A Random Bunch Chancel

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The Chancel of Ardua Chronochthon, known as the River of Time, is unusual even for the Chancel of a Wildlord. Its dominant feature is the eponymous River; it glows with its own pale blue light, and the continuous roaring sound it gives forth seems deafening at first. The River's vast roar is not due to some great waterfall or rapids, it is instead due to the fact that its banks are separated not by a flow of water, but by a continuous stream of moments. Reaching into the River, one finds that its contents are more like infinitesimal beads of glass than like water; each speck is a moment, an instant of time in somehow solidified form.

The River of Time, in the region most choose to visit, is dominated by a vast city constructed mainly of what appears to be translucent glass with a faint blue color. Numerous towers and vast, mysterious edifices create a striking skyline whose center is over the River itself. A bridge so titanic as to beggar the word stretches over the River, with an array of strange buildings sitting atop it. Lesser bridges to an assortment of islands form a web between the great span and the banks of the River. Some of the islands are utterly barren rocks; others possess structures on them whose apparent origins would baffle and astound an Earthly historian. Docks have been constructed on some of these islands, as well as on the shores of the River, to service the great vessels that wander up- and down-stream, casting great nets into the River for the purpose of, well, who can say?



  • Ubiquitous
  • Many Magical Inhabitants
  • Mana Mine (2 points)


  • 2 Banes
  • Realm 1 Erus