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Custom Charms
Tiger-Warrior's Endurance
Cost: —; Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The Solar's wargear weighs lightly on her soul as well as her body. Purchase of this Charm grants an auxiliary peripheral mote pool containing (Essence + Resistance + 5) motes. The Solar may only use this pool to pay for artifact commitment or activation costs. When this pool runs out, the character may then use her personal and peripheral mote pools to pay for artifact commitments or activations. This mote pool refills by normal means, including stunts. A repurchase of Tiger-Warrior's Endurance at Essence 4+ doubles this mote pool. Another purchase at Essence 5+ instead triples it.
Lunars learn a similar Charm called Moonsilver Second Skin, which requires Stamina 5 and Essence 3, and may only be used to attune moonsilver artifacts.
Dancing Spark Invigoration
Cost: —; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Reactor
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Dipping Swallow Defense
Many combatants can find joy in adversity, thrilling at the clash of blades and the play of swords. But what few of them understand is how to draw strength from it, how to claim victory in their hearts and make the universe follow. Whenever the Solar successfully avoids an attack by applying his Parry DV, he gains (attacker’s Essence / 2, round up) motes in step 10. This Charm is subject to the following limitations:
• The attack must be made with intent to injure the Lawgiver, and must also be capable of harming him. For example, this Charm would offer no benefit if the character were attacked with a firewand while carrying a hearthstone which rendered him immune to fire.
• The Charm offers no benefit if the Solar defends himself with a Charm carrying a Flaw of Invulnerability.
• Dancing Spark Invigoration is incompatible with any other Charm which grants the character motes of Essence.
Hammer of Dawn
Cost: 3m; Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Tiger Technique
Rationing his strength for the times when it is most needed, the Lawgiver strikes down upon his enemy with furious anger in his moment of victory. This Charm doubles the base damage (before adding attack successes) of a successful attack in Step 7. Against inanimate objects, the Charm instead doubles the raw damsge (including successes). Additionally, Hungry Tiger Technique becomes a Reflexive (Step 7) Charm upon purchase of this Charm.
Steel Devil Style
Cost: —(+2m); Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ready In Eight Directions Stance, Fivefold Bulwark Stance
The Solar's mastery of battle is as the rocks of the eternal shore; his foes crash upon it and are broken. This Charm permanently enhances the Solar's Fivefold Bulwark Stance Charm. By committing an extra 2 motes when invoking it, he now ignores penalties from coordinated attacks as well as onslaught penalties and reducing the penalties from his own actions by 1 each. In addition, as long as the Fivefold Bulwark Stance is active, he may make reflexive (Step 9) counterattacks whenever he is attacked.
At Essence 5+, a second purchase permits the Solar to ignore any penalties to his Parry DV. Effects which would negate his Parry DV instead halve it. In addition, counterattacks while this Charm is active now gain (Essence) automatic successeses on their attack rolls.
Snake-Seizing Mongoose Methodology
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Wits 4, Essence 3 ; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Meerkat Alertness Practice
While the Lunars are often known as Stewards of Creation, their guardianship is one of active, dynamic vigilance. If a Lunar appears to be waiting to receive an attack, it is only because he perceives the possibility of an exploitable opening in the delicious moment between his opponent's mental resolution to attack and the physical coalescing of that resolution. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite. For the additional cost of 1wp, the Lunar may automatically surpass all other attempts at Joining Battle, War, or Debate, perfectly securing the primacy of his initiative. Against foes with other forms of perfect initiative-granting magic, all involved roll for initiative normally. He still automatically acts before any other participants who lack such potent magic.
Eclipse Phase Guardian
Cost: —; Mins: Charisma 5, Essence 3 ; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Boundary-Marking Meditation
The Lunars were created to be custodians of Creation, the rightful owners of which are their Solar Exalted mates; even when the Sun turns his face from his domain in that rarest of all solar phenomena, the eclipse, the Moon continues her vigil. The Steward manages an act of consummate metaphysical trickery: she can lay claim to that which belongs to another, sharing that ownership instead of disputing it. This enables her to use Boundary-Marking Meditation on territory owned by her Solar mate, enabling both of them to jointly own it. The Solar is automatically exempt from the -1 external penalty that Boundary-Marking Meditation inflicts. While both mates are present in this territory and acting in harmony, they upgrade their stunts by one level (natural 3-dice stunts are unaffected).
This Charm is not dependent on the consent of the Lunar's mate to function.
Custom Charm Template
Cost: —; Mins: Ability, Essence ; Type:
Custom Artifacts
The Sword From The Stone (Artifact 5)
This ornate daiklave is named for its origins in the Primordial War, when a Solar Exalt of the Dawn Caste pulled it from a vast boulder, and by doing so, cemented his right to lead the Exalted host against the Primordials. Though its bearer was slain swiftly in the opening moves of the Primordial War and the sword thought lost, its mystic link to the Solar's Exaltation ensured that it could always be drawn by the Lawgiver whose soul-shard it was attuned to. The Sword passed from Exalt to Exalt, some of whom favored the blade, others who did not, but in all cases, possession of and attunement to this daiklave was considered official proof of the right to command the Exalted in the Titanomachy.
The Solar Merela was the last person to carry it during the Primordial War, and she kept it on her person as a symbol of the burden of leadership she and all her predecessors had to bear. When she was laid low by the Usurpation, the Sword vanished with her... only to reappear in the hands of Janne's Jomsdottir, when she drew it from the light of her soul to defend her people from harm. Now, it only has a fraction of its former power... but it is still a potent relic of a bygone Age, and none can deny its puissance in a capable wielder's hands.
The Sword from the Stone is an improved base daiklave with the orichalcum magical material bonus. It has two hearthstone sockets and the following statline: Speed 4 Acc +5 Dam 6L Def +3 Rate 4, Keywords: P and costs 8 motes to attune. In addition, it has the following special abilities, most of which must be activated with the expenditure of Essence. It costs 8 motes to attune.
- Edge of Morning Sunlight: The Sword's edge is sharpened by its wielder's focus and dedication. By spending 3 motes, it becomes Holy and adds the wielder's highest Virtue to Accuracy and Damage for the scene.
- Barrier of the Wind King: An ancient blessing by the spirits of air ensure that it strikes with the speed of a gale and the silence of a breeze. By spending 3 motes, the Sword is cloaked by an invisible mass of flowing wind currents, reducing the DVs of anyone who defends against it by 2.
- Man And Sword As One: Without its original scabbard, the Sword of the Stone is sheathed in the soul of its wielder. The bearer may sheath it within her anima for 1 committed mote and draw it by releasing the commitment, both as reflexive actions. The Sword cannot be deattuned, damaged, or disarmed in any way while the owner commits motes to it.