Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers/The History of TIME

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The Rise and Fall of the Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers

It all began with Intrepid Troubleseeker, a trade-route charter with a much more hands-on approach and a much more terrible sense of direction. Convinced by several near-disastrous, yet astounding, early adventures that she needed some help Troubleseeker started recruiting other adventure specialists. At first their only purpose was to assist in her work, but with Troubleseeker’s talent for getting into…….well.……trouble…they quickly became the premier group for finding lost things, solving mysteries, and defeating those who would use secrecy and knowledge for selfish gain. Riding about in their magnificent floating labyrinth they were TIME: the Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery-Explorers!

For centuries TIME was the greatest seeker and protector of knowledge in the Mirrorskies, but several decades ago the society began to lose focus. Some members were calling for TIME to become a professional (i.e. mercenary) company. Others felt that freelance exploring and evil-fighting was a thing of the past and the group should attach itself to an institution. Few members cared much about the society’s original mission. The final blow came when several were caught smuggling stolen cultural artifacts. Though the TIME society was found not to be at fault it was publicly disgraced. Many members retired then. A near-massacre on the next adventure convinced the survivors to do the same. The floating labyrinth passed into the hands of the ground staff, who have kept it ready for the time when they believe TIME will rise again.

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers