Basic Info
Name: Jeradin
Caste/Aspect: Night caste Solar exalt
Concept: Former investigator/assasin for the Realm
Motivation: Seeks to restore the Realm to a former glory that never really existed
Intimacies: Devotion to the order that the Realm represents.
Distrust and anger towards the Houses for the mess they have made of the Realm. Desire to kill Lahor and Marad
Appearance:Jeradin's appearance shouts "nothing to see here!" He isn't handsome and he isn't grotesque. He is of average height and build, if a bit on the lanky side. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. If you had seen him once you might still not be able to pick him out of a line up.
XP: 39 gained / 21 spent
Current Stats
Strength ●● Charisma ●●● Perception ●●●● Dexterity ●●●●● Manipulation ●●● Intelligence ●●● Stamina ●●●● Appearance ● Wits ●●
- Strength 2 (average strength; lift 160 lbs)
- Dexterity 5 (almost inhumanly swift and graceful)
- Stamina 4 (exceptional stamina; soak 4 bashing / 2 lethal)
- Charisma 3 (likeable, makes friends with little effort)
- Manipulation 3 (has a clever tongue, can convince most people to trust him)
- Appearance 1 (very plain)
- Perception 4 (keeps track of all minute details around him, can catch a pickpocket before he strikes)
- Intelligence 5 (quite bright, might make a good scholar)
- Wits 2 (passable at thinking on his feet)
Archery Integrity Craft Athletics ●●●● Bureaucracy ● Martial Arts ●●●●● Performance Investigation ●●● Awareness ●●● Linguistics ●● Melee Presence Lore ●● Dodge ●●●●● Ride Thrown ●●●●● Resistance ●● Medicine ● Larceny ●●●●● Sail War Survival ● Occult Stealth ●●●●● Socialize
- Athletics (4) can work as the featured acrobat in the palace of the Empress
- Awareness (3) is usually the fi rst one to notice a pirate ship on the horizon
- Dodge (5) can escape harm when fighting an inhumanly skilled cataphract of the Fair Folk
- Larceny (5) is a master thief, who could likely steal the rings off the Despot of Gem’s jewel-encrusted fingers
- Stealth (5) can sneak past an ever-watchful demon guarding a crypt in Sijan
- Martial Arts (5) can fight a dozen thugs while simultaneously showing off all of his moves in a precise and beautiful manner
- Thrown (5) can throw a knife so as to clip a single tail feather off of a divine firebird in flight
- Resistance (2) can keep his head after days of heavy drinking, can run 8 miles without stopping or can fairly easily recover from infection
- Investigation (3) can reconstruct the details of a crime from small fragments of evidence or locate an obscure passage in a large ill-organized library
- Linguistics (2) knows Forest-tongue as well as High Realm and Riverspeak
- Survival (1) can probably find a decent shelter in the woods or tame a hawk
- Lore (2) knows a good deal of the customs of lands thousands of miles away, can help operate many First Age devices
- Medicine (1) can probably stitch up a shallow head wound or set a simple fracture
- Bureaucracy (1) can probably bribe a slightly corrupt official or sell aging horses at the same price as a young ones
Willpower and Virtues
Willpower: 6 The character is sure and self-confident
- Compassion: 3 "regularly comes to the aid of others in need"
- Conviction: 3 "rarely breaks under torture and can use drastic measures, given no other choice"
- Temperance: 2 "I'm not going to kill you... yet."
- Valor: 1 "Someone with Valor 1 is a sniveling coward" (Jeradin's somewhat proud of it. "It doesn't benefit anyone to enter a fight you can't win.")
Essence and Anima
Essence: 2
- Personal Essence: 12
- Peripheral Essence: 29
- Committed Essence: 0
Anima Banner
- Owl with flame flicking from the tips of its wing-feathers
Cult: 2
- First Age cult dedicated to worship of his Soul
- Despite attempts by the Realm to stamp out its existance, pockets of secret worshipers remain scattered in towns and villages throughout the Realm
Contacts: 1
- Captain within the resistance in Thorns
Charms *
Martial Arts
- First Martial Arts Ability 1m per die; Instant; Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender).
This Excellency allows the Exalt to add dice to a roll based on the Ability for which it was purchased.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 183
- First Thrown Ability 1m per die; Instant; Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender).
This Excellency allows the Exalt to add dice to a roll based on the Ability for which it was purchased.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 183
- Observer-Decieving Attack: 3m; Supplemental; Instant.
This Charm can prevent a Thrown attack from being noticed, concealing it with the power of the Exalts Essence. This Charm becomes less effective the more often the Solar Exalted uses it during a fight.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 195.
- Body-Mending Meditation: 10m; Supplemental; Until the day ends.
This Charm greatly enhances the rate at which the Chosen recovers from injury. This Charm may be activated even when the Exalt has been rendered inactive.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 208
- Graceful Crane Stance: 3m; Reflexive; One Scene.
Automatically keep balance on any surface at least as strong and wide as a human hair. This surface is treated as a 3 ft wide ledge capable of supporting 1000 lbs. when determining what movement and Athletics actions can be taken and what penalties to them might apply.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 222-223
- Monkey Leap Technique: 3m; Reflexive; One Scene.
This Charm allows the Exalt to leap about prodigiously.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 223.
- Shadow Over Water: 1m; Reflexive (Step 2); Instant.
This Charm allows the Exalt to temporarily regain her defensive advantage against a single attack.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 227. - Seven Shadow Evasion: 3m; Reflexive (Step 2); Instant.
This Charm can be used in response to an attack. This Charm is a dodge that allows a Solar to perfectly defend against the attack, even if it would normally be undodgeable.
Conviction Flaw: This Charm does not function when the Solar's actions are contrary to his Motivation.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 227.
- First Larceny Ability 1m per die; Instant; Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender).
This Excellency allows the Exalt to add dice to a roll based on the Ability for which it was purchased.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 183 - Flawlessly Inpenetrable Disguise: 7m; Simple (Speed 6 in Long Ticks); Until the Character Sleeps.
This Charm allows the Chosen to disguise herself flawlessly, changing her coloration, sexual appearance and even size and voice. No mundane perception can penetrate this disguise, and even magical means of detection are at a severe disadvantage to see through the disguise.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 227-228. - Lock-Opening Touch: 3m; Supplemental; Instant.
This Charm allows the Chosen to open any lock easily, even if they lack tools (though the Charm gains the Obvious keyword if they do so). It is even difficult for Charms or other magical effects to contest this Charm.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 229
- Easily Overlooked Presence Method; 3m; Simple; One Scene.
This Charm makes it impossible to notice the Chosen unless they are somehow made particularly noticeable.
Source: Second Edition Core, p. 230.
- Razor Claws
- Sling of Deadly Prowess
- Throwing Knives
- Chain Shirt
Speed | Accuracy | Damage | Defense | Range | Rate | Min | Tags | |
Razor Claws | 5 | +5 | +5L | +3 | 0 | 4 | STR ● DEX ●● | M |
Sling of Deadly Prowess | 5 | +3 | +5L | +0 | 200 | 2 | STR ● DEX ●● | - |
Throwing Knives | 5 | +0 | +2L | +0 | 15 | 3 | STR ● | * |
Punch | 5 | +1 | +0B | +2 | 0 | 3 | STR ● | N |
Kick | 5 | +0 | +3B | -2 | 0 | 2 | STR ● DEX ●● | N |
Clinch | 6 | +0 | +0B | +0 | 0 | 1 | STR ● | C, N, P |
XP and Training
- XP Gained: 33
- Episode 1: Of Falcons & Falconers: 5
- Episode 2: Points of Departure: 5
- Episode 3: Wangler's Knob: 5
- Episode 4: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?: 8
- Episode 5: A Dream Given Form: 10
- XP Spent: 21
- athletics +1 (to 4)= 5 xp
- larceny +1 (to 5)= 7 xp
- resistance +1 (to 2)= 1 xp
- lock-opening touch = 8 xp
- Debt XP: 0
- Unspent XP: 12
- Currently training:
Character Creation Questions
How old are you?
- a
What was your family life like?
- a
Where are you from?
- a
How were you Exalted?
- a
When did you meet your companions?
- a
How has power changed you?
- a
What do you think of mortals?
- a
What motivates you to be a hero?
- a
Who or what do you worship?
- a
What would drive you to commit murder?
- a