A brief history and culture
A brief History and culture
When the Remuli Republic took the island of Harn two hundred and thirty years ago, they were opposed by the native Jarin tribes [ many of whom were never conquered], themany tribes of Goblinkin [a species rare on the mainland] and lastly the wild tribes and spawn of Ilvir, an immortal mage with Divine powers who was worshipped as a god.
The Jarin were divided regionally, with the Peran and Equeth to the West, the Ternuu and Athul to the south-West, the Nutheli to the North and the Solorii to the South East. Add to this many minor tribes and island clans.
A real-world culture analogy would be the Welsh, Scottish and Irish prior to and including early christianisation.
Goblinkin confine themselves to the hillier or more deeply forested areas of Harn. They do not bear direct sunlight well, but can do so. The Goebler, Haebog, Oeger and Boeger races are returning to old haunts now that Republican law is gone and their spreading is a symptom of the times.
The wild tribes of men who ring Lake Benath have always worshipped Ilvir the Maker, who lives in Misyn. Giants and trolls and other, rarer monsters are his creations and they dot the world of Harn, guardians to bleak places and old ruins. When the Remuli invaded he created orcs, or gargun, to combat them. Even though the Remuli conquered and captured the southern part of the lakelands, nests of orcs have spread throughout Harns mountains, a bane to humans and goblinkind alike.
The settlements on the Harn map represent the extent of Remuli conquest and settlement. From Harn they gained rich grainfields, hardwoods and conscript troops. The Legions Harnica were an anchor to the Republic and later Imperium in the North, and when the last of the legions departed following another governer intent on the High Seat it sealed the fate of the Feoderates and subject lands of the northern mainlands.