My Own Dystopia

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In My Own Dystopia, characters portray Exalted of strong ideals who possess a strong desire to change the world into something they believe is better. Though inheritors of great power, many of the Exalted are relatively new to their positions as many of the older Exalted were hunted down and destroyed after the Solars were dethroned. Some might consider these characters "Young Turks," all ideals with little resources.

The setting is written for the specific purpose of being changed, whether those changes are for better or for worse. The overall theme is one of hopelessness, unavoidable human consequence, and whether or not it is possible to break free from these conventions. Many of the social dysfunctions and contemporary events of the setting are based upon similar real-world events, and the setting acts as a mirror of sorts for the contemporary world.

It addresses the question, "if I were given the power to change what I wanted, would the changes endure?"


My Own Dystopia is set on a future earth approximately three hundred years after the alien horrors known as the Other Beings came to the planet and caused a series of natural disasters, plagues, and monster attacks. The world's geography and climate have changed as a result of many factors, most notably due to the return of spirits, gods, and magic to the world. A multitude of biomes have become extreme: woodlands have become thicker with taller trees, mountains larger and more treacherous, swamps wider and deeper, and arid locations have become deserts.

The remaining people in the world live in towns and cities that are separated from one another by treacherous distances that discourage frequent travel. As such, each location has a particularly isolated feel as the majority of citizens prefer safety over movement. Technology exists, but it is rare, large, and awkward.

The ungracefulness and unavailability of technology gives the setting a steampunk dystopian feel. The setting itself has a mix of Renaissance textile and mercantile equipment with more-advanced technology only existing in the larger cities. As such, there is a vast gulf between the "enlightened" city dweller and the "simple" townsfolk who live in villages away from cultured society.

Other than a mix of high-fantasy, sci-fi, and a number of dying earth themes, the setting also took a small amount of inspiration from Wild West fiction, The Dark Tower series, the Final Fantasy series of video games, Hellgate: London, The Dunwich Horror (and other Lovecraft stories), the high fantasy of Lord of the Rings, The Road, Bleach, and even elements taken from The Sopranos.


The Apocalypse

The first of the Exalted to return to the world was an Infernal called Charlatan of Thirteen Names. Years after his rebirth in the phylactery womb, he lead the creatures known only as Other Beings to the planet to begin their destruction. The might of the Earth humans - though advanced and great - was little match for the arrival of the Other Beings, however, and nearly three quarters of the planet's population was wiped out. Massive natural disasters, plagues, and climate upheaval shattered all memories of life before the Other Beings.

When the Other Beings grew bored with the world, they left avatars of themselves to slumber beneath the planet's crust while they themselves left for other world. Charlatan of Thirteen Names set himself up as emperor of the planet. Between his tyrannical conquests and the roaming beasts and spirits brought back to the world, the humans were nearly exterminated.

His rule lasted for fifty years until the return of the Celestial Exalted. During his reign, much of the technological and scientific knowledge of the world before the apocalypse was lost, and human kind was once against thrust into the Dark Ages. The presence of the Other Beings caused a paradigm shift that saw the rebirth of the Primordials, gods, and spirits that existed before creation who had, ever since, been in a "slumber of non-existence."

It was a group of powerful Solars, Lunars, and Sidereals that finally dethroned him and scrubbed his influence clean. For the next century, the Solars ruled, but again managed to fall into the vices of decadence, tyranny, and ignorance. In an effort to make the world a "paradise," they performed the forbidden and stole the secrets of divinity, allowing them to remake the planet in their image. Their tampering was heedless, however, and their actions led to the awakening of one of the Other Beings' avatars.

When this creature awoke, he released a plague of symbiotic entities called Sinners. These Sinners lived in a spirit-world that mirrored reality called The Aether. The Celestial Exalted finally managed to destroy this avatar, but his progeny still remained. For their sins, the Sidereals organized the Terrestrials to once against destroy the Solars. The Lunar counterparts of the Lawgivers did not attack their former allies, but they did sit back and let them be destroyed.

The Terrestrials then took control of the most of the world, focused main on Europe and the Americas. Some of the Sidereals were against their rule, believing that they would commit the same sins as the Solars, and others supported their rule, believing that they would be the ones who eventually turned the planet back over to mortals when they were ready to rule once again. Some Terrestrials honored the Sidereals and to this day work towards the perfection of humanity and the Prophecy of Ascension. Most, however, rule as they did eons ago, as absolute arbiters and tyrants. A few fall somewhere in between, like the "free government" of Charis, where mortals are afforded opportunity and respect, and New Sheba, where the Terrestrials acknowledge the worth of a being by his cleverness, power, and money.

The remaining human settlements, now without the means to effectively govern vast empires or unite multiple nations, broke apart into a conglomerate of city-states, small countries, and tribal rules. Survival was hard won for the next hundred years, but when those with the heart finally managed to carve out livable, permanent settlements in the dangerous world, they set about reclaiming the systems of the old ways - technology, art, philosophy, and technology.

Now, three hundred years after the apocalypse, human civilization expands and works towards a future similar to (and hopefully grander than) life before the apocalypse.

Important Setting Elements

Charlatan of Thirteen Names

He was the first Exalt to the return to the world. As an Infernal, he had the memory of his hellish homeland etched into soul and sought to instate its glory upon Earth. The easiest way of doing this, he found, was to lead the Other Beings to the planet.

His legend still exists in nearly every culture, a contemporary boogeyman that stands as an example of the great evil seeking to devour mankind. Though destroyed by the Celestial Exalted who attacked him, the scars of his memory still remain visible and his legacy survive in cities such as Dis, Infernus, and Dagonia.


Released by the awakening of the avatar of an Other Being, Sinners are spiritual symbiotes that harry creation from a supernatural mirror-world behind reality called The Aether. They attach themselves to particularly twisted or damaged souls and change them into powerful monsters that act on impulse and feed on sanity and life force. Though most souls preyed upon by Sinners are somehow evil, many are simply the inheritors of great ambition or debilitating grief.

Some Celestial Exalted use a charm that allows them to travel into The Aether and devote their life to hunting down and exterminating these unseen threats. Many such Celestials that are Solar are motivated to do this by a deep-seated racial guilt.

The Prophecy of Ascension

Many Sidereals believe that the Exalted should never permanently control the world. They speak of a great being would, angered at the High Gods, stole the secrets of divinity and attempted to bring them to humans. He believed that all beings should be equal in power, and that it was immoral of the gods to rule mankind with their mastery of creation.

During his attempt to bring these secrets to mortals, however, he was hunted down and grievously injured. To escape death, he hurled his body into the planet and hid it deep beneath the earth in a crystal cavern that would keep him safe in his slumber. Though currently believed to be in a deep coma, he sometimes communicates with Sidereals and certain Solars of particular note via his powerful dreams, though the messages he brings are secretive, abstract, and riddled with mazes of dream-logic.

Many Sidereals believe that the eventual goal is to reawaken this benevolent being so that, when they are ready, all mortals will, in essence, become Exalted, and the Celestials shall be their advisors, champions, and servants, but never their masters.

Few others than the Sidereals know of this, and the Terrestrials who are aware guard this secret as closely as their life. If every mortal became Exalted, after all, they would lose their power.


Technology is a rare commodity that only the most well-connected and affluent nations can afford. The Solars who ruled the world after Charlatan of Thirteen Names was destroyed blamed technology for many sins of the human race and therefore disallowed all but the most necessary machines. Some didn't even allow that.

Between the apocalypse killing off a vast number of humans, the resultant flee from the Other Beings, and the Solars' staunch distrust, many of the technological secrets of the world were lost. Luckily, a seemingly-benevolent organization braved the overrun and dangerous cities to salvage what human knowledge they could, so the basic principles of physical science and machinery survived, incomplete though it may be.

Due to the lack of refined tools and factories able to produce small, graceful machines, technology tends to be clunky and large. Personal appliances are non-existent, and any computers, televisions, radios, and other such machines are unheard of. Sometimes large cities will have a single massive water pump that provides clean water for everyone in a district, and particularly rich districts may have electricity supplied by an ungainly subterranean generator. Most machines are reserved for only the most practical tasks: travel, mining, and war.

Airships and combustion-powered boats are a common means of conveyance for those who can afford passage, and the locomotive that travels back and forth along Charis' new rail track is sure to revolutionize how the capital city stays in touch with its controlled settlements. Only the wealthiest, luckiest, or most important people own travel machines of their own.

Black powder rifles, awkward tanks, canons, and the rare energy weapon are the most commonly seen military technology among richer nations. Charis possesses a number of "walking tanks" it often uses as elite heavy infantry and all of its soldiers possess rifles or firewands, but they are the exception to the rule.

Other machines used are the Arbiter Engines (stationary tower-like machines used for mining and moisture-collecting), archaic printing presses, mills, gliders, coolers, and anything that can run practically on a large combustion engine. In some richer city districts, electric lighting is available.

Most combustion engines use coal, but some advanced ones harness firedust, red coal (made from a distillation of oil and red ether), and even raw Essence.

The World

The geography and climate of My Own Dystopia's futuristic/far post-apocalyptic setting differs from the United States as it is today. California has broken apart, and those pieces that did not sink became a cluster of large islands. A massive quake opened up an ocean inlet from the southern part of Washington State to mid-Wyoming. Middle America has become a vast desert, the Northwest has become a sprawling expanse of extreme forests, rivers, hills, and plains, and the southern coast of America (specifically around Louisiana and Florida) has become a set of islands similar to California save with a much more heavily-forests, swampy climate.

All of the standing cities, organizations, and governments in America have dissolved save for an offshoot of The Stonemasons, who, during the apocalypse, took to calling themselves the White Martyrs and traveled the world at great personal risk to collect and store whatever bits of scientific and historical knowledge they could find. As such, a larger number of smaller nations and city-states exist in the world.


Located partially in Canada (around where British Columbia and Alberta used to be) and partially in the north western United States (Montana and North Dakota), the nation of Arborea is one of the more populace civilizations to be found. Its people live in peace and relative safety, yet the Arborean Council and the Magistrate, Lady Melina Ash, enact many statutes that limit personal freedom, business practices, and morality. Any breach of these edicts are considered grievous offenses.

The government is composed mostly of wood aspect Terrestrial Exalted. They are the most numerous of Arborea, with earth aspects coming in second and air aspects coming in third. Few fire aspects live within the nation.

As far as powerful nations go, they are strangely technology-lite, with only four airships and limited war technology. Most of their utilities are not machine operated, save for a few large water pumps and mining drills. Most of their economy revolves around animal herds, lumber,coal and red ether mining, and tin mining. They also produce high quality leather and wool goods.

The capital city of Aroborea is a picturesque sprawl of wood, stone, and brick built in a valley at the fork of a river and surrounded by thick woodlands. It is called Eloren. The state religion is more of a philosophical path than a spiritual way and emphasizes obedience, hard work, and social hierarchy. People are allowed to worship other gods and spirits, but those who are found to be counter-intuitive to the state philosophy are hunted down and attacked.

People called Arborea a "benevolent tyranny." A common saying of the citizens, said in response to a minor declaration such as "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I'm getting something to eat" is, "Make sure you have the Council's approval."

Racism and prejudice is quietly encouraged by Lady Ash, the fire aspect ruler of Arborea. The Hohokwei people are seen as barbaric savages and are only allowed within the country under extreme circumstances and scheduled appointment. Other Exalted are allowed to pass through the nation unharmed but are not allowed within the walls of any town or city. Those caught using charms are arrested, interrogated, or attacked.


The nation of Hohokwei was founded by an allegiance between the native tribes of the Americas. Though the nation has no cohesive central government and struggles between the twelve tribes are common, they do answer to Mother Star, a powerful priestess who oversees a cabal of priestesses living in the neutral city of Alomwa. Though this nation has little in the way of technology, their powerful warriors, vast number of Lunar Exalted, allied spirits and skilled witchdoctors are enough to hold back the tide of attempted conquest.

If Mother Star (rumored to be an aspect of Luna) calls a pow-wow of tribal leaders, all tribes will immediately set aside any on-going struggles to answer her call. Her wisdom is greatly respected, and even bitter enemies will temporarily vow peace to fight for a common goal. Her cabal is made up entirely of females who act as curators of the neutral city Alomwa. Their duties include advising, offering sanctuary to those in need, and maintaining the Peace Bond over the city that keeps even the most powerful Exalted from drawing a weapon within Alomwa's walls. Those who violent the Oath of Hospitality or the Pact of Non-Violence are hunted down by earth spirits and killed.

The city itself boasts a very small number of permanent guards and residents, but at any one time at least two tribes are here resting, acquiring supplies, and trading. The cabal often takes in any girls or women who, through injury, mental duress, or lack of options, agreed to aid the cabal. This is called "Taking the Green", as the standard garb of an Alomwa priestess is trousers, tunics, robes, or dresses of green fabric.

Alomwa is home to two gods who aid and protect the city. Each god is a different extreme aspect of the Hohokwei mindset. Eagle is the valiant protector, hunter, and champion of the city, a vast flying creature of law and honor. Coyote, on the other hand, is a clever spy and trickster who uses guile and deception to fight Hohokwei's enemies. When not fighting, he is busy wallowing in the attentions of the priestesses, playing an indomitable lecher, or annoying his rival Eagle. Coyote has sometimes been seen running through Alomwa's streets laughing as Eagle flies above, chasing him.

Alomwa is a walled city placed at the mouth of a stream in a narrow draw overlooking vast forests and plains. It is well protected and the structures are built of stone bricks and wood bracing. Tribes typically set up their tepees at the base of the draw.

Hohokwei is a friend of all Celestial Exalted so long as they abide by the rules and do not cause undue harm to nature or the tribes. Many of the lands Lunar Exalted come from the Hohokwei people, though anyone of any race who has the appropriate mindset may join one of the twelve tribes at the behest of the tribal elder.


The technologically advanced nation of Charis is the major military power of what was once the western United States, and some speculate that it is the most powerful nation on the continent. It's capital city Acheron is home to technological marvels that might even exceed the power of the machines that existed before the apocalypse. It is a society dominated by free trade, and the gulf between the city dwellers and those living on the fringes is extremely wide.

The nation boasts a fleet of twenty five airships, fifteen of which are used for trade, and has the largest and most well-armed military on the continent. The two major power centers of the nations are The Acheron War College and The Technologists. Mining is Charis' chief economic function, as the massive, tower-like Arbiter Engines drill deep into the crust of the earth and use shock-waves to unearth precious minerals.

The seat of military power is Acheron, and its massive army is armed with the most up-to-date armor, black powder weaponry, firewands, and lurching tank-like Juggernauts. A few elite infantry units even employ energy canons that allow them to make short work of foot soldiers.

Though freedom of thought, trade, and expression are said to exist, those who speak out against the expansionist, imperialist Charis nation often end up disappearing or undergoing drastic ideal changes. Rumors purport that this is due to a very extensive network of spies and secret police.

All Exalted save the Terrestrials are hunted down and attacked on sight, and nowhere else in the world is the Wyld Hunt observed with more fervency than here. The leader of the Charis nation - a fire aspect Terrestrial named President Blaze - cites the Solar's inadvertent release of the Sinners (and the subsequent permissiveness of their Lunar and Sidereal counterparts) as the reason for this "holy war."

Land, sea, and air trade are dominated by Charis companies, and iron ore is their primary export. Second is weaponry, which is crafted with use of charms that make reverse engineering near impossible.

A common saying of cosmopolitan Charis residents is, "Charis is a land of freedom and promise so long as you agree."

The Charis empire holds power in a number of conquered nations, most notable being parts of souther Arborea, eastern Hohokwei, and a number of desert city-states to the East. They have attempted to expand their power centers in New Sheba (previously Louisiana, Florida, and Haiti) and Atlantea (previously California), but have so far been met with failure.

Gods in Charis are allowed to exist and be worshiped, so long as they don't promote anything that stymies the political and economic growth of Charis. The majority of Terrestrial Exalted in Charis are fire aspects, with earth aspects and water aspects coming in second.

Other Nations, Cities, and Notable Sites


Atlantea is a city built around the ruins of a small, ancient city. For the time, it is strangely idyllic, with the people living in relative harmony with each other and even surrounding nations. The island it is set on, though small, has enough arable land to provide crops, and most of the city's meat comes from fishing. There are a few benevolent gods allied with the citizens, and it is governed by a group of advisors who are rumored to be the offspring of deities.

Atlantea is also home to the Secret College, a training ground and sanctuary for newly-Exalted Solars with the purpose of teaching them the secrets of Solar sorcery. The college is run by a number of Solars and their Sidereal allies.

New Sheba

This chain of islands is what is left of Louisiana, Florida, and Haiti. Swampy and overgrown with vast forests that provide habitat for numerous spirits and gods, New Sheba is a treacherous place home to pirates, shysters, and powerful hoodoo priests with powers approaching those of the Terrestrials.

Trade is the driving force of New Sheba, and its sprawling market offers any dangerous, evil, or exotic item one can imagine. One of its chief exports is slaves which are sold to Arborea and Charis.

Each island is governed by one or two rich families with the mystical backing of their patron gods. Power shifts, coups, assassinations, and plots find this nation in a constant state of political upheaval. Secretly, the nobility of New Sheba delights in this.

Lately, a few factions have begun to fight for change in New Sheba, hoping to gain public favor by robbing the violent, decadent ruling families, freeing slaves, and making large donations to downtrodden citizens. It is said that they have the aid of a number of Exalted, which is no small concern for the current leaders.

Most Terrestrials in New Sheba are water aspects, with air aspects coming in second and wood coming in third.

New Sarmatia

New Sarmatia is the nation made up of a vast number of independent city-states in the deserts of middle America. Though not as advanced as Charis, the people of this realm have access to many of the technological marvels available. Chief among these are a smaller form of the Arbiter Engines that draw ambient moisture from the earth and harvest the static electricity caused by shifting sands.

Harvesting the sand for usable minerals and trace amounts of arable soil is also an economic staple of many city-states. Though the two Terrestrial dominated kingdoms have the most raw military power, the independent lands fare well enough against them due to the leadership of the djinn, a race of offspring created when a desert god of fire and wind began breeding with human women. It is said that the djinn have mastered a form of strange, alien sorcery that gives them control over the very nature of life and time.

Most of New Sarmatia is a dangerous frontier land, and only the most skilled settlers manage to carve out a niche unharmed.


Most of the city that was once called Seattle sank into the ocean. What was left became a haunting ground for armies of ghosts, malevolent spirits, and dispossessed gods. Now it stands as the seat of power for Beautiful Poison, a clever Infernal who trades with other nations and swears she is content to leave well enough alone. Only the most powerful or well-connected emissaries are allowed to meet with her, and though most Terrestrials agree that Infernals should be killed on sight, Beautiful Poison's sheer power and resources keep her safe from harm.


In the middle part of the northern lands once called Canada, a vast city-state has risen up and is controlled by one of the horrible Deathlords. Run by a cabal of Abyssal Exalted, it sits and waits, building its forces of undead. Many are sure that it will one day launch a conquest of the continent, and the reports returned by spies confirm this suspicion.


Once called New York, Dis is now home to the College Macabre, a training ground and seat of Infernal power. Though they trade and govern just as nay other nation does, most of their subjects are slaves or demons. Their numbers - though small - are more than enough to keep their realm safe from intrusion. Besides Charis, they are one of the largest technological nations on the continent.


In the North of what used to be Canada, the land is cursed with an eternal winter. Snowy forests, plains of drifts, and mountains of ice dot the landscape. Barbarian tribes of great stature roam these plains and survive in crude, medieval kingdoms and roving war-tribes. A number of these nations are led by Exalted, primarily Lunar and Solar with a few of evil alignment paying homage to Abyssal kings and queens. It is a land seldom traveled, due to the sheer level of danger faced there.


The country that returned to old ways more gracefully was Japan. Many say that it was the Asian spirituality that most closely resembled the way things were before the apocalypse, and thus were more prepared to accept its advance. It has once against become a vastly isolationist country, though there is talk of an emergent kingdom at the heart of glorious Nippon that may one day attempt to spread its “peaceful” influence.


Another country that easily adapted to the change, India has become one of the most stable nations in the world. Much of India’s ancient customs and cultures remain, and it is closer now to its mythology than it ever has been. Terrestrial Exalted in India are still the ruling class, but in half of the country the Solars are not considered Anathema, but rather the rightful heirs of creation. Their efforts to reclaim Asia (and eventually the world) have been stymied, however, by the arrival of Tavi, a merciless raksasha with a cabal of Infernals working for him.


The Green Isle has prospered strangely during the onset of the apocalypse. The Tuatha de Danaan has returned, once again becoming the boisterous heroes of legends. The Fair Folk presence in Ireland is much more benevolent than other places in the world, and many find themselves working with the Danaan to keep Ireland’s shores safe. How long they can keep this up is anyone’s guess, however, for the icy army of the Abyssal organization called Tepes (located in northern Europe) is always expanding their armies of walking dead in their bid to conquer the continent.

Eastern America

Most of Eastern America has been taken over by thick forests alive with strange spirits of madness and horror. There are a few stable areas in the east – Terrestrial-controlled city-states built on the ruins of ancient cities – but even these retain a tenuous hold on existence.

The ineffable beings that harried reality during the apocalypse are said to have left avatars slumbering deep within the earth. These avatars dream of horrors beyond comprehension, and it is from these dreams that the Sinners are created. Though many maintain their wars and prejudice against the Celestial Exalted, some are beginning to question whether or not allying with them for the purpose of destroying the Sinners is not a wiser idea.