Aerfal Brighella

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Name (Player)

brief description Aerfal, delver into magic, a sly and subtle cultured man. He is a thief amongst mages and common folk alike, a tricker of demons and bender of oaths, always ready with a cutting observation and an infuriating mein to the rich and powerful. Not liked but respected, for his aims [which are always his own] often coincided with those of the rulers of clan and nation...tear down magicians who use their powers for ill, whether by sword or word or subtle unbinding magics of his own. He regards fate as his only master, irony as his companion and honest people as his only bane [he is perplexed by his own inability to take due advantage of them]. He is fascinated by the just and innocent, bored with cruelty and power and mourns the loss of his only true friend - Dubhalle the black, a warrior of simple causes.

Return to power. His heart is empty and only the workings of fate could restore it...that or the return of the man who was his conscience.

Hero Points: 1
Adversity/Benefit: 0

Thief amongst Mages:' 1W

  • Spellbinding +6 [metamagic, magic that effects magic. Particularly with regards to binding and unbinding, unravelling spells and charms or returning things to a natural state. Can have no effect on anything 'natural']
  • A thousand little charms +1 [Workaday magic, never too effective but often just enough. The magic learned through generations of trial and error that 'flies under the radar' of terrible consequence. He's the guy in runequest with his int and allied spirits int full of spirit magic. Limit as you see fit for the background.]
  • A tricker of Demons +1 [Has a knack for dealing with demons, whether in combat, contract or spell.]
  • Sneaky +1 [He's not large, doesn't stand out, never draws attention and naturally covers his back]
  • Quick as a snake +4 [almost unnatural quickness]
  • "A thief is all about skill" +1 [Uses non-magical approaches for skullduggery]

Urban Dilettante of the southern city States [ancient Minothay]: 17

  • Witty and urbane +6 [ Well spoken and adaptable in social situations. Winning.]
  • A well rounded education +3 [knows the classics, the arts, finery, flags and politics, etc all hopelessly out of date]
  • Sinister and Dexter [twin blades] +3

Others: A nasty piece of work 16 [Underneath it all, he is dead inside and a ruthless bastard. He will do abominable things if there's a point to it.]


  • In thrall to Aziria, witch-queen 1W
  • Flaw 1W Overly picky [fine points of knowledge, grooming, etc that others get, in his belief, utterly wrong, drive him nuts]
  • Flaw 17 Cannot take advantage of an honest sucker. [perplexing but true]
  • Flaw 13 Bored with power and majesty [ Which sometimes shows a little too much...]


  • Nine chargen points left to spend.Spent
  • To return to power: Find something that stirs his dead heart. Failing that, to have his friend alive again.
  • Died 300 years ago
  • Ability checks: sinister and dexter?


  • We will need a name to make a character sheet for you - place double square brackets around your character name on the front page of this game on the wiki. Go to that page, copy the above text (after pressing edit) in and save. You now have a template sheet you can edit.
  • Come up with a character concept. Please try and think in terms already of two main areas: the character's Schtick and the character's Hinterland. these will be your two keywords. Edit them in in the relevant spots.
    • Schtick should be something like Savage Warrior, Swordsage, Master Thief, Fire Wizard, or something more off the wall.
    • Hinterland should be your homeland, for example Plains nomad, Mountain man/woman, Urban noble, and so on. this ought to give you a set of secondary abilities that will help.
    • Choose which is most important of these two keywords - leave this as 1W; leave the other as 17.
    • Note that there are a number of assumed abilities or traits under each keyword. If your keyword is Savage Warrior, for example, you can already fight, be savage, tough, intimidating and so on. If you ar a plains nomad, you can already see far, ride, resist the sun, track, hunt, work leather. You cannot, however, do this quite as well as that 1W or 17, so you may wish to specify some abilities or traits in the next step.
  • You may now choose ten abilities. At least one must be a personality trait (proud, ambitious, sly, savage, etc) and at least one a relationship with someone (or something) now long-dead (presumably).
    • If these come under one of your keywords, place them there. They will have a starting rating of the keyword +1.
    • Otherwise place them below under 'Other' - they will have a starting rating of 13.
    • If you can't decide on all ten, fill them in as you go. Note that I have left 'Ability 10', Ability 9' and so on under other, to keep a track of this.
  • Choose between 1 and 3 flaws. Something which will be fun when it causes your character to fail at something (e.g. your character has an unrequited love, is terribly argumentative, only more interesting). Place these under the flaws and keep the ratings of 1W, 17 and 13. Note that you already have one flaw. Note also that I define flaws as things that will more often hinder than help. I like them to help every now and again, and for abilities to hinder.
  • You now have 20 points to allocate to abilities (not to keywords). You may add a maximum of 10 to any single ability.
  • You may now delete this text from your character sheet.