Chapter Two: The Forgotten Forge (Sessions 3-4)

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Chapter Two: The Forgotten Forge

The Seekers are employed by Lady Eldria d'Vown an associate of House Cannith to investigate the whereabouts of Bonal Geldem. In coincidence with a dream had by Chantal d'Medani, the Seekers find Bonal Geldem murdered by an agent of the Lord of Blades (Seeker edition).

With Bonal Geldem's journal in hand, the Seekers return to Lady Eldria d'Vown who employs them to find a schematic believed to be located in a long forgotten forge of House Cannith.

Overcoming further agents of the Lord of Blades (Seeker edition) who also seek the schematic, the Seekers find the forge and the schematic. The schematic and journal suggest that it was used to grant some device intelligence. The device seemed to be a weapon of mass destruction. Yet it had eerie similarity of design to Unit.

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