Ashley Sinclair - Jungle Queen
Ashley Sinclair is a shadow in the night, haunting the dark spaces and leaving art or words to trouble the souls of those who experience them. She's also a computer specialist for a large corporation to pay the bills.
She's a 19 year old trying to balance art against commerce while juggling work, school and the need for artistic outlets. Before she was really into art and theater, she was into martial arts, having a brown belt in judo and a flirtation with Olympic training. She's naturally talented in many fields, especially computers, but gets bored and loses focus easily. She lives with two black cats, Shadowpool and Mr. Fluffy. Her parents grow organic vegetables in northern California.
She enjoys freaking people out with the "spooky goth" look, but just for fun... and to test and make sure people are really interested in being friends. Her flip attitude would get her into more trouble at work if she wasn't the top debugger there. She's a bit of an otaku, enough to pick up fluent Japanese and puts that to use cosplaying when she goes clubbing (when she's not spending time on the internet).
Ashley is 5'4" and works hard at having a pale complexion, aided by some Irish ancestry (she's a natural redhead, dyed jet black with the occaisonal highlight). She frequently changes her hairstyle, going with spiral pigtails, braids or drawn back and spiky. She almost always has a frilly lace or leather choker on and dresses in black clothes with frilly skirts and striped stockings. She saves the ornate gothic lolita outfits for special occasions.
Stats 14 PP
Str 10 0
Dex 12 +1
Con 10 0
Int 16 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 14 +2
Saves 3 PP
Fortitude: 0
Reflex: +2
Will: +3
Combat 0 PP
Initiative +1
Attack Bonus +0 (Melee +3)
Defense Bonus +0 (Dodge +3)
Toughness: +0
Skills 21 PP
Bluff +4/+6
Computers +8/+11
Craft Emotive +8/+11
Disguise +4/+6
Disable Device +4/+7
Gather Information +4/+7
Intimidate +8/+10
Knowledge: Arcane Lore +4/+7
Knowledge: Art +8/+11
Knowledge Current Events +4/+7
Knowledge Cyberculture +4/+7
Knowledge: Technology +8/+11
Knowledge: Theology +8/+11
Language 2 Japanese, Latin
Perform: Acting +4/+6
Feats 22 PP
Attractive 1
Attack Focus (Melee) 3
Demonic Glare 1
Dodge Focus 3
Equipment 2 (Mid-sized car, PDA, Laptop, cellphone)
Interface (computers)
Online Research
Second Chance (Computer programming)
For reasons she can't figure out, Ashley been chosen by the spirit of the Jungle Queen, the archetype of the amazon warrior. This manifests in her growing to a seven foot tall powerhouse wearing nothing but a (real!) fur bikini, much to her chagrin. She can stay transformed for as long as she wants... which is as little as possible. It's so sexist and cliched! She's fast and strong and hard to hurt, and has very keen senses and a close connection with nature... a natural huntress. While she can change quickly (which is very hard on her wardrobe), she's stuck that way for at least a few hours, as the spirit of the jungle queen doesn't have any use for "work shifts."
These creatures aren't at all like the supernatural entities she's read of in her dusty tomes either! Having to deal with problems just by hitting them isn't very creative either. Still, they can't be allowed to run loose... and at least it's never boring!
Stats 14 PP
Str 10/30 0/+10
Dex 12 +1
Con 10/20 0/+5
Int 16 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 14 +2
Saves 3 PP
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +3
Combat 0 PP
Initiative +5
Attack Bonus +0 (Melee +10)
Defense Bonus +0 (Dodge +8)
Toughness: +12
Tradeoff: -2 Defense, +2 Toughness
Skills: 27 PP
Bluff +4/+6
Computers +8/+11
Craft Emotive +8/+11
Disguise +4/+6
Disable Device +4/+7
Gather Information +4/+7
Intimidate +8/+10
Knowledge: Arcane Lore +4/+7
Knowledge: Art +8/+11
Knowledge Current Events +4/+7
Knowledge Cyberculture +4/+7
Knowledge: Technology +8/+11
Knowledge: Theology +8/+11
Language 2 Japanese, Latin
Notice +12/+13
Perform: Acting +4/+6
Stealth +12/+13
Feats: 39 PP
Accurate Attack
Attractive 1
Attack Focus (Melee) 10
Defensive Attack
Demonic Glare 1
Dodge Focus 8
Equipment 2
Improved Disarm
Improved Grab
Improved Grapple
Improved Pin
Improved Trip
Improved Initiative 1
Interface (computers)
Online Research
Second Chance (Computer programming)
Stunning Attack
Uncanny Dodge (hearing)
Withstand Damage
Powers 73 PP
Friend to all animals - Comprehend Animals 2 (4 PP)
Moves like a shadow - Concealment 2 (normal hearing, scent) Close Range, Passive (3 PP)
Strong as a lion - Enhanced Strength +20 (20 PP)
Tough as a bull - Enhanced Con +10 (10 PP)
Special Attack – Rhino Horn Strike (Penetrating on +10 Strength, unreliable 5 uses) (5 PP)
Leaps like a gazelle- Leaping 3 (3 PP)
Tough as a bull - Protection 7 (7 PP)
Hearty as an ox - Regeneration – Recovery Rate: 3 Bruised, 1 Unconscious, 1 Staggered, 1 Injured (6 PP)
Queen of the Jungle - Super Movement Swinging, Trackless (4 PP)
Senses of the beast Super Senses - Scent, Danger Sense (scent) Tracking 3 (Scent) Sense Rip (7 PP)
Strong as a lion - Super Strength 1 (2 PP)
Runs like a cheetah - Speed 2 (2 PP)
Drawbacks 6 PP
Normal Identity (Free action, must do a spinning dance to transform) -3
One-Way Transformation (Very common, minor) -3
Secret - Secret Identity, turns into a 7 foot tall Amazon and is often stuck that way!