Bastard Knight

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Revision as of 02:35, 18 May 2010 by Iskallor (talk | contribs) (Hit Points and Armour)
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Okay my concept so far is that of a bastard son of a noble, who has been happily working as a hunter on the estate until his father has decided that its time for him to be a knight. Introduced into 'polite' society and given a sword and shield he has been placed under his half brothers protection to be tutored in the ways of the Knightly world.

Because of troubles on the boarders more warriors are needed, hence the father wanting another knight in the family??

Of course this depends if any one wants me as their bastard half brother?

I decided to go with no magical skills what's so ever

I'm going to be rather uncomfortable being a knight and giving up my country ways. Armour..what the??? Clumsy with the sword and shield. Totally at home with animals and would rather sleep in a stable

Barbarian hunter with noble package

  • age 27
  • Ulandus the tree
  • 1300 silvers

  • STR 13
  • CON 13
  • SIZ 10
  • INT 15
  • POW 12
  • DEX 16
  • CHA 13

  • CA 3+1 SHIELD
  • DAM +1d2
  • IMP MOD +1
  • MOV 8
  • MP 12
  • SR 16/13 with armour

Combat skills

  • sword and shield 44%
  • long bow 72%
  • dagger 59%
  • club 34%
  • Spear 29%
Weapon/Shield Size Reach Damage AP HP Combat % Manoeuvres Range Load ENC
Boar Spear M L 1D8+1 5 5 29 IMPALE ... ... 2
War sword M M 1D8 6 10 44 BLEED/IMPALE ... ... 2
Long Bow ... ... 1D8 4 7 72 IMPALE 175 1 1
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6 8 59 BLEED/IMPALE ... ... ...
Club M S 1D6 4 4 34 STUN ... ... 1
Heater Shield L S 1D4 6 12 44 ... ... ... 2
  • Total weapon ENC: 8

Hit Points and Armour

Location Location Name Armour types A.P. Max H.P. Damage
19-20 Head old Remuli helmet 4 5 -0
16-18 Left Arm Light leather 1 4 -0
13-15 Right Arm Light leather 1 4 -0
10-12 Chest Chainmail Hauberk+Light leather 6 7 -0
07-09 Abdomen Chainmail Hauberk+Light leather 6 6 -0
04-06 Left Leg Light leather 1 5 -0
01-03 Right Leg Light leather 1 5 -0
  • Total Armour ENC = (Total AP)/5 = 20/5 = 4
  • Armour Penalty =4 or 1 if wearing leather


Common (Base %) %

  • Athletics(str+siz) 59%
  • Brawn (Str+Siz ) 28%
  • Culture(Eastern Harn)(Intx2 ) 70%
  • Dance (Dex+Cha ) 27%
  • Drive (Dex+Pow ) 31%
  • Evade (Dex2 ) 42%
  • Evaluate (Int+Cha ) 28%
  • First Aid (Int+Dex ) 29% -10% apply to self. 1d3 min to apply. Makeshift bandages etc -20%.
  • Influence (Chax2 ) 36%
  • Insight (Int+Pow ) 22%
  • Lore (Eastern Harn) (Intx2 ) 70%
  • Perception (Int+Pow ) 57%
  • Persistence (Pow x2) 14%
  • Resilience (Con x2 ) 76%
  • Ride (Dex+Pow ) 62%
  • Sing (Cha+Pow ) 30%
  • Sleight (Dex+Cha ) 27%
  • Stealth (Dex+Int ) 75%
  • Swim (Str+Con ) 46%
  • Unarmed (Str+Dex ) 50%

advanced skills

  • commerce 33%
  • language own78%
  • language other 28%
  • Craft Furrier 36
  • craft agriculture 36%
  • Craft Carpenter 36%
  • Engineering 36%
  • Lore Herb 37%
  • Lore mineral 37%
  • Survival 70%
  • track 68%
  • play drum 29%


  • Daegmund through growing up in the forests around his home has an innate ability when it comes to handling animals. Wether its the Manor's hunting dogs, Horses or even the deer he hunts he knows what to say, how to handle and ultimately how to hunt them. +5% to all animal interactions
  • The same life amongst the forest has given him an improved ability to move through dense and rough terrain, - 5% bonus to any rolls pertinent to speed or stealth.
  • Fleet in foot as any deer he chases Daegmund gains +5% to contested running rolls.
  • Healthy and robust this hunter/knight resists fatigue at +5%
  • Blessed with a winning smile any artistic performance has a +5% bonus.


  • Horse
  • Chainmail Hauberk
  • Helmet
  • Saddle