bury both men and women with their personal weapons. I see in the Empire, many women don't even own weapons. The first few months, I believed they are just hiding them better than we do at home... now I just find it weird.