The Penitent

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The Penitent is a statue of a monk in the South. This statue is quite large, measuring at a good five miles in height, while sitting. The Penitent is significant not only for its size, but also for the city in its lap, aptly named Lap.

Our Party's Involvement

Rumors abound, however, of something of value hidden away within the statue itself, and this is where our party came in. Feeling that these rumors likely were based at least somewhat in fact, our intrepid adventurers decided that they should scale The Penitent and try to find a way in. However, a Tyrant Lizard traipsing through town tends to attract some attention, and our party soon found themselves being accosted by a group of Terrestrial Exalts at about the statue's somewhat ample midsection. Thus ensued the Battle of the Bulge.

Once again free to climb, the Circle made it to the head of the statue and, lacking any better means of entrance, made their own way in. Sirokos and Duricorre took turns fireblasting and punching, respectively, the midpoint of the statue's 300-yard-wide pupil. After three days and about 500 yard's worth of 'excavation', they broke through.


Once within, a few interesting discoveries were made.

  1. There was a path to what should have been an actual entrance in the forehead of The Penitent, though since melted by less...determined adventurers.
  2. It seems that there was, at one time, one or more people (or things) living within the statue's head.
  3. While most anything left behind by the previous occupants had since decayed, a central meditation chamber seemed to be of importance.

The Meditation Chamber

Most important of the discoveries was this. Duricorre was tasked with meditating in the room to attempt to discover its function. What he found was that the purpose of The Penitent seemed to be to keep track of all of the South's Geomancy. This included uncapped Demesnes, Freeholds, and the like. Of course, more important than that even was that The Penitent could, in some way, affect all of this. As of yet, Duricorre has not shared any of this information with the rest of the party.