- Str d6
- Agi d6
- Spr d6
- Sma d6
- Vig d6
- Pace 6"
- Parry 5
- Toughness 5
- Charisma +0
- Fighting d6
- Guts d6
- Intimidation d6
- Notice d6
- Persuasion d4
- Shooting d12+1 (d6)
- Streetwise d6
- Taunt d6
- Weakness: Electricity (Major)
- Another Major one
- AB Superpowers (12)
- More Power Points (7)
- Super Karma (7)
- Marksman +2 to ranged attack when not moving
- No Mercy - May Spend a Benny to reroll any damage roll.
Super Powers (26)
- Construct (5): +2 to recover from Shaken, No Wound Penalties, Immune to Disease and Poison, Repair rather than Healing to recover from Wounds
- Gifted (1)
- Super Skills Shooting (1) +3 die types, requires activation.
- Attack, Ranged (5) 3d6 damage, Device
- Marksman (2)
- No Mercy (2)
- Animation (10) 1000 pounds, d12+2, size +4, pace 10, MAP to do multiple