HQ Tweaks

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Page under construction by Mandacaru


Although I like a lot of HeroQuest, there are parts of the core rules that don't seem to generate the sort of game I like. Specific problems I have are:

  • Costs at chargen and in game: Some abilities are cheaper at chargen than subsequently. I dislike that as it makes me feel I'll be missing out if I don't use that at chargen. The numbers end up determining the character.
  • Character advancement: When I play, I usually find it a bother to have to increase abilities with my Hero Points and it takes me an age to do so. I don't especially like the decision-making involved either. Shame, as character advancement is one of the main things in a game, for me. As a GM, I dislike awarding HP - I prefer this to be more objective and to be tied to in-game events more tightly.
  • Scaleability: While a feature in many ways, this means that, effectively, it doesn't matter what scores you have for abilities. A particular problem for character advancement, I find.
  • Bumping with Hero Points: This is so cheap it is more or less a given in an important contest, so it ceases to be heroic. I think the currency is devalued.

From a first reading, there is some more structure to the rules than in the previous version. An example is the Gloranthan cult progression to initiate and devotee levels. But the stuff above irks. So below are my fixes.


  • No special dispensations. Keywords cannot be raised at chargen. They can be raised subsequently, quite how to be determined. Two options are (1) tied to in-game events; (2) I allow it every now and again. [If Glorantha, Runes can be, but cost double (cf below they are twice as difficult to improve, so there is parity).]

Ability Advancement

Back to Runequest

  • When you use an ability, tick it; more than once if you use it more than once. This is the basis for improvement, as in RQ. (Note that you may fail, so use of skills just to get ticks has an associated risk.)
  • Between adventures/sessions or what have you, roll under on a d100. Base chances are:

Ability Advancement
Level or Other Base chance
No masteries 60%
One mastery 40%
Two or masteries 20%
Each additional use of the ability +10%
Rune Ability Chance is halved

  • If you roll under 20% of your ability, you get two points. If you roll under 5%, you get 3.
  • Keywords can be raised at 1 per HP.

Hero Points

  • Hero Points work as before for bumping but are rarer - start with 1. Receive 1 per new session.


  • States of Adversity. I rarely see these states mean anything in game and I think they should mean more. Accordingly, When characters are hurt, impaired or injured, the negative modifiers (-3, -6 and bump down) apply to all ability uses.
  • Lingering Benefits. This too applies to all contests - the book-keeping is easier and we can say a character is on a roll.