Dak Dak

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  • Male 20yo Verefen (twin)
  • Tribe: Bolo Lizard
  • Clan: Red Water Rock (Blood Rock? Copper Rock clan?)
  • Background: Barbarian. Profession: Hunter
  • Magic: Dark Eater/Hunter

d8NbiA <a href="http://fslnrinnwvyw.com/">fslnrinnwvyw</a>, [url=http://upburuhdmcte.com/]upburuhdmcte[/url], [link=http://ndwswkjsnghf.com/]ndwswkjsnghf[/link], http://pcuicyibedjl.com/

Dark Eater

  • Cult: Initiate (50% in cult skill plus resilience roll -20% made on invisible castle)
    • Dedicated Pow: 3.
    • Pact (Dark Eater) (Cha+DedPow 3) 21%
    • Lore (Dar Eater) (Intx2 ) 30%
    • Cult Skills:
    • Special Initiate benefits: +10% influence non dark eater followers (nicked from Zorak zoran)
    • Specific duties:
    • Gifts/Compulsions:
    • Runes: Darkness, Death
    • Divine Spells:magnitude 3
    • Channel strength 3hours
    • Sure shot all missiles automatic success to hit. 15mins.
    • Shield 3AP A Dark fluid like shell encases the warrior. Made up of thousands of miniature black Raven feathers that flutter in the breeze. 15 mins.

Spirit Society..Raven, Nightwoman.

  • Follower
  • Spirit walking POW+CON 20%
  • Spirit Binding POW+CHA 23%

Boom Boom

Bolo Lizard

  • Veruferar are bipedal, greenish-brown, herbivorous reptiles. They are about 20 feet (6 meters) long, with most of their length in their neck and tail. Normally bipedal, they occasionally drop to all fours, as their forelimbs are quite strong. Each of a veruferar's three toes ends in a hoof rather than a claw. They browse on grass and low-lying shrubs. Their horse-like head possesses a sharp, rounded beak for tearing at vegetation, and they have crushing teeth further back in their jaws for tougher plants. A race of Praxian pygmies rides the largest of the herds, and use bolos to slow their prey as they run away, hence the common name of "Bolo Lizard" given to the animals by outlanders.

The Verufar originated in Genert's Garden of Delight. They would have perished when the first firestorms swept over it, but the Vermandol led them out. Now all verufar herds are carefully guarded by the Verefen, or Bolo Lizard Folk, whose ancestors saved the reptiles. Str: 21, Con: 13, Siz: 18, Pow: 7, Dex: 16.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d6
  • Move Rate:12m
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head Armour Type number 1 number 17-20
Left Foreleg Armour Type number 1 number 14-16
Right foreleg Armour Type number 1 number 11-13
Forequarters Armour Type number 1 number 08-10
Hindquarters Armour Type number 1 number 05-07
Left Hindleg Armour Type number 1 number 03-04
Right Hindleg Armour Type number 1 number 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: nHP
  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
  • Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
Bite d2d6 sr 25%
Kick 1d8+1d6 sr 25%



  • Bison jaw club
  • Long Bone Knife
  • Darts x 4 bone
  • Bolas x 4 stone/bone


  • Tortoise shell helmet
  • Loincloth
  • Buckler

Equipment $ = saddlebag

  • Raven feather headdress
  • blanket (saddle) woven and stolen
  • Cooking utensils $
  • 4 water skins
  • Special Bolo lizard skin sack
  • Fire starter $
  • Trail food 1 week dried lizard and Mockpork $
  • 2 clap sticks$
  • Necklace of knuckle bones, 1 lead bolg, and lizard claws
  • Pot of Ochre
  • Spare loincloth
  • Sable skin cloak
  • 1 live impala and one herdman

Money 240L Buy:

Contacts, Friends, Enemies & Rivals

  • Verefen hero or Protectress-like spirit that saved the Veruferar or Bolo Lizards from the first firestorms sweeping through Generts Garden-
  • good reputation
  • one contact/ally
  • Reasonable connections
  • background events: Family Pioneers!!

Family & Background

  • Brother to
  • Father
  • step Mother
  • 4 Uncles
  • 3 Aunts
  • 2 brothers
  • 2 sisters