Character:Arynd Kal, Wrath of Fallen Kings

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Wrath was born as Arynd Kal, in the now doomed city of Thorns. After it was sacked by a band of hungry ghosts and a decayed behemoth, Arynd and his parents escaped and fled to Lookshy, hoping for protection better then that provided by the Realm.

After settling in, Arynd joined the military, believing it the only way an outsider could truly call the city home. Fighting in many battles, he rose through the ranks, and was even awarded a suit of armor from Tein Lu herself, Goddess of Lookshy, for refusing to let his unit's banner fall into enemy hands after suffering a crushing defeat. His star was on the rise

However, when the unit, now under his command was ambushed, something quite unexpected happen. The last soldier standing, he was visited by a vision of the God Kings, sitting down to a great feast, before being set upon and slaughtered by the Dragon-Blooded. Overcome by rage, he cut down his attackers, and stumbled away in a daze.

Now knowing the truth (as he understands it), Arynd, calling himself Wrath of Fallen Kings, has traveled far and wide, striking at any Terrestrial that dares abuse their power. His dreams are filled with thoughts of restoring the proper balance, and returning the God Kings to power. However, he needs a starting point, which he would prefer to be Lookshy.

During his travels, he discovered, or was lead by visions of a previous life, he's not sure, to a Manse that contained a great sword and armor worthy of a God-King.

  • Wrath of Fallen Kings
  • Caste: Dawn
  • Concept: Melee Warlord Dawn
  • First Impression and Appearance Text


  • To Conquer Lookshy





His men, Shrike and Mari, DoM





A roiling column of golden energy, with four great figures saluting with broken swords and wearing broken crowns, their lower bodies turning to mist. =Attributes=


  • Strength 5
  • Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 4


  • Charisma 3
  • Manipulation 2
  • Appearance 4


  • Perception 4
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wits 3



Archery 5 Martial Arts 4 Melee 5 Thrown War 5


Resistance 4 Presence 3 Athletics 3 Awareness 4 Dodge 3 Survival 2 Integrity 3


Ride 3 Linguistics 2 Lore 1 Medicine 2


Artifact 5 (Celestial Batle Armor, with Enhanced Healing, Essence Gauntlets and Essence Wings) Artifact 2 (Daiklave) Cult 3 Influence 3 Manse 3 Lunar Bond 5 Henchman 1 Followers 4 Retainers 3


Each Merit

Describe the Merit and it's cost


Each Flaw

  • Describe the Flaw and it's cost


Melee Hungry Tiger Technique, One Weapon Two Blows, Peony Blossom Attack, Dipping Swallow Attack, Bulwark Stance, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Solar Counter Attack, Ready in Eight Directions Stance Indomitable Puissance War Rout Stemming Gesture, Heroism Encouraging Presence, Tiger Warrior Training Technique, Legendary Warrior Curriculum, Fury-Inciting Presence, Mob-Dispersing Rebuke Athletics Increasing Strength Exercise Awareness Surprise Anticipation Method Archery There is no Wind, Accuracy without Distance Resistance Ox-Body Technique x4 Combos Rage of the Setting Sun First Melee with Iron Whirlwind Attack, Hungry Tiger Tech, One Weapon Two Blows, Dipping Swallow and Bulwark Stance. 8 attacks with 25 dice, no flurry penalties and full PDV. Extra Successes count double for damage.


  • Essence: 4
  • Personal: 20/
  • Peripheral: 50/
  • Committed to Charms: 0
  • Committed to artifacts: 15
  • Willpower: 8/
  • Anima status:


  • Compassion: 3
  • Conviction: 4
  • Temperance: 3
  • Valor: 4
  • (Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break

Berserk Rage



  • Join Battle: 7
  • Dodge DV: 7
  • Parry DV: 7 (Daiklave) 6 (Essence Gauntlets)
  • Soak: 18L/18B/18A, Hardness 9L/9B


  • Move:
  • Dash:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels

  • -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


Daiklave Speed 5, Acc 14, Dmg 13L, Rate 4, Attune 5 Essence Gauntlets Melee Speed 5, Acc 12, Dmg 17L/4 or 22B/4, Rate 3 O,P Essence Gauntlets Ranged Speed 5, Acc 13, Dmg 10L or 15B, Range 60 or 100, Rate 3, 2 motes/Attack


  • Give us at least two or three short paragraphs


  • Give at least one short paragraph



Each Member


Each Circlemate


  • Earned: 50
  • Spent: 48 (make a list of all purchases here)
  • Unspent: 2