The Oath of Life

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The Oath of Life

The Oath of Life is an ancient practice among the Cwll, and not taken often. It usually places the oath taker into the service of the recipient for a limited time, or until a certain condition is met. (such as saving the recipient's life) There are many stories and songs among the Cwll of ancient heroes and beautiful maidens, usually tragic, involving an Oath of Life.

On rare occasions the oath taker actually binds her spirit/soul, not just her person or service, to the recipient. This ties her forever to the other person (beyond death in the stories), and forms a profound magical relationship between the two. An Oath can be "upgraded" from the usual kind to the permanent one.

That a child takes an Oath of Life (even the lesser kind) is unheard of in living memory, until Rhín that is.

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