Charlie Hardcastle
Name: Charlie Hardcastle
- Age: 30
- Concept: Big Game Hunter
- Agility d6
- Smarts d6
- Strength d8
- Spirit d6
- Vigor d6
- Charisma -2
- Pace 6
- Parry 5
- Toughness 5
- Climbing d4
- Fighting d6
- Guts d6
- Notice d6
- Shooting d6
- Stealth d6
- Survival d4
- Swimming d4
- Tracking d6
- Alertness (+2 to Notice rolls)
- Overconfident,
- Ugly (-2 Charisma)
- Elephant Gun (2d10, ROF 1, AP 2, Shots 1, 30/60/120, Snapfire penalty) (used the stats for the Sharps Big 50 for this)
- .45 Revolver (2d6+1, ROF 1, AP 1, Shots 6, 12/24/48)
- Hunting Knife (d8+d4, 3/6/12)
- Rope and Grappling Hook
- Backpack
- $140
- English, Portugese, Swahili
- A fourth-generation professional hunter, Charlie Hardcastle has been hunting big game since he was strong enough to hold a rifle, pausing only to serve as a sharpshooter in the Great War. But rather than seeking trophies, he prefers to use his skills only to protect others, whether it be stopping a rampaging elephant from destroying an African village or protecting riverboats against man-eating alligators in the Amazon jungle. His face is badly scarred from a close encounter with a panther that he killed with his hunting knife; it was one of the only times his prey has gotten the drop on him rather than the other way around.