D&D Survival B/X:Team Wossisname:Melisande Windsong, Elf
Biographical Info
- Name Melisande Windsong
- Sex Female
- Age 112
- Height 5'4"
- Weight 1000cn
- Hair Blond
- Eyes Blue
- Skin Fair
- History and Personality Whimsical, she wandered away from home after completing her training, and has never quite found her way back. She's not lost, she knows exactly where she is (Here!) , and figures she'll make her way back to her homeland when her feet take her there. Assuming she stops tripping over them. She's more amused by danger than frightened by it, which is probably why she didn't run away when a group of bandits tried to rob her. Fortunately for her, a passerby heard the sound of the battle and came to her rescue, which is how she met Ursula.
- Description Willowy like most elves, with big doe-like eyes set in a thin face. Long blond hair gathered in thin braids and coiled in the back, with long sidelocks hanging free. She wears bright blue clothes trimmed with patterns of bright yellow, a tunic and breeches when unarmored, a tabbard over her armor otherwise, and soft calf high leather boots topped with a fringe of tassels.
- Languages Elven, Common, Ghinoran,
- Class Elf
- Level 1
- EXP 1000
- Alignment Chaotic
- STR 13 (+1)
- INT 14 (+1)
- WIS 11 (+0)
- DEX 4 (-2)
- CON 11 (+0)
- CHR 11 (+0)
Combat Stats
- THAC0 19
- AC 6
- HP 6
- Move 60'/20'/60'
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 13
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 15
Race and Class Abilities
- Detection Secret and Hidden Doors on 1 in 3
- Infravision
- Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis
- Magic Spells
- Spells Per day 1 1st 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 4th 0 5th
- Spells Known Sleep(1)
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance 677cn
- Coins 7GP 0EP 0SP 0CP
- Weapons
- Sword +1/1d8+1
- Dagger +1/1d4+1 (melee) -2/1d4+1 (thrown: 10/20/30)
- Short Bow -2/1d6 (50/100/150)
- Gear Chain Mail (40GP 400cn), Shield (10GP 100cn), Sword (10 GP 60cn), Dagger (3GP 10cn) Short Bow and 20 Arrows (25GP 20cn), Backpack (5GP m), Waterskin(full) (1GP m), Rope 50' (1GP m). Tinder Box (3GP m)
- Treasure