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When I wrote Marduk I used the Hunter Conspiracies as a guide, this included a selection list of charachter concepts; while I was satisfied with the results I cut it for being unsuited to an Antagonist faction. But I'm stashing them here for safekeeping.

You grew up in a remote village until one day people started to act odd. You tried to talk them to their senses but nothing worked, by the time they officially became a cult you barely recognised people you grew up with all your life. You fled, leaving your family behind, and the Marduk Society showed you that you could stop it happening to anyone else.

You were born to walk the corridors of power, a lobbyist or an “advisor” pushing others to the paths you wanted. Then one day the Marduk Society called your number. Now you’re playing in the big leagues.

You were a historian studying fringe religions and you noticed a recurring pattern of cults across centuries cantered around one family. You went to speak with their descendents and you found the cult was alive again; it really was as bad the records claimed. You’re still scared that you are capable of such violence, of committing murder, but the Marduk Society’s therapists are helping.

You’re everything a hero is supposed to be: strong, just, and not bad to look at either. You’ve been protecting humanity for most of your life, the wounds are caching up and age isn’t helping either. But you can’t stop now; you’d never live with yourself if you left decent humans to their mercy.

The blood of the Tribe runs in your family and for all your youth you dreamed of ascending to godhood. Then your brother started changing and you just couldn’t accept your role as a servant. The Marduk Society promised you could take your birthright, until then revenge isn’t bad.

You were an archaeologist and you made the find of a lifetime. Relics older than any civilisation known to man, you had so many questions but your papers never reached the journals, they reached Marduk who offered answers and a job. You don’t go hunting but you respect the people who do, and try to make sure they know what they’re facing.

Primordial Icons.

Just a couple of things I made to flavour the Progenitors.

I got this idea from the Demigod opening video. The art style is supposed to be the same as the icons of the demigods seen around 1 minuet in. Obviously this is not meant to be an accurate description of the progenitors.

[Picture A carved stone wall depicting the progenitors in crude drawings.

In the centre of the carving is an icon of Nu: A slightly deformed circle with a wave symbol in the centre. From the top, anticlockwise are:

Bahamat: A fish 1.5 times the size of the other progenitors.
Dagon: An eal with a fish's head. It's body is positioned like an S, its belly is swollen in pregnancy.
Nagaraga: A huge eye, four tentacles emerge from the corners.
Isonade: A shark who's body curls to make a circle, its tail is disproportionately large.
Oceanus: A dolphin drawn vertically so it crudely approximates a man. It's tail splits at what would be half way between the ankles and knees and its flippers are held apart from the body. It's face looks almost human.
Tanin: The head of a sea serpent with a mighty jaw.

And here's a poem. In the words are hints to the close relationship between Dagon, Oceanus and Isonade (they each share three favoured Channel with eachother) and the primary Channel of each

Once there were seven.
Once three went to the surface and four the depths.
Once Eldest Nu became sea and sky.
Once Unchained Bahamut grew in deep places.
Once Watchful Nagaraja hid beneath and saw all.
Once Unbending Tanin hunted across oceans.
Once Hierarch Dagon birthed and buried multitudes.
Once Enchanting Oceanus called from the rivers.
Once Graceful Isonode broke islands with a blow.
Once there were seven.
Mother Tiamat above all.
Now there are none.