Alishia Mesbet d'Orien

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Name: Alishia Mesbet d'Orien

Quote: "C'mon, this'll be way more fun than Heraldic Studies!"

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Race: Human

Class: Monk

Personality: Brash, impulsive, upbeat, and exuberant. Enjoys fighting, exploring new places, and doing things people tell her not to do.

High School Archetype: One part Tomboy, one part Troublemaker.

Backstory: As a young, Dragonmarked scion of House Orien, Alishia's destiny was to master her innate gifts, learn all she could about the history of her august and noble House, and one day assume the responsibilities due an heir of Orien's nation-spanning guild of couriers and transportation networks.

Of course, things would have gone smoother if Alishia hadn't found all of this to be incredibly dull. Business etiquette, international economics, courtly manners...boring, all of it.

But those stories that she found in the House library? The ones about famous soldiers and rakish duelists? Those were exciting. And those other books, the ones in the secret shelves that she wasn't supposed to know about, the ones about the "clandestine" couriers her House employed? Those were fun too. She managed to convince one of the sergeants in the House Guard to give her some lessons in swordfighting...but her parents quickly put a stop to it when they found out. She was too young, they said. It was too dangerous. And she had more important things to do.

She managed to spend an entire six months training with one of the House's couriermasters, learning how to get from any one point to another in the quickest possible fashion, before her parents put a stop to it.

Her lessons in how to bypass locked doors lasted only four months. Her mother had been quite cross.

And so it went...everything that Alishia wanted to learn about, her parents forbade her from pursuing, and everything that they wanted her to learn, she found insufferably dull. To alleviate her boredom, she took to sneaking out of her house when she was supposed to be studying and wandering the streets of Fairhaven, dashing through alleyways, climbing up onto buildings, sneaking in and out of stores, and dueling imaginary bandits.

It was on one of these expeditions that she saw a man accosted by muggers in a remote alleyway. Rather than surrender his belongings or attempt to flee, she watched as the man dispatched every assailant, a half dozen in total, using only his fists and feet.

It was the coolest thing she'd ever seen.

Naturally, she had to follow him once he was finished...though she didn't expect him to notice her quite as quickly as he did. But still, she had to know where he'd learned to fight like that. He walked with her while she told him her story, listening to her unlike her parents...and when they reached his destination, a small building on the outskirts of the city, Master Ryven of the Iron Palm Academy (current enrollment: 6) made her a deal. If she made every effort to attend to her studies at home, then he would take her on as a student. Alisha couldn't agree quicker.

She made it four years. Her parents were so amazed by the improvement in her studies that they hardly noticed how much time Alisha spent studying in her "room." They were especially pleased that she showed no further interest in swordplay.

She might have made it even longer, if not for the incident at the marketplace. It wasn't her fault that those bullies decided to start a fight just as the Prince and his entourage thought it would be a good idea to look for a gift for the Queen. It's not like she meant to hit him...he got in the way is all. It was only a black eye. Besides, she apologized for hitting him. What else did they want?

What they wanted was a well-mannered successor to the House's business affairs, but by this point the damage was done. In resignation, her parents, no longer sure what to do with their headstrong daughter, accepted the suggestion of a family friend. That next autumn, rather than resume her studies with the House, Alisha would be enrolled in Morgrave University's Junior Associates program. At the very least, she'd be able to do less damage there.

They hope.

Alishia Mesbet d'Orien, level 2

Human, Monk

Monastic Tradition: Stone Fist

Background: Orien Smuggler (+2 to Acrobatics)

FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 16, Con 11, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13.

STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13.

AC: 19 Fort: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 16 HP: 28 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

TRAINED SKILLS Thievery +10, Diplomacy +7, Stealth +10, Acrobatics +13, Athletics +9, Endurance +6

UNTRAINED SKILLS Arcana +1, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering, Heal, History +1, Insight, Intimidate +2, Nature, Perception, Religion +1, Streetwise +2


  • Human: Mark of Passage
  • Level 1: Unarmored Agility
  • Level 2: Improved Initiative
  • Feat User Choice: Implement Expertise (Ki Focuses)


  • Bonus At-Will Power: Crane's Wings
  • Monk at-will 1: Dragon's Tail
  • Monk at-will 1: Five Storms
  • Monk encounter 1: Open the Gate of Battle
  • Monk daily 1: Spinning Leopard Maneuver
  • Monk utility 2: Scrambling Climb

ITEMS Monk Unarmed Strike, Magic Ki Focus +1, Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Safewing Amulet +1, Arcane Signet Ring, Fine Clothing, Identification Papers with Portrait, Silk Rope (50 ft.), Backpack (empty), Grappling Hook, Chest (empty), Potion of Healing, 65gp