Dungeons & Dragons Glossary

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Revision as of 07:55, 23 June 2010 by (talk) (Terms: +OSR, OG, megadungeon, endgame, name level, sandbox)
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This page is intended as a repository for abbreviations and jargon used when discussing Dungeons & Dragons (or Pathfinder, generic d20 fantasy games etc.). While not all originated on the RPG.net D&D forum, a term should be used there before it appears on this list. It is not meant to be a glossary of game terms as presented in the rules, but rather terms invented by or primarily used by players, and not appearing in the books.


Entries should be in alphabetical order, with numbers preceding letters and symbols preceding numbers.

Each entry should be written like this:

;Term : '''Definition''' (context) - notes and/or explanation.

When formatted, it looks like this:

Definition (context) - notes and/or explanation.

Term is the abbreviation being defined. Definition should be brief; in most cases, it will simply be the full term which the acronym or abbreviation replaces. It can be omitted for terms which are not abbreviations. Any further explanation or notes should go after the dash. Where possible, include a context for the abbreviation; is the term used to describe a particular edition of D&D (3E, 3.5, 4E etc.), Pathfinder, FantasyCraft or some other game?


"0[th] Edition": The original version of Dungeons & Dragons. The retronym came to refer to the true first edition of the game after the later but more popular Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition became known as "1E". Sometimes distinguished by the year of publication (1974) or box colors (the original woodgrain/brown or the later and more common white). See also LBB, OCE, OD&D.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - the "advanced" version of the game, a distinct line from the various "basic" versions of the first two editions.
Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition
Dungeons & Dragons, 3.5 Edition - a major update to the third edition rules.
refers to both or either of 3E or 3.5. Also sometimes includes games derived from third edition D&D, especially Pathfinder and FantasyCraft.
Dungeons & Dragons, Fourth Edition
A-shaped class
(4E) also "A class" or "A-class"; a class for which all builds share the same primary ability score, but have differing secondary ability scores. The Wizard is a good example: Intelligence is always primary, but Charisma, Constitution or Wisdom could be a good secondary score depending on what kind of spells you want to cast.
At-Will, Encounter, Daily (4E) - short hand for the basic division of power usage in "standard" 4E classes.
"Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, and Immortals": The version of the game by Frank Menzter, delineated in Dungeons & Dragons Sets 1–5: Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, and Immortals Rules. Sometimes distinguished by the author, color of the first box set (red), year of release (1983 for the Basic Rules, though the Immortals Rules was not published until 1986), or the cover artist (Larry Elmore). In contrast to the more limited level range of the earlier Holmes and B/X sets, Mentzer's version provided rules for mortal characters of levels 1–36, and up to another 36 levels as immortals. See also BD&D, Classic D&D.
"Basic/eXpert": The version of the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set by Tom Moldvay combined with the Expert Set by Dave Cook and Steve Marsh. Sometimes distinguished by the authors, color of the first box set (mauve/purple), year of release (1980 for both sets), or cover artist (Erol Otus). In contrast to the Holmes and BECMI sets, B/X covers levels 1–14. See also BD&D, Classic D&D.
Character Builder (4E) - the official Dungeons & Dragons character creation software offered by Wizards of the Coast.
Dungeons & Dragons Insider (4E) - the online subscription service offered by Wizards of the Coast, including Dragon and Dungeon magazines and the Character Builder.
The stage of the game where characters retire from adventuring, build castles or other strongholds, and engage war and diplomacy. Often associated with name level.
(3.X) a variant where player characters stop gaining levels after level 6 and instead receive a feat every 5000xp.
(4E) the Battlemind character class from Player's Handbook 3.
flex stat
(4E) a racial ability score bonus which can be applied to one of two (or more) scores. Introduced with the races in Player's Handbook 3; for example, Minotaurs get +2 Strenght, and +2 Constitution or +2 Wisdom.
Multiple Ability Dependency (4E) - a class (or Paragon Path, etc.) that relies on more than one Ability Score; seen as a deficiency since this requires splitting points between abilities, and thus lower possible maximum scores.
A dungeon large enough to challenge an adventuring party for their entire career, from 1st level to the endgame. The campaigns played by the creators of the hobby (Gygax and Arneson) both featured megadungeons (Castles Blackmoor and Greyhawk), but no true examples were published during the peak of D&D's popularity. Considered one of the cornerstones of the OSR.
Non-Armor Class Defences (4E) - Shorthand for a character or monster's Fortitude, Reflex and Will defences.
name level
The level at which a character stops gaining new level titles (which are associated with each class and level in pre-3E versions of the game), often 9th. For example, a fighting-man in 0e is called a "Super Hero" at 8th level, a "Lord" at 9th level, and a "Lord, 10th Level" at 10th level. Since that is not a new descriptive title, the fighting-man reaches name level at 9th. Often considered the start of the endgame, and usually the point at which character advancement dramatically slows.
"Old Geezer": The user name of a RPGnet poster (real name Michael Mornard) who was a player in the original Castle Greyhawk campaign co-DMed by Gary Gygax and Rob Kuntz in the early 1970s.
"Old School Renaissance" (occasionally "Revolution" or "Revival"): The recent surge in popularity of older roleplaying games and styles. While partially attributable to the death of Gary Gygax in 2008, earlier retro games like HackMaster and Castles & Crusades (2006) tapped into the same sentiment. While there is a no true center or uniformity of opinion, the public face of the group is a fairly cohesive collection of games, magazines, message boards, publishers, and blogs (the most prominent of the latter being Grognardia). Common themes, as articulated in Finch's A Quick Primer for Old School Gaming, are megadungeons, sandbox campaigns, an emphasis on player rather than character skill, and a focus on rediscovering how the creators of the games actually played. There's a heavy focus on 0e, with a secondary focus on AD&D, specifically the pre-Unearthed Arcana 1st edition.
"Points of Light" land (4E) - the "implied setting" found in the core fourth edition books, which uses the "Points of Light" concept.
primary ability score
(4E) the ability score upon which all or most of a class's attack powers are based. It is usually used for both the attack roll and damage rolls. A character should have a high score in their class's primary ability. For example, Strength is the primary ability score for Fighters.
(4E) a secondary effect granted by a power in addition to its main effect. Often dependent on a class's secondary ability score or choice of class feature.
A campaign style where there is no overarching plot driving the players toward a scripted conclusion. See metaplot.
secondary ability score
(4E) an ability score which provides secondary bonuses to a class's powers, often in "riders" (q.v.).
V-shaped class
(4E) also "V class" or "V-class"; a class which offers a choice of primary ability score, depending on build, but always uses the same secondary ability score. The Warlock is a good example; they might choose Constitution or Charisma as a primary ability score depending on their build and pact, but Intelligence is always a good choice for a secondary score.
Wizards of the Coast - current developers, publishers and owners of Dungeons & Dragons.