Dr. Styptic
A character in Morgrave High: Passing Marks

"Yes? What? Can't you see I'm busy? Oh, now look what you've done: the alembic has caught fire, again!"
Occupation: Warforged biologist and Doctor of Applied Natural Philosophy.
Role: Alchemist
Theme Song: "Imaginary Places" by busdriver - [1]
- This golem’s blank, factory-pressed exterior hides a burning passion to discover what makes living organisms tick. A former engineer in the Brelish military, Styptic has devoted every waking hour -- which is all of them! -- in his brief existence to the study of natural philosophy. Dr. Styptic has dissected more animals than most people have eaten, and then rendered down the remains into a variety of useful, explosive, or delicious compounds. His goal in life, which he will discuss at great length with the smallest provocation, is to discover the philosophic element responsible for life in both humanoids and living constructs. Unfortunately, he far prefers his research to his teaching duties, which makes him crabby and impenetrable in the classroom.