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The young elf had it all figured out. He had seen the caravans go by, full of foolish humans with glory in their eyes as they drove their wagons to certain doom in the blight around the Necropolis. He had read up on the area, even scouted, careful not to get too close to the silhouettes lurching and rattling through the fog. Without the services of the great Alden, these pilgrims would surely perish. For a fee, he could see them through. A good fee, he wagered. But first he needed some worldliness. He had learned as much as he could alone. He took up with several adventuring parties until he settled on one that, however improbably, was stable and capable of surviving. He stayed with them, learning, watching, growing, until at last he saw his chance to strike out solo.

A hooded man who gave only the name “Hraxus” approached him promising a great fee if he would retrieve a golden idol from the Necropolis. He set out with the rest of the table at the inn, heading into the blight for real. And then everything went wrong. In the midst of a heated argument, “Hraxus” let slip that he actually had far less than the money he promised; he had counted on the finding and the sale of the idol. Furthermore, this idol’s existence was founded on the flimsiest of tales. And finally, as they all learned, a full-throated shouting match in the blight attracts company. Lots of company. Alden found for all his research, for all his testing and training, the best thing he could do against the undead was to run, and hide.

Alden has had many long hours to make sense of what has gone wrong, but he is not much of a thinker. He doesn’t know who the bigger fool is, himself or the people he sought to help. He doesn’t know if he can trust his skills, at least not to the extent he once did. But he does know one thing: The undead are to be purged from the earth at all costs.

Alden’s élan vital manifests as the dappled light and clean, cool air of a first-growth forest.


  • 1st level ranger
  • Description:
 5'2" 105# elven male, 125 years old;
 whipcord frame, ruddy skin, pine green eyes darkening to brown near the iris, and short, tousled black hair.
  • Vital Statistics:
 S:  12 +1
 D:  16 +3
 C:  10 +0
 I:  10 +0
 W:  15 +2
 Ch: 12 +1
 AC: 5
   (+2 leather)
   (+3 dex)
 HP: 10
 BAB: +2 base
    +3 melee (str)
    +5 missile (dex)
    +6 missile w/in 30' (dex, point blank shot feat)
  • Saving Throws:
 Fortitude: +3
 Reflex: +6 (+3 from dex)
 Will: +2 (+2 from wis), +4 vs. enchantment
  • Move: 30
  • Armor Check Penalty: 0
  • Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Favored Enemies:
 Undead: +2 vs. Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive ("BRAAAAIINNS"), Spot, Survival; +2 damage
  • Feats: (Source)
 Immunity to Sleep (Elf)
 +2 Resistance to Enchantment (Elf)
 Low Light Vision (Elf)
 +2 to Listen, Search and Spot (Elf)
 Automatic Search check w/in 5' of secret or concealed door (Elf)
 Spoken Languages: Common, Elven (Elf)
 Martial Weapon Proficiency: Clichéd elven weapons (Elf)
 Armor Proficiency: Light (Ranger)
 Shield Proficiency (Ranger)
 Martial Weapon Proficiency (Ranger)
 Track (Ranger)
 Wild Empathy (Ranger)
 Point Blank Shot (1st level feat)
 Combat Style: Two Weapon Fighting (Ranger)

Skills, Points, Ability: Total Modifier

 Climb, 2, Str: +3
 Handle Animal, 3,  Wis: +5
 Hide, 5, Dex, +8
 Heal, 3, Wis, +5
 Knowledge (dungeoneering), 4, Int, +4
 Knowledge (nature), 4, Int, +4
 Listen, 2, Wis, +6 (+8 vs. Undead)
 Ride (Horse), 2, Dex, +5
 Search, 0, Int, +2 (elf)
 Spot, 0, Wis, +4 (elf) (+6 vs. Undead)
 Survival, 5, Wis, +7 (+9 vs. Undead)
  • Equipment, Cost, Weight:
 Explorer's Outfit, n/a, n/a
 Traveler's Outfit, 1gp, 5#
 Longsword, 15gp, 4#
 Light Hammer, 1gp, 2#
 Sling, n/a, n/a
 10 Bullets, 1sp, 5#
 Leather, 10gp, 15#
 Backpack, 2gp, 15#
   Flint and steel, 1gp, n/a
   Candle (10), 1sp, n/a
   Fishhook (5), 5sp, n/a
   Ink, 8gp, n/a
   Pen, 1sp, n/a
   Paper (10 sheets), 4gp, n/a
   Trail Rations (3 days), 1.5gp, 3#
   Healer's Kit, 50gp, 1#
 Waterskin, 1gp, 4#
 Holy Water (flask), 25gp, 1#
  • Weight carried: 41#
  • Coin: 80gp, 7sp