WS:Lizardmen Physiology

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Lizardmen Physiology


More upright, larger scales, almost always bipedal. Tend to eat meat, but are not fussy as to it's state (alive/dead/rotting) but also eat vegetables (omnivorous). Not forward slung, no vestigal tail. Colouring - eyes vary from black to yellow to red (warm colours only). Scales vary in warm colours, but are usually brown to sand coloured. They do have distinctive, individual markings. Hair - none. Reproduction - live birth. Average build - 5-6 feet tall, and very heavy (picture an upright Komodo dragon) Genders - 2, male and female. There is only a difference in clothing. If naked, you can not tell the difference. There are male, female and common languages. Slaves are only allowed to speak common. Magic - Cannot be learned, must be born with it. Magic is rare and highly sought after. Psychology. Humans are regarded as weak and ugly. As are all other races. Females are not subjugated, they have slaves.


Less upright, smaller scales, bipedal about half the time. Tend to eat more meat than vegetables, usually live or a fresh kill. Somewhat forward slung, most tend to have tails (used for balance only). Colouring - Eyes in general are yellow or red. Scales vary a lot, some being bright, some cool coloured etc. Also with individual markings. Hair - none. Reproduction - Egglaying (then fertilised) Average Build - 4-7 feet (more varied than Warmblooded) and somewhat heavy (think velociraptor) Genders - 2, male and female. Females tend to be smaller and less brightly coloured. Naked, they are also indistinguishable except for colouring. Magic- Cannot be learned, must be born with it. Incredibly rare in Coldblooded and shunned if found. Psychology - Usually too fearful to be as xenophobic as warmbloods. They find all non-reptiles ugly, same as warmbloods. Usually too busy to think about anything else.

Rules Points

Cold Bloods in different weather

The temperature affects the characteristic maxima of their speed, lowering or raising it. If lowered then points spent on SPD are less affective, possibly halving speed. Speed can not be reduced below the formula amount (you can't halve zero). If they were put in an extremely cold place and did not die of hypothermia, they would be paralysed (don't go north in other words). Naturally warm clothing is less effective, and a magical heating device would be the only useful source of warmth. For example-

Formula speed is 2 normal maxima is 4 you spend 40 points on speed to raise it to 5 10+10+20 (normal+normal+double because it is over maxima) in cold weather the maxima is reduced to 2 40 points in speed now equals speed 4 (20+20) (double+double) in hot weather the maxima is increased to 6 40 points in speed now equals 6 (10+10+10+10)


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