Character:Mike Turing

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Description:He's not much to look at, in fact he's almost disappointingly normal. A white guy with dark hair and eyes and a goatee just barely straddling the line between neat and messy. He wears a black hoodie and blue jeans with scuffed sneakers. He's always carrying what looks like an IPhone, but when he uses it and no one's around, it talks back to him and he can make it do the most amazing things. Mike smokes a lot and doesn't really imagine he'll live long enough for it to matter. His car is some small miscellaneous Toyota that no one remembers the name of. He's a much better fighter then one would assume from the way he carries himself.

Mike Turing
Biographical information

Bring down Pentex, Inc.


The Internet (+), Pentex Inc (-), Corporate malfeasance (-), Defending the downtrodden (+, Righteous Lion Defense)


Socially-conscious hacker




Friend Computer


Solar Exalt




Intelligence: 5 Wits: 3 Perception: 3

Stamina: 3 Dexterity: 4 Strength: 2

Charisma: 2 Appearance: 2 Manipulation: 3


  • Martial Arts: 4 (Favoured)
  • Integrity:3 (Favoured)
  • Investigation: 4 (Favoured), Academics: 3 (favoured), Computers: 5 (Favoured), Linguistics: 2 (Favoured)
  • Awareness: 3, Athletics: 1, Dodge: 4 (Favoured), Larceny: 3 (Favoured)


Essence: 4 Personal Motes: 19/19 Peripheral: 40/45 (5 committed to Unstoppable Firewall of Doom)


  • Solar Essence Overwhelming (free)
  • Fist of Iron Technique
  • Righteous Lion Defense, Integrity Preserving Prana
  • Judge’s Ear Technique
  • Spirit Detecting Glance
  • Shadow Over Water, Seven Shadow Evasion
  • Impenetrable Firewall, Unstoppable Cracker Command, Caffeine and Carpel Tunnel Prana, Hitchhike on the Information Superhighway, Tricked out Rig of the Lawgiver, Gaze of Technological Authority, Behold the Fruits of Civilization, Poking the Bees Nest
  • Sagacious Reading of Intent
  • Crafty Observation Method, Courtier’s Eye Technique, Consumer-Evaluating Glance


Compassion: 4 Conviction: 3 Temperance: 1 Valor: 2


  • Contacts 2: Virtual Adepts
  • Contacts 2: Glass Walkers
  • Resources 3


Mike's goal in life is to eliminate the world-spanning superconglomerate known as Pentex. It's written into his very Exaltation, which he experienced as a feverish night spent collecting evidence and articles both from public and highly secure sources that all pointed towards a single unified organization that directed dozens of companies well-known for the huge environmental and social damage they'd inflicted upon the world, and also found that Pentex was responsible for some things that no one had ever even imagined possible. When he was "himself" again, he knew what he had to do, and now he feels like he actually has a chance. He's usually quiet and unassuming on the street, but on cyberspace and with computers he can do almost anything and hack into the most secure places on the planet with barely any effort. His political outlook is socialist-leaning, not an unusual result when one is crusading against corporate atrocities.

He's actually well-known under his internet alias "Masterstroke". He's plucked enough supposedly confidential information right out of Pentex's most secure systems, then releasing them to news agencies and public forums online that Pentex has had several Wyrm-tainted computer viruses created just to silence him. None have been successful yet.

The Garou tribe Glass Walkers have heard of him and are impressed with his exploits, even though they don't really know who or what he is. The same with the Mage Tradition known as the Virtual Adepts.

He's very difficult to track electronically. With his charms, he can simply program himself a new bank account while sitting at a Starbucks and then forward it to his account (which is an almost blank slate that still somehow goes through every time), or erase himself from a police database with that same ease.

Flaws: Enemy 5: Pentex Inc.

Merits: Innocuous (2 Points) (+1 to Larceny or Stealth rolls to hide in a crowd, +1 difficulty to attempts to follow), Danger Sense (3 points) (+2 to rolls to detect ambushes, traps, and other dangers)

Dodge MDV: 7 Dodge DV: 6

Willpower: 7