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Revision as of 06:01, 17 February 2006 by Curufea (talk | contribs) (Herbs)
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Prices, Availability and Effect

Gamring Summer Plains 3d 4d 1sp 3cp/1sp 9cp acid Not addictive Heal 2D6 as damage Ingested Lichen +1 D6 months
Horlost Always Caves 6d 10d 2sp 7cp/4sp 1cp acid Not addictive 6D6 heal as damage Applied Mineral -2 D6 months
Jolein Summer Lakeshore 7d 11d 3sp 1cp/4sp 7cp acid Not addictive Heal 3D6 as damage Applied Flower -2 D3 days
Lasrath Summer/Autumn Mountainous areas 10d 1s 3d 4sp 1cp/6sp 1cp acid Not addictive Heal 4D6 as damage Ingested Nut -1 D6 weeks
Montariel Winter/Spring Deserts 2d 4d 1sp 1cp/1sp 7cp acid Slightly addictive Heal 1D6 as damage Ingested Sap +2 D6 months
Turfina Summer Mountainous areas 1s 3d 1s 11d 6sp 2cp/9sp 4cp acid Not addictive 4D6 Aid (as damage) –1/min Ingested Fruit -4 D6 days
Siran Autumn/Winter Inhabited areas, urban 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp aid health Slightly addictive 2D6 CON Aid, fade 1/min Ingested Pollen -1 D6 weeks
Parnath Spring/Summer Timberline, peaks 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp aid will Slightly addictive 2D6 EGO Aid, fade 1/hour Ingested Clove/Bulb +1 D6 months
Agaath Spring/Summer Bog or swamp 6d 9d 2sp 4cp/3sp 6cp air Slightly addictive Life Support: air 5 hours Ingested Pollen -2 D6 weeks
Fecburtun Autumn Underdeeps 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/4sp air Not addictive Life Support: breathe 1 hour Breathed Berry -1 D3 days
Mithyave Autumn/Winter Caves 2d 3d 8cp/1sp 2cp air Not addictive Life Support: bad air Breathed Fungus -1 D6 days
Ssenth Summer/Autumn Ocean shore 7d 10d 2sp 9cp/4sp 3cp air Not addictive Life Support: breathe any air Ingested Fungus +1 D6 weeks
Breldiar Spring Volcanoes L5 4s 2d L5 4s 2d 50gp/50gp alters perception Not addictive N-Ray vision 1 hour Applied Vine -4 D6 months
Berilik Autumn Swamp 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp anesthetic Not addictive anesthetic Ingested Moss +1 D6 weeks
Celesien Autumn/Winter Bog or swamp 2d 3d 1sp/1sp 6cp animal Slightly addictive Animal Friendship +2D6 Ingested Root +1 D6 weeks
Alkanet Summer Rural 4s 2d 4s 2d 2gp/2gp antidote Slightly addictive Life Support: disease Ingested Vine -4 D6 months
Bargis Spring/Summer Deserts 1s 1d 1s 7d 5sp 3cp/7sp 9cp antidote Not addictive Antidote (blood poisons) Ingested Flower -2 D3 days
Basil Summer Rural 7d 2f 7d 2f 3sp/3sp antidote Slightly addictive Antidote (nerve poison) Ingested Pollen -1 D6 hours
Bonalith Summer Underdeeps 11d 1s 4d 4sp 4cp/6sp 6cp antidote Slightly addictive Immune to poison 1 hour Ingested Fungus -1 D3 days
Borkwild Autumn Underdeeps 7d 10d 2sp 8cp/4sp 2cp antidote Not addictive Life Support: disease Ingested Bark -2 D6 weeks
Bryony Winter Deep forest, wilds 6d 9d 2sp 4cp/3sp 6cp antidote Not addictive Purge all poisons/impurities Ingested Berry +1 D3 days
Camdeth Autumn Fresh water 7d 10d 2sp 8cp/4sp 2cp antidote Not addictive Immune: nonmagic poison Ingested Algae +0 D3 days
Den Habur Summer/Autumn Caves 9d 1s 2d 3sp 8cp/5sp 6cp antidote Addictive to use Immune: magic poisons Ingested Algae +1 D3 days
Eldaana Winter/Spring Timberline, peaks 8d 1s 3sp 3cp/4sp 9cp antidote Not addictive Antidote (nerve poison) Ingested Leaf -3 D6 weeks
Emras Summer Fresh water 5d 7d 2sp/3sp antidote Not addictive Immune: non magic poison Ingested Algae +1 D3 days
Entriste Summer Desert L2 12s 1d L2 12s 1d 25gp/25gp antidote Not addictive Antidote (irritant poison) Applied Algae -4 D6 weeks
Goat's Rue Summer Forest 12s 6d L1 11s 3d 6gp/15gp antidote Not addictive Immune: magic poisons Breathed Berry -4 D6 hours
Henbane Summer/Autumn Rural 2s 1d 6s 3d 1gp/3gp antidote Not addictive Antidote (alkali poisons) Applied Leaf -2 D6 days
Hofwort Summer/Autumn Bog or swamp 7d 11d 3sp 1cp/4sp 7cp antidote Not addictive Antidote (irritant poison) Ingested Root -2 D6 months
Horehound Summer Coast 2s 1d 10s 5d 1gp/5gp antidote Not addictive Purge all poisons/impurities Applied Lichen -1 D6 weeks
Iihl Spring/Summer Deserts 5d 8d 2sp 3cp/3sp 5cp antidote Not addictive Negates poisons used on animals Applied Stalk -1 D6 weeks
Jaffray Summer Desert L1 10d L1 11s 3d 10gp/15gp antidote Addictive to use Negates poison for 3 hours Ingested Flower -2 D6 weeks
Lesser Centaury Summer Mountains 10s 5d 10s 5d 5gp/5gp antidote Not addictive Immunity to disease 1 hour Breathed Insect +1 D3 hours
Mienswort Autumn Lakeshore 5d 7d 2sp 1cp/3sp 1cp antidote Not addictive Negates poison for 5 hours Ingested Stalk -2 D6 weeks
Navew Winter River 8s 4d L1 5s 4gp/12gp antidote Not addictive Stops lycanth change 1 day Applied Pollen -1 D6 weeks
Relolax Winter/Spring Salt Water 8d 1s 1d 3sp 5cp/5sp 3cp antidote Not addictive Antidote (alkali poisons) Applied Root -2 D6 months
Resolieth Autumn/Winter Fresh water 6d 10d 2sp 7cp/4sp 1cp antidote Not addictive Immunity to disease 1 day Ingested Vine -2 D6 days
Tempin Summer Forest 10s 5d 10s 5d 5gp/5gp antidote Not addictive Immunity to disease 1 hour Applied Clove/Bulb 2 D6 months
Ul-Naza Spring/Summer Fresh water 1s 6d 2s 3d 7sp 3cp/1gp 9cp antidote Not addictive Antidote (internal poisons) Applied Algae -5 D6 days
Vyjolth Winter/Spring Sylvan, forests 11d 1s 4d 4sp 5cp/6sp 7cp antidote Slightly addictive Prevents Paralysis 1 hour Ingested Fungus +2 D6 weeks
Wylsain Spring/Summer Bog or swamp 1s 2d 1s 10d 5sp 9cp/8sp 9cp antidote Slightly addictive Immune: all poisons 1 day Ingested Pollen +1 D6 months
Xolien Winter/Spring Underdeeps 9d 1s 2d 3sp 8cp/5sp 6cp antidote Slightly addictive Stops lycanth change 1 day Ingested Clove/Bulb -1 D6 weeks
Quessel Spring/Summer Mountains 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp antidote Slightly addictive Immune: all poisons 1 day Breathed Leaf +0 D6 weeks
Adder's Tongue Spring Rural 10s 5d L1 11s 3d 5gp/15gp anti-infection Slightly addictive Anti-Infection Ingested Lichen -2 D6 days
Coltsfoot Spring/Summer Mountains 4s 2d 8s 4d 2gp/4gp anti-infection Not addictive Anti-Infection Applied Moss -1 D3 days
Dittany Summer/Autumn River 2s 1d 10s 5d 1gp/5gp anti-infection Not addictive Anti-Infection Applied Clove/Bulb -1 D6 weeks
Tamariske Always Rural 10s 5d 14s 7d 5gp/7gp anti-infection Not addictive Anti-Infection Ingested Sap -2 D3 days
Asarbacca Spring Mountainous areas 1s 4d 2s 6sp 6cp/1gp aphrodesiac Very addictive, cannot be used safely Aphrodisiac (whoresberry) Applied Berry +0 D3 days
Cinquefoil Summer Rural L1 10d L1 11s 3d 10gp/15gp aphrodisiac Slightly addictive aphrodisiac Ingested Pollen -2 D6 days
Elprequir Always Forest 10d 1s 2d 3sp 2cp/5sp 1cp aphrodisiac Not addictive aphrodisiac Applied Mineral +1 D6 weeks
Spanish Nut Always Forest L1 10d L10 8s 4d 10gp/100gp aphrodisiac Not addictive aphrodisiac Ingested Fungus -3 D3 days
Perigwar Summer/Autumn Forest 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp aphrodisiac Not addictive aphrodisiac Ingested Vine -2 D6 weeks
Felmather Spring Coast L1 10d L1 10d 10gp/10gp awaken Addictive to use Awakens Unconscious Ingested Nut -1 D6 days
Khalid Spring Salt Water 3d 4d 1sp 2cp/1sp 8cp awaken Not addictive Awakens Unconscious Applied Clove/Bulb 0 D6 weeks
Quorst Summer Lakeshore 2d 4d 1sp 1cp/1sp 7cp awaken Not addictive Awakens Unconscious Applied Vine +1 D6 days
Juth Winter/Spring Bog or swamp 6d 9d 2sp 4cp/3sp 6cp beautify Addictive to use 1D6 Aid COM, fade 1/hour Ingested Moss 2 D6 days
Tielethian Autumn/Winter Lakeshore 11d 1s 5d 4sp 6cp/6sp 8cp berserk Slightly addictive Berserk, +3 STR Aid Ingested Sap -2 D6 weeks
Anserke Summer Coast 1d 2d 7cp/1sp 1cp bleeding Not addictive stops bleeding Applied Root +3 D6 weeks
Belan Summer Coast L4 3s 4d L4 3s 4d 40gp/40gp bleeding Very addictive, cannot be used safely Does not bleed one week Applied Fungus -2 D3 days
Blackberry Spring Rural 2s 1d 2s 1d 1gp/1gp bleeding Slightly addictive stops bleeding Applied Seed -1 D6 weeks
Bloodkeep Spring Coast 10d 10d 4sp/4sp bleeding Not addictive stops bleeding Ingested Fungus +1 D6 weeks
Harfy Summer Grassland L15 12s 6d L15 12s 6d 150gp/150gp bleeding Not addictive Does not bleed one week Ingested Fungus -4 D6 months
Periwinkle Spring Rural 2s 1d L1 10d 1gp/10gp bleeding Not addictive stops bleeding Ingested Flower +3 D6 hours
Prince's Feather Summer/Autumn Rural 2s 1d 4s 2d 1gp/2gp bleeding Slightly addictive stops bleeding Ingested Flower +0 D3 days
Sanicle All but Spring Forest 10s 5d L3 2s 6d 5gp/30gp bleeding Addictive to use stops bleeding Applied Lichen +1 D6 weeks
Shepherd's Purse Always Grassland 10s 5d L1 5s 5gp/12gp bleeding Slightly addictive stops bleeding Applied Pollen +2 D3 days
Silhave Summer Mountainous areas 4d 6d 1sp 8cp/2sp 8cp bleeding Not addictive Does not bleed one day Ingested Moss -3 D6 days
Yarrow Summer Rural L1 10d L1 10d 10gp/10gp bleeding Slightly addictive stops bleeding Applied Bark +1 D6 weeks
Aldaka Winter Mountain L10 8s 4d L104 3s 4d 100gp/1000gp blindness Slightly addictive 4D6 transform Applied Sap -4 D6 weeks
Scented Mayweed Summer Forest 16s 8d L1 11s 3d 8gp/15gp blindness Slightly addictive 3D6 transform Ingested Clove/Bulb -2 D6 days
Bilbury Spring Caves 3d 5d 1sp 5cp/2sp 3cp breathe water Not addictive Life Support: water one day Applied Insect -2 D3 hours
Megillos Winter/Spring Deserts 1d 2d 7cp/1sp 1cp breathe water Not addictive LS: Water one day Ingested Insect +1 D3 days
Yaran Summer/Autumn Ocean shore 2d 3d 9cp/1sp 3cp breathe water Slightly addictive Breathe water (only) 5 hrs Ingested Flower 0 D6 days
Gylvir Autumn Coast L10 8s 4d L10 8s 4d 100gp/100gp breathing Not addictive LS: Breathe water 5 hours Ingested Algae 2 D3 days
Floure-De-Luce Always Grassland 6s 3d L1 10d 3gp/10gp bruises Not addictive 2D6 minor transform Applied Fruit -2 D6 months
Agrimony Summer Forest 4s 2d 16s 8d 2gp/8gp bruises,sprains Slightly addictive 4D6 minor transform Applied Algae -1 D3 days
Arnica Summer Mountains 2s 1d 2s 1d 1gp/1gp bruising Not addictive 3D6 minor transform Applied Grass +0 D6 weeks
Base Mullein Always Rural 2s 1d 2s 1d 10sp/10sp burns Not addictive 2D6 minor transform Applied Clove/Bulb +1 D3 days
Kelventari Always Forest L1 19s 7d L1 19s 7d 19gp/19gp burns Slightly addictive 4D6 minor transform Ingested Fungus -3 D6 months
Marsh Mallow Always Coast 10s 5d 16s 8d 5gp/8gp burns Not addictive 3D6 minor transform Applied Algae -2 D6 months
Falsifal Spring Swamp 6s 3d 6s 3d 3gp/3gp burns,bleeding Slightly addictive 3D6 minor transform, stops bleeding Ingested Sap -2 D6 days
Syenath Spring Deep forest, wilds 5d 7d 2sp 1cp/3sp 1cp calm Not addictive Stops Berserk Applied Clove/Bulb +1 D6 weeks
Phelhas Autumn/Winter Bog or swamp 3d 4d 1sp 3cp/1sp 9cp camouflage Not addictive Stealth +5 (12-) Ingested Stalk +1 D6 months
Milkworte Spring/Summer Rural 8s 4d 16s 8d 4gp/8gp cholera Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Seed +1 D6 weeks
Fofhan Autumn Timberline, peaks 2d 4d 1sp 1cp/1sp 7cp climbing Not addictive +5 Climb 5 hours Applied Pollen +0 D6 months
Archangelica Summer Swamp 1s 2f 1s 2f 5sp/5sp colds,flu Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Fungus +2 D6 months
Baldakur Winter/Spring Sylvan, forests 9d 1s 2d 3sp 9cp/5sp 9cp toughen muscle Addictive to use +3D6 CON vs being stunned Ingested Nut -2 D6 weeks
Eel Berry Summer/Autumn Mountainous areas 3d 5d 1sp 4cp/2sp 2cp combat Addictive to use 5 Lack of Weakness Ingested Berry -1 D3 days
Elegoth Summer Sylvan, forests 9d 1s 2d 3sp 8cp/5sp 8cp combat Very addictive, cannot be used safely +3D6 STN, fade 5/min Ingested Leaf 1 D6 weeks
Glorhast Spring Plains 11d 1s 4d 4sp 4cp/6sp 6cp aid health Slightly addictive +2D6 BOD, END fade 5/min Ingested Moss -1 D3 weeks
Hanan Autumn/Winter Deserts 8d 1s 3sp 4cp/5sp aid health Slightly addictive +2D6 BOD, fade 1/minute Ingested Root -1 D6 months
Lloranth Summer Lakeshore 3d 5d 1sp 4cp/2sp 2cp combat Not addictive +5 Resistance one day Ingested Moss +0 D3 days
Midsaltir Summer/Autumn Lakeshore 8d 1s 3sp 4cp/5sp 2cp combat Not addictive 5 Power Defense 1 day Ingested Stalk -2 D6 weeks
Mosaliar Always Deserts 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/3sp 8cp combat Slightly addictive 15 Pow Defense fade 1/min Ingested Mineral -1 D6 months
Renulak Winter/Spring Mountainous areas 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/4sp combat Addictive to use Cannot be stunned 1 min Ingested Lichen -5 D6 weeks
Tamring Summer Sylvan, forests 11d 1s 4d 4sp 4cp/6sp 6cp combat Slightly addictive 50 Power defense 1 hour Ingested Leaf +0 D6 days
Ulcaana Spring/Summer Ocean shore 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp combat Addictive to use 1D6 PD Aid, fade 1/hour Ingested Root +0 D6 weeks
Unren Summer/Autumn Mountainous areas 6d 10d 2sp 7cp/4sp 1cp combat Slightly addictive Dam Resist 10 PD 1 min Applied Insect -2 D6 days
Rampalt Summer Forest 1d 1f 1d 1f 5cp/5cp congestion Slightly addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Fungus +2 D6 months
Birthnot Always Hills 2f 2f 2cp/2cp contraceptive Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Fungus -1 D6 weeks
Rasakile Summer/Autumn Desert 5d 7d 1sp 2cp/2sp 2cp contraceptive Slightly addictive 3D6 transform, cummulative, fade 1/hour Ingested Stalk +1 D6 weeks
Angelica Summer Mountain 1s 2f 2s 1d 5sp/1gp coughing Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Insect -1 D6 weeks
Febfendu Winter River/Coast L9 7s 6d L93 15s 90gp/900gp deafness Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Breathed Fruit -3 D6 days
Darnell Autumn Forest 6s 3d 14s 7d 3gp/7gp dims sight Slightly addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Flower -2 D6 years
Chervil Always Forest L1 10d L1 10d 10gp/10gp dissolve clots Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Insect -1 D3 days
Amoliel Summer/Autumn Sylvan, forests 10d 1s 3d 4sp 1cp/6sp 1cp dream Slightly addictive Share dreams between users Ingested Fruit -1 D6 days
Stiltrassa Winter Grassland 4s 6s 1gp 9sp /2gp 8sp 2cp emetic Not addictive 10D6 Mind control, single command Ingested Lichen 2 D6 months
Suaeysit Always Artic L1 10d L5 4s 2d 10gp/50gp energy Slightly addictive 3D6 END aid, fade 5/hour Applied Mineral -2 D6 weeks
Aarl Cas Autumn/Winter Deserts 6d 9d 2sp 4cp/3sp 6cp enhances senses Not addictive Combat Sense 5 hours Ingested Flower -2 D6 days
Ellinrue Summer Caves 1s 1d 1s 8d 5sp 4cp/8sp enhances senses Slightly addictive True sight 1 hour Applied Algae -3 D3 days
Hoth Beetle Spring Sylvan, forests 1d 2d 7cp/1sp 1cp alters perception Not addictive Second Sight 5 hours Applied Insect +1 D3 days
Klagul Summer Grassland L3 2s 6d L5 4s 2d 30gp/50gp alters perception Not addictive IR Vision 5 hours Ingested Moss +1 D3 days
Medalsath Summer Mountainous areas 3d 5d 1sp 4cp/2sp alters perception Slightly addictive UV Vision 5 hours Applied Lichen -1 D6 weeks
Morlian Spring Bog or swamp 4d 6d 1sp 8cp/2sp 6cp enhances senses Not addictive Tracking Skill +5 Applied Sap -1 D6 weeks
Nightcall Summer Desert L5 4s 2d L5 4s 2d 50gp/50gp enhances senses Not addictive Tracking Skill +2 Applied Grass +0 D6 weeks
Pelasithan Summer/Autumn Underdeeps 1s 1s 6d 4sp 8cp/7sp 2cp alters perception Not addictive Clairvoyant trance 5 minutes Ingested Algae +0 D6 days
Peleshen Spring Deserts 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 4cp enhances senses Not addictive Danger Sense 11- 5 hours Applied Insect -4 D6 weeks
Rahf Summer/Autumn Bog or swamp 1s 1s 7d 5sp 1cp/7sp 7cp alters perception Not addictive Clairaudient trance 5 min Ingested Nut -3 D6 weeks
Walthien Autumn/Winter Lakeshore 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/3sp 8cp enhances senses Slightly addictive +3 PER 1 day Applied Grass +1 D6 days
Xaes Summer/Autumn Underdeeps N/A N/A N/A enhances senses Not addictive Direction Sense one hour Breathed Gas -1 n/a
Yaran Autumn Grassland 1s 8d 1s 8d 8sp/8sp enhances senses Slightly addictive 2D6 PER Aid Ingested Fungus +2 D6 months
Zur Winter Underground L1 5s L5 4s 2d 12gp/50gp enhances senses Not addictive 3D6 PER Aid, fade 5/hour Ingested Fruit +1 D3 days
Joldraiven Autumn Bog or swamp 10s 15s 4gp 8sp /7gp 2sp equine stimulant Not addictive 4D6 SPD Aid Ingested Root -1 D6 months
Arrach Winter Sylvan, forests 1s 8d 2s 6d 8sp/1gp 2sp euphoric Very addictive, cannot be used safely Euphoric Ingested Leaf +2 D6 weeks
Krrf Winter/Spring Deserts 1s 1d 1s 7d 5sp 3cp/7sp 9cp euphoric Very addictive, cannot be used safely Euphoric Breathed Root -1 D6 weeks
Lhasa Winter Deep forest, wilds 1s 1s 6d 4sp 8cp/7sp 2cp euphoric Slightly addictive Euphoric Ingested Berry -1 D6 months
Teranya Spring/Summer Rural 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp eye cure Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Insect +1 D6 weeks
Sweet Trefoile Spring/Summe Forest 2s 1d 6s 3d 1gp/3gp falling damage Not addictive Heal 2D6 Ingested Moss -1 D6 days
Breldiar Autumn Sylvan, forests 7d 10d 2sp 9cp/4sp 3cp fatigue Addictive to use Heal 2D6 LTE Ingested Seed -1 D6 days
Eram Autumn Sylvan, forests 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 4cp fatigue Slightly addictive +3D6 END fade 1/minute Ingested Fungus 0 D3 days
Jeggarukh Summer Fresh water 7d 10d 2sp 9cp/4sp 3cp fatigue Very addictive, cannot be used safely Life Support: don’t rec LTE Ingested Pollen -1 D6 weeks
Scapolis Autumn Inhabited areas, urban 7d 10d 2sp 8cp/4sp 2cp fatigue Addictive to use STR costs 0 END 5 hours Ingested Fungus -3 D6 weeks
Wylthian Autumn Sylvan, forests 7d 11d 3sp/4sp 4cp fatigue Addictive to use STR, Run costs 0 END 1 hr Ingested Root +2 D6 weeks
Xelev Summer/Autumn Deep forest, wilds 1s 1d 1s 8d 5sp 4cp/8sp 2cp fatigue Slightly addictive Rec LTE at x4 rate 1 day Ingested Berry -2 D6 days
Hreyochor Autumn Coast 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp fertility Not addictive 4D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Moss +1 D6 days
Attanar Autumn/Winter Grassland 16s 8d 16s 8d 8gp/8gp fevers Slightly addictive 4D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Algae -1 D3 days
Borage Spring Forest 2s 1d L1 10d 1gp/10gp fevers Slightly addictive 3D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Seed -2 D6 weeks
Saracen Confound Summer Rural 2s 1d L2 1s 8d 1gp/20gp fevers Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Bark -3 D6 months
Ash Spring Forest 10s 5d 16s 8d 5gp/8gp fevers,snakebite Slightly addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Algae -1 D6 months
Blue Mallow Autumn/Winter Ocean shore 8d 1s 3sp 4cp/5sp filter air Not addictive LS: Breathe impure air Breathed Stalk -3 D6 days
Kilmakur Summer Ocean shore 6d 9d 2sp 4cp/3sp 6cp fire proetction Not addictive LS: temp extremes 1 hour Applied Vine -2 D3 weeks
Lhach-Ur Autumn Plains 2d 3d 9cp/1sp 3cp flame retardant Not addictive Extinguish fire Applied Stalk 0 D6 months
Lemsang Spring Caves 1d 2d 6cp/1sp food substitute Not addictive Week’s rations Ingested Fungus -1 D6 weeks
Pasamar Summer Ocean shore 4d 7d 1sp 9cp/2sp 9cp food substitute Slightly addictive Food for a day Ingested Flower -1 D3 days
Treas. Berry Summer/Autumn Deep forest, wilds 4d 6d 1sp 8cp/2sp 6cp food substitute Not addictive Full Meal, heal all 1D6 Ingested Berry -3 D6 hours
Ur Winter Grassland 6s 3d 6s 3d 3gp/3gp food substitute Slightly addictive Day’s food Ingested Berry +1 D3 days
Vinuk Summer Grassland 7d 11d 3sp 1cp/4sp 7cp food substitute Not addictive Day’s food Ingested Lichen +0 D6 weeks
Arfandas Autumn/Winter River 5d 7d 2f 2sp/3sp fractures Not addictive Heals bones Applied Moss +1 D6 days
Arfindas Summer Timberline, peaks 3d 4d 1sp 3cp/1sp 9cp fractures Not addictive Heals bones Applied Stalk +2 D6 weeks
Bursthelas Summer Grassland L11 9s 2d L104 3s 4d 110gp/1000gp fractures Not addictive Heals bones and limbs Applied Flower -6 D6 weeks
Comfrey Spring Rural 8s 4d L1 10d 4gp/10gp fractures Not addictive Heals bones and limbs Ingested Berry -4 D6 weeks
Edram Winter River L3 2s 6d L3 2s 6d 30gp/30gp fractures Not addictive Heals bones and limbs Ingested Insect -5 D6 months
Jojojopo Autumn Mountain 1s 10d 2f 1s 10d 2f 9sp/9sp frostbite Slightly addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Grass +1 D6 weeks
Oelendor Summer/Autumn Timberline, peaks 8d 1s 3sp 2cp/4sp 8cp ghost bane Not addictive Affects Desolid 1 minute Applied Root -2 D3 days
Mountain Setwall Always Mountains 2s 1d 6s 3d 1gp/3gp hair growth Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Berry -1 D6 months
Fumitore Spring/Summer Coast 6s 3d 12s 6d 3gp/6gp hair prevention Slightly addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Insect -1 D3 days
Alanal Winter/Spring Ocean shore 5d 7d 1sp 2cp/2sp 2cp hallucinogen Slightly addictive Hallucinogen (drug) Ingested Nut +1 D6 days
Fletharane Summer Desert 1s 4d 2s 6sp 1cp/9sp 1cp hallucinogen Slightly addictive Hallucinogen (drug) Ingested Fruit +0 D6 weeks
Sennal Autumn/Winter Plains 2d 3d 1sp/1sp 4cp hallucinogen Slightly addictive Hallucinogen (drug) Ingested Lichen +1 D6 weeks
Heth Autumn Caves 2d 4d 1sp 1cp/1sp 7cp harden item Not addictive x1.75 defense weapons Applied Pollen -1 D6 months
Carsath Summer Caves 8d 1s 3sp 4cp/5sp harden skin Not addictive Hardens def of skin Applied Root -2 D6 weeks
Tloriss Summer Deep forest, wilds 1s 10d 2s 9d 8sp 8cp/1gp 3sp 2cp heal aging Not addictive Removes unnatural aging Applied Bark -2 D6 weeks
Yin Berry Autumn Deep forest, wilds 2s 1d 3s 1d 1gp/1gp 5sp heal insanity Not addictive Heals insanity 14- Ingested Berry -4 D3 days
Celethien Summer/Autumn Salt Water 2d 3d 1sp/1sp 4cp healilng Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD Applied Moss +1 D3 days
Afwaeth Summer Deserts 9d 1s 2d 3sp 8cp/5sp 8cp healing Not addictive Heals limbs Applied Insect -3 D6 weeks
All-Heale Autumn Forest 4s 2d L1 10d 2gp/10gp healing Not addictive Heals limbs Applied Clove/Bulb -2 D6 months
Amrans Spring River/Rural L5 4s 2d L5 4s 2d 50gp/50gp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD Ingested Nut -1 D6 months
Arkasu Autumn Sylvan, forests 1s 3d 1s 11d 6sp 2cp/9sp 4cp healing Addictive to use 5D6 REC aid fade 5/day Ingested Fruit -2 D3 days
Arlan Autumn Fresh water 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp healing Not addictive Heal 3D6 STN Applied Root +2 D6 months
Arunya Autumn Deep forest, wilds 7d 11d 3sp/4sp 6cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 defenses Applied Bark -1 D6 months
Attanar Spring Plains 4d 6d 1sp 6cp/2sp 4cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 STR Ingested Seed +0 D6 months
Baalak Spring Sylvan, forests 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp healing Not addictive Heals organs Ingested Nut +1 D6 months
Blackroot Summer All 8s 4d 8s 4d 4gp/4gp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 STR Ingested Leaf -2 D6 days
Casrac Autumn Caves 3d 5d 1sp 4cp/2sp 2cp healing Not addictive Paramedic skill at +8 Applied Fungus +2 D6 months
Cusamar Winter Deserts 2d 3d 9cp/1sp 3cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 EGO Ingested Pollen +1 D6 weeks
Darsurion Winter Mountains 7d 2f 7d 2f 3sp/3sp healing Addictive to use Heal 2D6 defenses Applied Pollen +0 D3 weeks
Delrean Winter Timberline, peaks 4d 6d 1sp 8cp/2sp 8cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 DEX Applied Lichen -1 D6 weeks
Draaf Spring Coast 1s 2f 1s 2f 5sp/5sp healing Slightly addictive Heal 5D6 STN Breathed Clove/Bulb +1 D6 weeks
Dragontears Spring Desert L10 8s 4d L10 8s 4d 100gp/100gp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 DEX Ingested Moss -4 D6 weeks
Galenas Spring Fresh water 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/4sp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 PRE and COM Ingested Moss -1 D6 weeks
Gariig Summer Desert L5 14s 7d L7 5s 10d 55gp/70gp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD Applied Fruit -3 D3 days
Gefnul Summer Volcanoes L20 16s 8d L52 1s 8d 200gp/500gp organs Not addictive Heals organs Applied Algae -5 D6 months
Healwell Summer All 2d 2f 2d 2f 1sp/1sp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 PRE and COM Applied Fungus +2 D6 months
Iarfeg Summer/Autumn Mountainous areas 9d 1s 1d 3sp 6cp/5sp 4cp healing Not addictive heal senses Ingested Fruit +1 D3 days
Imlienth Winter/Spring Salt Water 9d 1s 1d 3sp 6cp/5sp 4cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD Ingested Flower -3 D3 days
Isilarth Autumn Deserts 10d 1s 3d 4sp/6sp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 any one below Ingested Vine +0 D6 days
Jihien Spring Plains 5d 7d 2sp 1cp/3sp 1cp healing Not addictive x1 ½ healing catalyst Ingested Grass 1 D6 weeks
Joef Winter Caves 6d 10d 2sp 7cp/4sp 1cp healing Not addictive Heals disease Ingested Nut -2 D3 days
Karfar Autumn/Winter Caves 1s 4d 2s 1d 6sp 7cp/1gp 1cp healing Slightly addictive Heal 4D6 Speed Applied Root -3 D6 weeks
Lestagii Summer/Autumn Sylvan, forests 5d 8d 2sp 3cp/3sp 5cp healing Slightly addictive Heal all below normal 2D6 Ingested Grass +0 D6 weeks
Loncath Spring/Summer Ocean shore 9d 1s 1d 3sp 6cp/5sp 4cp healing Not addictive Heal bones Applied Flower +1 D3 days
Medarch Autumn/Winter Caves 4d 6d 1sp 7cp/2sp 5cp healing Not addictive Regeneration 1 BOD/Hour Ingested Fungus -2 D6 months
Memsar Summer/Autumn Lakeshore 1d 1d 5cp/7cp healing Not addictive Paramedic +3 Ingested Moss -3 D3 days
Mirenna Winter Mountains L1 10d L1 10d 10gp/10gp healing Slightly addictive Heal 4D6 Speed Applied Lichen -2 D6 months
Myrhynn Spring Salt Water 8d 1s 3sp 4cp/5sp healing Not addictive lowers injury level Ingested Leaf +2 D6 months
Nelisse Summer Underdeeps 4d 6d 1sp 7cp/2sp 5cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 REC Ingested Stalk +1 D6 months
Oortlin Summer/Autumn Underdeeps 7d 11d 3sp 1cp/4sp 7cp healing Not addictive Regeneration 1/min 1 hour Ingested Fungus -2 D6 weeks
Qeleviat Winter Underdeeps 5d 7d 2sp 1cp/3sp 1cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD Applied Lichen +1 D6 weeks
Rewk Autumn Sylvan, forests 1s 10d 2f 2s 1d 9sp/1gp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD, 2D6 STN Applied Nut +1 D6 weeks
Rhauga Autumn/Winter Plains 1s 1d 1s 7d 5sp 3cp/7sp 9cp healing Slightly addictive Heal 6D6 BOD Applied Seed -4 D6 months
Serapias Turbith Spring/Summer Grassland 8s 4d 14s 7d 4gp/7gp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 BOD Ingested Root -1 D6 days
Shorlin Spring Inhabited areas, urban 2d 3d 1sp/1sp 4cp healing Not addictive Paramedic +5 roll Applied Sap +3 D3 days
Swuth Summer/Autumn Sylvan, forests 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/3sp 8cp healing Not addictive Heal 3D6 END Ingested Seed -2 D6 weeks
Thurl Autumn Forest 2d 2f 5d 1sp/2sp healing Not addictive Heal 3D6 BOD Applied Sap -3 D6 weeks
Trudurs Winter/Spring Plains 5d 7d 2sp 1cp/3sp 1cp healing Not addictive Heal 2D6 CON Ingested Nut -1 D6 months
Winclamit Spring Forest L10 8s 4d L10 8s 4d 100gp/100gp healing Slightly addictive Heal 3D6 BOD Applied Insect -3 D6 days
Yavethalion Autumn Coast L4 13s 9d L4 13s 9d 45gp/45gp healing Not addictive Paramedic +3 Breathed Fruit -2 D6 months
Kargele Autumn Lakeshore 10s 15s 4gp 8sp /7gp 2sp Healing Slightly addictive Regeneration 1 BOD/Hour Ingested Grass -1 D6 days
Aloe Autumn/Winter Grassland 1d 1f 1d 1f 5cp/5cp healing,burns Not addictive Heal 1D6 INT Ingested Leaf +1 D6 weeks
Fenuminas Summer Lakeshore 10d 1s 3d 4sp/6sp healling Not addictive Heal 2D6 twice Ingested Grass -1 D6 months
Oelesith Summer Fresh water 2d 3d 9cp/1sp 3cp healling Not addictive Heal 1D6 INT Ingested Leaf +2 D6 weeks
Golden Lungwort Always Forest 2s 1d 4s 2d 1gp/2gp heals ears Slightly addictive 4D6 transform, cummulative Applied Mineral -1 D6 weeks
Cat's Tail Summer Forest 2s 1d 6s 3d 1gp/3gp heals heels Very addictive, cannot be used safely 4D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Algae -1 D6 months
Callin Autumn Jungle 10s 5d L2 12s 1d 5gp/25gp heart attacks Not addictive 4D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Gas -2 D6 weeks
Karkatu Autumn Deep forest, wilds 4d 6d 1sp 7cp/2sp 5cp impress Slightly addictive 1D6 Aid PRE, fade 1/hour Applied Flower +1 D3 days
Hawkweed Always Forest 8s 4d 12s 6d 4gp/6gp enhances senses Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Stalk -2 D6 weeks
Megillos Winter Mountains 2s 1d 6s 3d 1gp/3gp enhances senses Not addictive 4D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Sap -1 D6 months
Nuil Berry Winter/Spring Timberline, peaks 7d 11d 3sp/4sp 4cp increase will Slightly addictive +10 EGO roll fade 1/hour Ingested Berry -3 D3 days
Fenurgot Always Timberline, peaks 5d 7d 2sp 1cp/3sp 1cp increases movement Not addictive x2 NC run Ingested Mineral -1 D6 years
Hugar Spring Ocean shore 1s 6d 2s 3d 7sp 4cp/1gp 1sp increases movement Slightly addictive +4D6 SPD Aid, fade 1/turn Ingested Leaf -6 D6 days
Valhath Always Salt Water 4d 7d 1sp 9cp/2sp 9cp increases movement Slightly addictive x2 NC Run Ingested Mineral -2 D6 months
Xanier Summer/Autumn Salt Water 3d 5d 1sp 5cp/2sp 3cp increases movement Not addictive x2 NC Swimming Applied Fish -2 D6 hours
Zoolitic Summer Underdeeps 1d 2d 6cp/1sp increases movement Not addictive +2” leaping Ingested Insect +1 D3 days
Zulsendra Summer Underground L7 5s 10d L7 5s 10d 70gp/70gp increases movement Slightly addictive +3” leaping Ingested Flower +0 D6 months
Zyaw Seed Autumn/Winter Salt Water 1d 2d 6cp/1sp increases movement Not addictive +4” swimming Ingested Seed +0 D3 months
Snakespike Spring Coast 10s 5d 14s 7d 5gp/7gp inflammation Slightly addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Fungus -1 D6 weeks
Bilberry Spring Forest L52 1s 8d L312 10s 500gp/3000gp enhances senses Not addictive +20 PER, fade 1/hour Ingested Insect -6 D6 months
Habsulara Winter Inhabited areas, urban 5d 7d 1sp 2cp/2sp 2cp increase intelligence Not addictive 1D6 Aid INT, fade 1/hour Ingested Root +2 D6 weeks
Cow-Wheat Summer Grassland 4s 2d 6s 3d 2gp/3gp intoxication Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Nut -1 D6 months
Metysso Autumn Deserts 2s 8d 4s 1gp 2sp 2cp/1gp 9sp Invisible Ink Slightly addictive   Ingested Insect +0 D6 days
Marjerome Always Grassland 4s 2d 12s 6d 2gp/6gp jaundice Addictive to use 4D6 transform, cummulative Applied Vine -1 D6 months
Orach Summer Forest 4s 2d L1 10d 2gp/10gp jaundice Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Leaf -1 D6 weeks
Elthargis Spring Fresh water 5d 8d 2sp 3cp/3sp 5cp keep awake Addictive to use Life Support: no sleep 1 day Ingested Fruit -1 D3 days
Nathis Summer/Autumn Inhabited areas, urban 4d 6d 1sp 8cp/2sp 6cp lightsleep Slightly addictive Lightsleep 12 hours Ingested Lichen -2 D6 months
Black Rose Spring/Summer All L10 8s 4d L10 8s 4d 100gp/100gp liquid absorption Very addictive, cannot be used safely   Ingested Stalk -5 D6 weeks
Barberry Summer Rural 8s 4d 18s 9d 4gp/9gp liver disorders Not addictive 2D6 transform, cummulative Applied Flower -1 D6 weeks
Bittermourn Winter Artic L104 3s 4d L104 3s 4d 1000gp/1000gp longevity Not addictive Life Support: no aging 10 years Ingested Clove/Bulb -6 D6 days
Solemia Autumn/Winter Plains 1s 8d 2s 7d 8sp 3cp/1gp 2sp 5cp longevity Very addictive, cannot be used safely Life Support: no aging 1 week Ingested Stalk -2 D6 days
Surinan Autumn/Winter Sylvan, forests 4s 2d 6s 3d 2gp 1/3gp 1f longevity Addictive to use +5 years lifespan Ingested Moss -5 D6 weeks
Cow Parsnip Always Forest 6s 3d L1 10d 3gp/10gp madness Not addictive Cures madness Ingested Moss -4 D6 months
Whist Autumn Sylvan, forests 1s 1s 6d 4sp 9cp/7sp 3cp mage bane Addictive to use 8D6 suppress any spell Ingested Fruit -3 D6 days
Nelthenien Spring/Summer Caves 3d 4d 1sp 3cp/1sp 9cp magical protection Not addictive +5 magic roll DEF Ingested Leaf +1 D6 weeks
Degiik Summer Coast L10 8s 4d L10 8s 4d 100gp/100gp longevity Not addictive Life Support: no aging 1 year Applied Seed -4 D6 months
Woodrose Summer River 2s 1d 2s 1d 1gp/1gp makes merry Not addictive   Ingested Leaf +0 D6 days
Balm Summer Forest 6s 3d 10s 5d 3gp/5gp menstrual pains Not addictive   Ingested Berry -1 D3 weeks
Felmather Winter Bog or swamp 1s 1s 6d 4sp 8cp/7sp 2cp mental link Slightly addictive Mind Link 1 other 1 hour Ingested Bark -3 D6 months
Skelay Summer Bog or swamp 1s 1d 1s 7d 5sp 3cp/7sp 9cp mental link Not addictive Telepathy 5D6, -1D6/min Applied Nut -4 D6 months
Arpusar Autumn River 14s 7d L3 2s 6d 7gp/30gp muscle damage Not addictive Heals muscles Applied Algae -1 D3 days
Ebur Spring Coast 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp muscle damage Not addictive Heals muscles Ingested Moss +2 D3 weeks
Bonaset Spring Inhabited areas, urban 1s 3d 1s 10d 6sp 1cp/9sp 1cp narcotic Very addictive, cannot be used safely narcotic Ingested Moss -2 D3 days
Fanosel Winter Coast 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp narcotic Not addictive narcotic Ingested Seed +0 D6 weeks
Thalotic Autumn Plains 11d 1s 4d 4sp 4cp/6sp 6cp narcotic Addictive to use narcotic Ingested Root +1 D6 weeks
Tirgaeth Winter Deserts 1s 1s 6d 4sp 2cp/7sp narcotic Not addictive narcotic Ingested Sap +1 D6 days
Eldaas Spring/Summer Coast 4s 2d 8s 4d 2gp/4gp nausea Slightly addictive   Ingested Nut -1 D3 days
Belramba Summer Forest L6 5s L18 15s 60gp/180gp nerve damage Not addictive   Applied Lichen -3 D6 days
Terbas Spring Forest 4s 2d 4s 2d 2gp/2gp nerve damage Not addictive   Ingested Root -2 D6 weeks
Tasparth Summer Sylvan, forests 2d 4d 2cp/1sp 1cp ordeal drug Not addictive 1D6 RKA Breathed Flower +2 D6 weeks
Imhassil Winter Plains 9d 1s 1d 3sp 6cp/5sp 4cp organs Not addictive Heal organs Ingested Fruit +1 D3 days
Garden Flax Spring/Summer Forest 6s 3d 12s 6d 3gp/6gp pain relief Addictive to use   Ingested Moss -1 D6 weeks
Pallast Summer Swamp 1s 2f 2s 1d 5sp/1gp pain relief Very addictive, cannot be used safely   Ingested Algae +0 D3 days
Whitecandle Autumn All 10s 5d 10s 5d 5gp/5gp pain relief Not addictive   Applied Fungus -3 D6 weeks
Bishop's Weed Summer Rural 8s 4d L1 10d 4gp/10gp plague Not addictive   Applied Nut -4 D6 weeks
Masterwort Summer Rural 4s 2d 14s 7d 2gp/7gp plague Not addictive   Applied Stalk -2 D6 weeks
White Bryony Autumn Forest 2s 1d 4s 2d 1gp/2gp pneumonia Not addictive   Ingested Root -1 D6 weeks
Ceel Autumn Caves 9d 1s 1d 3sp 6cp/5sp 4cp poison Not addictive Blade AP D6 hits/minutes Applied Root +0 D3 weeks
Doshenkana Spring/Summer Forest 1s 1s 6d 4sp 2cp/7sp poison Not addictive see Poisons Applied Nut +1 D3 weeks
Gaethipa Winter River/Rural 4s 6s 1gp 9sp /2gp 8sp 2cp poison Not addictive see Poisons Ingested Vine -1 D6 weeks
Leortevald Winter Bog or swamp 6d 10d 2sp 1cp/3sp 2cp poison Not addictive see Poisons Applied Stalk +1 D6 days
Wolfsbane Spring Forest L10 8s 4d L10 8s 4d 100gp/100gp poison Not addictive Repels, can heal lycanthrope, also Poisons Applied Leaf +2 D6 weeks
Wylorafina Summer Artic 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp poison Not addictive see Poisons Ingested Fruit +0 D6 weeks
Leopard's Bane Always Grassland 10s 5d 10s 5d 5gp/5gp poison to animals Not addictive   Applied Mineral -2 D6 days
Dylnaca Spring Mountainous areas 3d 4d 1sp 3cp/1sp 9cp preserve food Not addictive Preserves foods Applied Vine -1 D6 months
Carcatu Spring Ocean shore 2s 2d 3s 3d 1gp 4cp/1gp 5sp 6cp preserve life Not addictive Lifekeeping Applied Sap -3 D3 days
Nuilfana Always Caves 2s 6d 3s 9d 1gp 2sp/1gp 8sp preserve life Not addictive Lifekeeping 1 day Applied Mineral -4 D6 years
Ololosse Autumn/Winter Underdeeps 2s 3s 9sp 7cp/1gp 4sp 5cp preserve life Not addictive Lifekeeping Applied Fungus -3 D6 months
Vulcarax Spring/Summer Plains 2s 3s 9sp 8cp/1gp 4sp 6cp preserve life Not addictive Lifekeeping Ingested Clove/Bulb -3 D6 weeks
Zyvyth Summer/Autumn Plains 2s 3d 3s 4d 1gp 8cp/1gp 6sp 2cp preserve life Not addictive Lifekeeping Applied Bark -2 D6 months
Mugwort Summer Rural 4s 2d 8s 4d 2gp/4gp prevents collapse Not addictive   Ingested Fungus -1 D6 weeks
Olvar Winter Coast L31 5s L31 5s 300gp/300gp prevents death Not addictive   Applied Pollen -4 D6 years
Mulith Winter/Spring Mountainous areas 4d 7d 1sp 9cp/2sp 9cp protect sight Not addictive 10 Flash Def fade1/min Applied Flower +0 D3 days
Ycarth Autumn Ocean shore 4d 6d 1sp 6cp/2sp 4cp protect sight Not addictive D6 flash Applied Nut 0 D6 days
Henuiel Spring Deserts 3d 4d 1sp 2cp/1sp 8cp protection from fire Not addictive +1D6 ED, fade 5/min Ingested Grass 0 D6 days
Alormary Spring Plains 2d 3d 1sp/1sp 4cp protection from spirits Not addictive +3 DCV evil spirits/demons Ingested Berry +1 D6 weeks
Aligax Spring/Summer Plains 1d 2d 6cp/8cp protects sight Not addictive 6 Flash DEF one hour Applied Algae 1 D3 days
Atigax Winter Grassland L4 3s 4d L7 5s 10d 40gp/70gp protects sight Very addictive, cannot be used safely   Ingested Clove/Bulb -3 D3 days
Altolas Autumn/Winter Lakeshore 11d 1s 4d 4sp 5cp/6sp 7cp psi enhancement Addictive to use +1 INT, +2D6 magic roll Ingested Clove/Bulb -3 D6 weeks
Caffar Summer/Autumn Desert L1 10d L1 10d 10gp/10gp psi enhancement Not addictive   Breathed Flower -2 D6 weeks
Woak-Foer Winter Sylvan, forests 10d 1s 4d 4sp 3cp/6sp 5cp psi enhancement Not addictive 25 Mental Defense –1/min Ingested Seed -2 D6 weeks
Yoth-Las Autumn Timberline, peaks 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/3sp 8cp psi enhancement Slightly addictive 15 Mental Defense Ingested Grass -1 D6 weeks
Ythlias Autumn Deep forest, wilds 8d 1s 3sp 2cp/4sp 8cp psi enhancement Not addictive Eidetic Memory 1 day Ingested Leaf -2 D3 weeks
Zanarless Summer Bog or swamp 1d 1d 4cp/6cp purify water Not addictive Purify Water Applied Algae 2 D3 days
Tamarindes Always Forest 2s 1d 4s 2d 1gp/2gp quenches thirst Not addictive   Applied Lichen -1 D6 weeks
Elvish Galingale Spring/Summer Forest 2s 1d 4s 2d 1gp/2gp raise bloodflow Not addictive   Applied Moss -1 D6 weeks
Kathuska Winter Wasteland 4d 7d 1sp 9cp/2sp 9cp raise strength Slightly addictive 3D6 Aid STR, fade 1/min Applied Vine +0 D6 days
Degaec Winter Deep forest, wilds 8d 1s 3sp 2cp/4sp 8cp reflexes Slightly addictive +2D6 DEX, fade 1/minute Ingested Sap -1 D3 days
Alastor Spring Caves 11d 1s 5d 4sp 6cp/6sp 8cp regen Slightly addictive Regen 1 BOD/5 hrs 1 day Ingested Vine -3 D6 days
Oleanth Winter Timberline, peaks 10d 1s 3d 4sp/6sp remove sleep Not addictive LS: puts off sleep 1 week Applied Seed -4 D6 months
Asarabacca Summer/Autumn Forest 6s 3d 14s 7d 3gp/7gp renders docile Not addictive 10D6 Mind control, single command Applied Nut -2 D3 days
Bragolith Summer Bog or swamp 3d 4d 1sp 3cp/1sp 9cp repel insects Not addictive Repel insects 1 hour Applied Grass +0 D3 days
Bastit Always All 7d 2f 7d 2f 3sp/3sp repels insects Slightly addictive Repel insects 3 hours Applied Fruit -1 D6 weeks
Mountain Garlick Always Mountains 16s 8d 18s 9d 8gp/9gp repels spirits? Not addictive   Ingested Mineral -2 D3 days
Melander Winter River 2s 6d 4s 2d 12sp/20sp resist disease Not addictive   Ingested Sap -3 D6 weeks
Pargen Summer Jungle L208 6s 8d L208 6s 8d 2000gp/2000gp resurrection Addictive to use   Breathed Leaf -8 D3 days
Throw-Waxe Spring/Summer Forest 4s 2d 6s 3d 2gp/3gp scarring Not addictive   Ingested Sap -2 D6 weeks
Makebate Always Desert 2s 1d 4s 2d 1gp/2gp scorpion stings Not addictive   Ingested Fruit -1 D6 weeks
Rose Campion Summer Forest 2s 1d 6s 3d 1gp/3gp scorpion stings Not addictive   Applied Pollen -1 D6 weeks
Berethien Autumn Mountainous areas 9d 1s 2d 3sp 9cp/5sp 9cp shifter bane Not addictive 4D6 suppress all adj. powers Ingested Vine -4 D6 days
Hare's Ears Summer Mountain 4s 2d 10s 5d 2gp/5gp skin disease Not addictive   Breathed Root -2 D3 days
Bull-Rush Always Swamp 5d 7d 2f 2sp/3sp sleep Slightly addictive   Ingested Mineral -2 D3 days
Mandrake Always Forest 6s 3d 10s 5d 3gp/5gp sleep Not addictive   Ingested Mineral -2 D3 days
Nightshade Summer Forest 8s 4d 16s 8d 4gp/8gp sleep Addictive to use   Ingested Flower -2 D6 weeks
Pattran Summer Forest L1 10d L1 10d 10gp/10gp sleep Not addictive   Applied Fungus -3 D3 days
Dragonwort Spring Mountain L10 8s 4d L31 5s 100gp/300gp smallpox,plague Slightly addictive   Breathed Lichen -4 D3 days
Willow-Herb Summer Forest 10s 5d 10s 5d 5gp/5gp snake repellent Not addictive   Ingested Clove/Bulb -2 D6 weeks
Land Caltrops Summer Forest 4s 2d 10s 5d 2gp/5gp snakebite Not addictive   Ingested Pollen -1 D6 weeks
Colewort Spring/Summer Forest 1s 3d 1s 3d 6sp/6sp sobriety Very addictive, cannot be used safely   Ingested Algae +1 D6 days
Hithe Summer/Autumn Plains 4d 7d 1sp 9cp/2sp 9cp soften rock Not addictive Drain 2D6 DEF rock Applied Clove/Bulb -3 D3 days
Lavaryctia Always Fresh water 2s 3s 9sp 1cp/1gp 4sp 1cp Sopoforic Slightly addictive   Ingested Mineral +0 D6 weeks
Baicheng Autumn/Winter Timberline, peaks 10d 1s 3d 4sp 2cp/6sp 2cp speed recovery Not addictive +5 REC for one day Ingested Insect +1 D6 days
Lisleaf Winter Lakeshore 6d 9d 2sp 6cp/3sp 8cp speed recovery Slightly addictive 3D6 Aid REC fade 1/hour Applied Leaf -1 D6 days
Pech Alar Winter/Spring Caves 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 4cp speed recovery Slightly addictive 1D6 REC Aid fade 1/day Ingested Fungus +1 D6 weeks
Qualis Spring/Summer Plains 5d 8d 2sp 2cp/3sp 2cp speed recovery Not addictive 4D6 REC Aid, fade 1/min Ingested Berry +1 D6 days
Spiderwort Spring/Summer Chalky soil 8s 4d L1 10d 4gp/10gp spider bites Very addictive, cannot be used safely   Applied Fungus -1 D6 weeks
Quenyith Always Deep forest, wilds 10d 1s 3d 4sp 1cp/6sp 1cp spirit combat Very addictive, cannot be used safely +8 Magic Roll (astral com) Breathed Mineral -2 D6 months
Slirth Summer Sylvan, forests 2d 3d 9cp/1sp 3cp start a fire Not addictive Start a fire Applied Nut +3 D6 weeks
Olrui / Monogium Always Ocean shore 1s 9d 2s 7d 8sp /1gp 2sp 1cp Stimulant Not addictive   Applied Mineral +0 D3 days
Arva Winter Timberline, peaks 8s 12s 3gp 8sp 1cp/5gp 7sp 1cp strength Not addictive 3D6 Aid STR, fade 1/min Ingested Nut -2 D3 days
Na Felmath Summer/Autumn Ocean shore 7d 10d 2sp 9cp/4sp 3cp summon fish Not addictive Mind Scan and summon Ingested Grass -3 D6 days
Culkas Always Desert L3 12s 11d L3 12s 11d 35gp/35gp sunburn Slightly addictive 3D6 transform, cummulative Applied Seed -4 D6 weeks
Burdock Spring Rural L1 10d L3 2s 6d 10gp/30gp syphilis Not addictive 3D6 transform, cummulative Ingested Seed -2 D6 weeks
Heathseed Winter Deserts 5d 7d 2sp/3sp time sense Addictive to use Absolute Time Sense 1 day Ingested Nut +0 D6 weeks
Arnuminas Autumn Grassland 12s 6d 12s 6d 6gp/6gp tissue damage Slightly addictive 3D6 Aid REC fade 1/hour Applied Berry -2 D3 days
Dagmather Summer Grassland 12s 6d L2 18s 4d 6gp/28gp tissue damage Not addictive 4D6 Aid REC fade 1/hour Applied Lichen -3 D6 weeks
Taegu Summer/Autumn Plains 8d 1s 3sp 4cp/5sp 2cp trackless step Not addictive Light Tread 1 hour Applied Vine -4 D6 days
Athelas Autumn Deep forest, wilds 1s 2d 1s 9d 5sp 8cp/8sp 6cp universal antidote Slightly addictive Heal 1D6 all, once per hour Breathed Flower -4 D3 days
Yulpris Autumn/Winter Sylvan, forests L2 L3 19gp 2sp /28gp 8sp universal antidote Not addictive Heal 3D6 all, once per hour Ingested Berry -6 D6 weeks
Fetherfew Summer Forest 4s 2d 8s 4d 2gp/4gp vertigo Not addictive 3D6 transform, cummulative Applied Vine +1 D6 weeks
Calerieth Spring Bog or swamp 4d 6d 1sp 7cp/2sp 5cp wall climbing Not addictive Clinging 5 minutes Applied Seed -1 D6 weeks
Garlic Autumn/Winter Inhabited areas, urban 1f 1f 1cp/1cp wards evil Not addictive Wards vampires and spirits Applied Clove/Bulb +4 D6 weeks
Alshaana Winter/Spring Timberline, peaks 4d 6d 1sp 7cp/2sp 5cp warmth Slightly addictive Life Support: cold one day Ingested Clove/Bulb +2 D6 months
Palma Eldath Always Mountains 6s 3d 6s 3d 3gp/3gp warmth Slightly addictive Life Support: cold one week Applied Berry -2 D6 weeks
Polsander Always Fresh water 8d 1s 3sp 3cp/4sp 9cp wood bane Not addictive 2D6 AP vs wood Applied Mineral -1 D6 months
Becthies Always Deep forest, wilds 1s 6d 2s 3d 7sp 4cp/1gp 1sp 2cp alters perception Slightly addictive Retrocognition: 5 minutes Ingested Mineral -5 D6 hours



This is the common name of herbs used in many countries. Some races and countries have variations on these names. The names are largely Elven in origin, or a 'humanization' of elven terms.


What time of year you can expect to find harvestable quantities of this herb.


The Herb given will rarely be found in more than one type of clime or environment. The list shows the primary area the herb can be found. This does not mean that a given herb cannot ever be found in any other clime or place, simply that this is the primary, most likely place the herb can be discovered. For example, Mountainous Herbs can be found in high plains and forests on occasion, or in Timberline areas sometimes, depending on the type of herb. Each separate herb has it's own ecology and areas it can and will grow or be discovered in.


The usual price range for a given herb. In Western Shores pennies.


The usual price range for a given herb. In Fantasy Hero gold pieces.


The general use to which people put this herb. This column is what the list is sorted by.


Many herbs are addictive, with a chance each usage of addicting the user. The addictive factor is listed under "ADD?".

The affects of addition are very devastating, first of all causing the Herb in question to cease having any beneficial effects whatsoever. The hooked character will suffer various other effects based on the herb (such as loss of DEX, INT, or a Physical Limitation added to the character). In addition, not using the herb can cause severe withdrawal effects. These will include loss of physical characteristics (with figured characteristics), pain, unconsciousness, nausea, and even death. Should the herb's hold be broken, it will once again take full effect should it ever be taken again.

Most of the useful, simple healing herbs and similar types have no addictive factor, whereas most the very useful, powerful ones are addictive.


The effect of the drug in terms of the rules.


This gives a simple description for how the herb is used.


A handy way for the GM to decide if a given Herb can be purchased at a store is to look down the list for ones that would grow nearby and roll for each one that he is willing the players able to get. Treat a given shop owner as having an 11- herbalism roll, modified by the rarity (see below). For each 2 the roll is made by, there is a dose of the herb available. More skillful merchants, those with better contacts, or those in an area with more herb growth may have a higher roll.


Finding these herbs is not always an easy task. The chance for someone without herbalist skill, assuming they know where to look, is 8 . The chance of finding an herb is modified by the Rarity factor ( 3, +0, +2), which indicates how rare and unusual this herb is. Each person assisting in the search of an herb adds one to this chance, until +3 is achieved, when the number doubles (+1 per six people). This continues to double each +3 achieved (100 people gives a +14 chance).

Each three under the required roll discovers an additional dose of the herb desired. A natural roll of three would probably also find another herb (roll luck/unluck for fortune). It takes a turn of looking to find an herb a base of one minute, and each step up the time chart taken looking gives a +1 to the roll as well. If the roll is failed, there quite simply is not the herb there at all; in addition, the GM may rule that the herb cannot be found under any circumstances.


The is the form the herb will be found in.


Like most food, herbs will not last indefinitely. The storage code gives how long the given herb will last in it's base form, before preparation, assuming reasonable storage and normal conditions. Hot, wet conditions will greatly cut this storage time, as cold dry conditions will lengthen it. The storage code is a simple roll for the given herb, in hours, days, weeks, months, or (rarely) years. There are spells and items that can keep things safe and pure for much longer than this storage time, and often in prepared form the herb can last much longer, or often much shorter.

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