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Osrick Godstone, Giant Adept and Priest of Zagros, 39 years old, played by The Pugilist
- Class: Priest 1, XP: 0
- Action dice: 3d4
- Recent changes to sheet:
- STR 12 (+1) / DEX 14 (+2) / CON 12 (+1)
- INT 16 (+3) / WIS 16 (+3) / CHA 10 (+0)
- Init: +2 (0 Priest + 2 Dex)
- BAB: +1 / Melee +2 / Ranged +3
- Defence: 12 (10 + 2 Priest + 2 DEX - 1 Leather Armor DP - 1 Size)
- DR: 1 (Leather Armor)
- Fort: +2 (1 +1 Con) / Ref: +2 (0 +2 Dex) / Will: +4 (1 +3 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 10 / Wound Points: 18
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- Large Scale Glaive +3 To Hit; 1d8 + 1 Damage (+ 1 Str); 19-20; Keen 4, Reach +1; Hard 2
Social, Interests & Religion
- Lifestyle: +1 (Panache 0 [+0 Appearance; Income 0 silver] / Prudence 1 [20% savings])
- Legend: 1
- Reputation: 10
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Language: Native
- Study: Homeland
- Study: Alignment (Zagros)
- Study: Study (Horrors of Legend)
Alignment: Zagros
- Paths: Knowledge, Magic, Secrets, Order
- Skills: Spell Casting, Search, Blend, Investigation
- Ritual Weapon: Glaive
- Avatar: Dire Heavenly Tiger
- Opposed Alignments: Those who keep secrets to harm or oppress, Those who use knowledge to harm others.
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- Gia: Large folk: 2x2; Reach 2; Speed 50’
- Gia: Improved Stability: If standing on firm ground, +1 size cat for CC, Trample attacks & resisting Bull rush/Trip
- Gia: Natural Attack: Trample I
- Gia: Sterner Stuff: Defending against Keen atks, they reduce by 4
- Ad: Bonus Spellcasting Feat: Casting Basics, +2 to SC checks, Threat on 19-20
- Ad: Heroic: +1 to att/skill checks during sramatic scenes
- Ad: Practiced Search: If action die spent and roll fails get die back. If vs. mult opponents must fail against all.
- Ad: Free Hint: 1/session Free hint from GM or bonus action die
- Ad: Turning: Horrors
- PrC: Devout: When fail attack with rit weapon or priest class skill (and no error), can spend act die to re-roll.
- Pr1: Acolyte: Ritual weapon free, rep during downtime. Take first step along one align path (Magic).
- Lvl 1: Literacy: I can readz
- Ultrafast Feat: "Elemental Heritage": Mist / Smoke. Ranged Resistance 5 (7 w/ Giant Armor). +2 Bonus w/Blend. -2 to Fort.
- Universal Campaign Feat: "Blessed": 1st step on Knowledge Path
- Proficiencies: Hurled weapons (forte) / Edged weapons (forte) / Unarmed
- Pa: Magic I: Subtle and Quick to Anger, + 2 x Path Lvl in SP at beginning of each scene
- Pa: Knowledge I: +5 to Knowledge Checks, Cast Read Magic At Will
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
(6+Int 3 = 9/lvl) Max 4 Total (4x9)=36
- Spellcasting* 9 (4/3Int/2)
- Impress 4 (4/0Cha/0)
- Investigate 7 (4/3Wis/0)
- Medicine 7 (4/3Int/0)
- Notice 7 (4/3Wis/0)
- Resolve 5 (4/1Con/0)
- Search* 7 (4/3Int/0)
- Sense Motive 7 (4/3Wis/0)
- Blend 6 (4/0Cha/2)
One asterisk = Origin skills
Loads (as Large w/ Backpack so Str 18): Light <= 160 lb / Hvy 161-480 lb / Over >= 481 lb
Stake 100s
- Crude Giant Partial Leather Armor; DR1; Resistance: Fire 5; DP -1; ACP -0; Soft 1; 5D; 12 lbs; 20 SP
- Ritual Glaive; See attacks above; 15 lbs; 0 SP
=20 SP; 27 lbs
- Pouch (50 coins) 2 lbs; 2 SP
- Doctor’s bag 2 lb; 20 SP
- Torches 5 Uses 3 lb; 2 SP
- Bandages 10 uses ½ lb; 3 SP
- Rations 7 uses 5lb; 5 SP
- Mage's Pouch 4 lbs; 20 SP
- Backpack 5 lbs; 10 SP
- Firesteel / Tinderbox 1/2 lb; 8 SP
- Tea 3 Uses 1/2 lb; 10 SP
=80 SP; 25.5 lbs!
- Coin: 10s
Spells by Level
- 0th: Read Magic (at Will / no check req), Create Water, Detect Alignment, Detect Secret Doors, Glow, Feather Fall, Endure Elements, Touch of Light, Expeditious Retreat
- 1st: Cure Wounds I, Identify, Magic Aura, Charm Person I, Magic Scribe, Shield, Detect Magic, Disguise Self
- 2nd: Detect Emotion, Calm Emotions
- 3rd: Tongues I
- 4th: Detect Traps
Born: 21st day of the month of Sinon (Knowledge) and Egibis (Light), 9th month of 475