Character:Kaiden Rowlow

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For the game: Exalted:Skies Over-Chiaroscuro


Name: Infected Marrow (Kaiden Rowlow) Concept: Master Spy Caste: Day Anima:

  • When active Kaiden's anima is that of shadowy flames enveloping him, in less active states, only his shadow appears to burn.
  • With his solar cover charm, this appears as blinding fire.


  • Destroying house Dynasts
  • Masterful Deception


  • Str 4
  • Dex 5
  • Sta 2
  • Cha 4
  • Man 4
  • App 0
    • (Abyssal rule, I get noting back though, also with my disguises I take the appearance of the person I am appearing as)
  • Per 3
  • Int 2
  • Wits 2


Favored/Caste Abilities in bold

  • Archery ()
  • Martial Arts (****) (1 BP)
  • Melee ()
  • Throwing ()
  • War (***)

  • Integrity ()
  • Performance ()
  • Presence (**)
  • Resistance ()
  • Survival (*)

  • Craft ()
  • Investigation (*)
  • Lore ()
  • Medicine ()
  • Occult ()

  • Athletics (***)
  • Awareness (**)
  • Dodge (***)
  • Larceny (****) (1 BP)
  • Stealth (****) (1 BP)

  • Bureaucracy (**)
  • Linguistics () (1 BP)
  • Ride 0
  • Sail 0
  • Socialize (**)


Resources ****
Independently wealth after his foray into killing rich influential leaders to bring down towns. (4 BP)
Manse **
Given to him by his master, this manse is in the shadow lands around Thorns, it is an air manse.
Artifact ** (Soul-steel Hearthstone Bracers)
Also given to him by his master, to 'keep his worthless caste alive' according to his master.
Whispers **
The time he has spent around ghosts has left Kaiden slightly mad and in tune with the neverborn.


  • Comp (*)
  • Conv (***)
  • Temp (**)
  • Valor (***)


  • WP 6
  • Essence 3 (7 BP)
  • Personal 15
  • Peripheral 36


Martial Arts (Ebon Shadow)
Image of death, Wall Climbing, Distracting Finger, Ebon Shadow Form.
Morale Shattering Technique
Shadow Cloak, Attrocity without Witness
2nd Excellency, Fate drinking bite, Solar Impersination


Kaiden Rowlow was the simple son of a Patrician. He excelled in his martial training and was on his way to become a wing commander. However his family was loyal to house V'neef, and Kaiden's father was well respected, respected enough to get Kaiden, at age 18, a position in one of house V'neef's favored son's retinue. He had now been exposed to politics, and he hated it. Though he was happy that his master would be occupying a position in the west, away from the court.

Then the spying started. One day he was approached by some vile individuals to spy on his masters plans, or else they would kill his family, as proof they could do it they had one of his sister's distinctive hair pins, his family lived on house V'neef grounds, there was no safer place he could take them. So he did it, he had no choice.

One day, he was copying military readiness information from his master's study when his master walked in. This was obviously a bad moment for a spy, when asked what he was doing he said, "Reviewing military readiness to prepare a training and logistics plan"

His master smiled, "Thank you Kaiden, I knew I could trust you to stay ontop of things"

The word trust wracked Kaiden's consciousness. He revealed what he was doing. His master was unhappy, but at the same time, pleased. He began to use Kaiden to feed fake information to his enemies, whoever they might be. His master promised better guards on his family as long as he turned double agent.

A few months later, his family was murdered by the people he was originally spying for, because of his bad information he had given them on the orders of his master. He was enraged. A few days later he saw his vile contact in his masters study, apparently they were working out the house conflict that had caused the need for spying and his families murder, and everything would be better now... Kaiden couldn't take it, his family had been killed by this man's orders mere days before.

He attacked the man, and when his master tried to stop him, he attacked him to. He killed the vile contact, a dragon blooded, four of his masters guards, and wounded his master before his master incinerated him. And in that moment, when he was burning, where he died, a voice spoke.

The voice offered him revenge and the power to achieve it. He accepted the offer. His lord gave him his new name, Infected Marrow, and he trained with the ghosts, naturally learning a style of stealth and infiltration, Ebon Shadow.

He has been spying for his new master, Mask of Winters ever since the beginning of the thorns invasion, where he would go from town to town, impersonating guards, officials, and Solars, to destroy their defenses ahead of time. Through this he was able to amass quite a bit of wealth. And his Liege favored him with a simple manse. Ever since Thorns he has been having these dreams of fighting powerful beings and every one ends with him being killed by some Twilight exalted whose identity barely eludes him. Now he heads south, where Mask of Winters considers another invasion.


Infected Marrow's natural appearance is rarely seen, but if it was, his appearance is that of a charred corpse. Being a master spy, he always has a disguise, and through his abyssal powers, it becomes more than a disguise, it is him, even his abyssal powers are masked to look solar.