Lovewitch Adventures The Academy

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Founded by the powerful witch Mina Lovewitch after she, quote her own words, "had a vision of a better world for life", Lovewitch Academy is a school in Taiwan that accepts students both human and non-human. The academy is dedicated in improving the relationship between humans and non-humans, by teaching its non-human students how to use their powers to help and protect people. The school assignments often include taking down dangerous monsters under supervision of the teachers. In addition to instructing students, the teachers of the academy also conduct researches on how to treat the psychotic impulses of certain non-human through a combination of magic and technology.


The Central Garden

At the center of the Lovewitch Academy is a grand garden. It was enchanted with fertility spells so that flowers of all season can always blossom all the time. At the center of the garden is an old and gigantic cherry-blossom with many stories around it.

Planetary Clinic

The clinic run by Dr. Mercury specialize in treating all kinds of bizarre symptoms on all kinds of bizarre creatures.

Church of St. Peter/St. Judas

On some version of the map it's a church for St. Peter, on other versions it's for St. Judas. Some maps just overlaps them.

Aria's Magic Shop

The school store that sells magic artifacts. Aria also sells Not_Magic stuffs, but people rarely buy them.